11,297 research outputs found

    Three-Dimensional Topological Insulator in a Magnetic Field: Chiral Side Surface States and Quantized Hall Conductance

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    Low energy excitation of surface states of a three-dimensional topological insulator (3DTI) can be described by Dirac fermions. By using a tight-binding model, the transport properties of the surface states in a uniform magnetic field is investigated. It is found that chiral surface states parallel to the magnetic field are responsible to the quantized Hall (QH) conductance (2n+1)e2h(2n+1)\frac{e^2}{h} multiplied by the number of Dirac cones. Due to the two-dimension (2D) nature of the surface states, the robustness of the QH conductance against impurity scattering is determined by the oddness and evenness of the Dirac cone number. An experimental setup for transport measurement is proposed

    Knowledge-Aided STAP Using Low Rank and Geometry Properties

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    This paper presents knowledge-aided space-time adaptive processing (KA-STAP) algorithms that exploit the low-rank dominant clutter and the array geometry properties (LRGP) for airborne radar applications. The core idea is to exploit the fact that the clutter subspace is only determined by the space-time steering vectors, {red}{where the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization approach is employed to compute the clutter subspace. Specifically, for a side-looking uniformly spaced linear array, the} algorithm firstly selects a group of linearly independent space-time steering vectors using LRGP that can represent the clutter subspace. By performing the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, the orthogonal bases of the clutter subspace are obtained, followed by two approaches to compute the STAP filter weights. To overcome the performance degradation caused by the non-ideal effects, a KA-STAP algorithm that combines the covariance matrix taper (CMT) is proposed. For practical applications, a reduced-dimension version of the proposed KA-STAP algorithm is also developed. The simulation results illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms, and show that the proposed algorithms converge rapidly and provide a SINR improvement over existing methods when using a very small number of snapshots.Comment: 16 figures, 12 pages. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 201

    A direct calculation of critical exponents of two-dimensional anisotropic Ising model

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    Using an exact solution of the one-dimensional (1D) quantum transverse-field Ising model (TFIM), we calculate the critical exponents of the two-dimensional (2D) anisotropic classical Ising model (IM). We verify that the exponents are the same as those of isotropic classical IM. Our approach provides an alternative means of obtaining and verifying these well-known results.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, accepted by Commun. Theor. Phys.(IPCAS

    VLBA 24 and 43 GHz observations of massive binary black hole candidate PKS 1155+251

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    PKS 1155+251 is a radio-loud quasar source at z=0.203. Observations using very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) at ~2, 5, 8 and 15 GHz show that the structure of the radio source is quite complicated on parsec scales and that the outer hot spots are apparently undergoing a significant contraction. Because these results cannot be fully explained based on the compact symmetric object (CSO) scenario with a radio core located between the northern and southern complexes, we made observations with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) at 24 and 43 GHz to search for compact substructures and alternative interpretations. The results show that the radio core revealed in the previous VLBI observations remains compact with a flat spectrum in our sub-milli-arcsecond--resolution images; the northern lobe emission becomes faint at 24 GHz and is mostly resolving out at 43 GHz; the southern complex is more bright but has been resolved into the brightest southern-end (S1) and jet or tail alike components westwards. Explaining the southern components aligned westward with a standard CSO scenario alone remains a challenge. As for the flatter spectral index of the southern-end component S1 between 24 and 43 GHz in our observations and the significant 15 GHz VLBA flux variability of S1, an alternative scenario is that the southern complex may be powered by a secondary black hole residing at S1. But more sensitive and high-resolution VLBI monitoring is required to discriminate the CSO and the binary black hole scenarios.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Lifetime Test for Optical Transmitters in the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout System

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    Accelerated lifetime test has been carried out for 147 days on the custom-made optical transmitters used in the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter front-end electronics readout system. The lifetime of these optical transmitters is estimated to be greater than 200 years and exceeds the design goal for the LHC. The random failure rate has been estimated at 9.6´10-7 per hour at 90% confidence level

    In an Attempt to Introduce Long-range Interactions into Small-world Networks

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    Distinguishing the long-range bonds with the regular ones, the critical temperature of the spin-lattice Guassian model built on two typical Small-world Networks (SWNs) is studied. The results show much difference from the classical case, and thus may induce some more accurate discussion on the critical properties of the spin-lattice systems combined with the SWNs.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 18 referenc

    Visualization in Human-Centered Virtual Factories

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    In a manufacturing system (MS), a wide range of human activities are applied in production processes. The human factor plays a core role and should be incorporated into the design, planning and decision making processes. In this work we describe different definitions, developments and existing concepts of a Virtual Factory (VF) and discuss VFs from the human oriented point of view. Furthermore, we analyze the potential need and use of visualization methods in VF study and propose a human-centered VF concept. Following this concept we introduce an example implementation and describe how our model facilitates the decision making and design process in MS. In addition, we show an example of a noise analysis of working environment, which is based on our virtual factory model

    Catching butterflies in the sky: Extended catalog of winged or X-shaped radio sources from the latest FIRST data release

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    We present a catalog of 290 "winged" or X-shaped radio galaxies (XRGs) extracted from the latest (2014 December 17) data release of the "Very Large Array Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty centimeter." We have combined these radio images with their counterparts in the TIFR GMRT sky survey at 150 MHz, in an attempt to identify any low surface brightness radio emission present in these sources. This has enabled us to assemble a sample of 106 "strong" XRG candidates and 184 "probable" XRG candidates whose XRG designation needs to be verified by further observations. The present sample of 290 XRG candidates is almost twice as large as the number of XRGs currently known. Twenty-five of our 290 XRG candidates (9 "strong" and 16 "probable") are identified as quasars. Double-peaked narrow emission lines are seen in the optical spectra of three of the XRG candidates (two "strong" and one "probable"). Nearly 90% of the sample is located in the FR II domain of the Owen-Ledlow diagram. A few of the strong XRG candidates have a rather flat radio spectrum (spectral index alpha flatter than -0.3) between 150 MHz and 1.4 GHz, or between 1.4 and 5 GHz. Since this is not expected for lobe-dominated extragalactic radio sources (like nearly all known XRGs), these sources are particularly suited for follow-up radio imaging and near-simultaneous measurement of the radio spectrum.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ
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