43 research outputs found

    Reactivation of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) Detected on Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) Samples in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients Undergoing Invasive Mechanical Ventilation: Preliminary Results from Two Italian Centers

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    Reactivation of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) has been described in critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia. In the present two-center retrospective experience, we primarily aimed to assess the cumulative risk of HSV-1 reactivation detected on bronchoalveolar fluid (BALF) samples in invasively ventilated COVID-19 patients with worsening respiratory function. The secondary objectives were the identification of predictors for HSV-1 reactivation and the assessment of its possible prognostic impact. Overall, 41 patients met the study inclusion criteria, and 12/41 patients developed HSV-1 reactivation (29%). No independent predictors of HSV-1 reactivation were identified in the present study. No association was found between HSV-1 reactivation and mortality. Eleven out of 12 patients with HSV-1 reactivation received antiviral therapy with intravenous acyclovir. In conclusion, HSV-1 reactivation is frequently detected in intubated patients with COVID-19. An antiviral treatment in COVID-19 patients with HSV-1 reactivation and worsening respiratory function might be considered

    Arranjo de semeadura para cultivares decumbentes precoces de amendoim.

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    O amendoim é uma cultura importante para a diversificação dos sistemas de produção agrícola no Brasil. O estado de São Paulo é o maior produtor, onde o amendoim é cultivado principalmente em áreas de renovação de canaviais. Cultivares ?Runner? precoces foram desenvolvidas recentemente, demandando estudos sobre espaçamentos e arranjos de semeadura mais adequados para estes genótipos de crescimento mais determinado que as cultivares ?Runner? tradicionais. A linhagem 2013-413 OL apresenta crescimento mais determinado e foi utilizada em um ensaio para avaliar arranjos de semeadura. O ensaio foi instalado na área experimental da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão em Santo Antônio de Goiás-GO, em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições e três tratamentos: T1: 90 cm; T2: 73 cm x 17 cm e T3: de 75 cm. Cada parcela foi composta por quatro linhas, somente as duas linhas centrais foram avaliadas. Os resultados mostraram que no espaçamento 90 cm a produtividade foi obtida foi de 3564,81 kg ha-1, no espaçamento de 73 cm x 17 cm obteve-se 3958,33 kg ha-1 e no espaçamento de 75 cm obteve-se 4511,11 kg ha-1

    Forage mass estimation in silvopastoral and full sun systems: evaluation through proximal remote sensing applied to the SAFER model.

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    Abstract: The operational slowness in the execution of direct methods for estimating forage mass, an important variable for defining the animal stocking rate, gave rise to the need for methods with faster responses and greater territorial coverage. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate a method to estimate the mass of Urochloa brizantha cv. BRS Piatã in shaded and full sun systems, through proximal sensing applied to the Simple Algorithm for Evapotranspiration Retrieving (SAFER) model, applied with the Monteith Radiation Use Efficiency (RUE) model. The study was carried out in the experimental area of Fazenda Canchim, a research center of Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, São Carlos, SP, Brazil (21°57′S, 47°50′W, 860 m), with collections of forage mass and reflectance in the silvopastoral systems animal production and full sun. Reflectance data, as well as meteorological data obtained by a weather station installed in the study area, were used as input for the SAFER model and, later, for the radiation use efficiency model to calculate the fresh mass of forage. The forage collected in the field was sent to the laboratory, separated, weighed and dried, generating the variables of pasture total dry mass), total leaf dry mass, leaf and stalk dry mass and leaf area index. With the variables of pasture, in situ, and fresh mass, obtained from SAFER, the training regression model, in which 80% were used for training and 20% for testing the models. The SAFER was able to promisingly express the behavior of forage variables, with a significant correlation with all of them. The variables that obtained the best estimation performance model were the dry mass of leaves and stems and the dry mass of leaves in silvopastoral and full sun systems, respectively. It was concluded that the association of the SAFER model with the proximal sensor allowed us to obtain a fast, precise and accurate forage estimation method

    O Design Universal Para Apprendizagem e a Pedagogia das Estacoes: As Multiplas Temporalidades / Espacialidades do Aprender nas Escolas.

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    This article explores school inclusion processes, with a view to problematizing the learning hegemonies of time and space in educational institutions. It presents partial results of the research project; 'A Escola Para Todos' (The School for All) and responds to the question: How can Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which is somewhat similar to the 'pedagogy of the seasons,' qualify inclusive experiences in schools? By providing an integrative review of the salient features of UDL and pedagogy of the seasons, the paper questions the hegemony of time-space teaching and learning in schools by drawing on narrative theory. Methodologically, this part of the research provides an integrated reflection on critical conceptual attributes incorporating; UDL, the temporalities and spatialities of learning, and concepts of inclusive education. The results of this stage of the research show that it is necessary to overcome the hegemony of time and linear space in learning and teaching processes in order to arrive at school inclusion. Despite similarities between UDL and 'pedagogy of the seasons' tensions remain between these approaches. Not least as reflected in the overcoming of paradoxes such as the necessity to address universal requirements while also tending to particular learner requirements, or equally, while recognizing the variability of strategies without losing sight of more global pedagogical approaches. This challenge is accentuated when the UDL concept of 'expert learners' is further interrogated

    Temporal transcriptional response to latency reversing agents identifies specific factors regulating HIV-1 viral transcriptional switch

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    Background: Latent HIV-1 reservoirs are identified as one of the major challenges to achieve HIV-1 cure. Currently available strategies are associated with wide variability in outcomes both in patients and CD4+ T cell models. This underlines the critical need to develop innovative strategies to predict and recognize ways that could result in better reactivation and eventual elimination of latent HIV-1 reservoirs. Results and discussion: In this study, we combined genome wide transcriptome datasets post activation with Systems Biology approach (Signaling and Dynamic Regulatory Events Miner, SDREM analyses) to reconstruct a dynamic signaling and regulatory network involved in reactivation mediated by specific activators using a latent cell line. This approach identified several critical regulators for each treatment, which were confirmed in follow-up validation studies using small molecule inhibitors. Results indicate that signaling pathways involving JNK and related factors as predicted by SDREM are essential for virus reactivation by suberoylanilide hydroxamic acid. ERK1/2 and NF-κB pathways have the foremost role in reactivation with prostratin and TNF-aα, respectively. JAK-STAT pathway has a central role in HIV-1 transcription. Additional evaluation, using other latent J-Lat cell clones and primary T cell model, also confirmed that many of the cellular factors associated with latency reversing agents are similar, though minor differences are identified. JAK-STAT and NF-κB related pathways are critical for reversal of HIV-1 latency in primary resting T cells. Conclusion: These results validate our combinatorial approach to predict the regulatory cellular factors and pathways responsible for HIV-1 reactivation in latent HIV-1 harboring cell line models. JAK-STAT have a role in reversal of latency in all the HIV-1 latency models tested, including primary CD4+ T cells, with additional cellular pathways such as NF-κB, JNK and ERK 1/2 that may have complementary role in reversal of HIV-1 latency