54 research outputs found

    Hybrid smoothed particle hydrodynamics

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    We present a new algorithm for enforcing incompressibility for Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) by preserving uniform density across the domain. We propose a hybrid method that uses a Poisson solve on a coarse grid to enforce a divergence free velocity field, followed by a local density correction of the particles. This avoids typical grid artifacts and maintains the Lagrangian nature of SPH by directly transferring pressures onto particles. Our method can be easily integrated with existing SPH techniques such as the incompressible PCISPH method as well as weakly compressible SPH by adding an additional force term. We show that this hybrid method accelerates convergence towards uniform density and permits a significantly larger time step compared to earlier approaches while producing similar results. We demonstrate our approach in a variety of scenarios with significant pressure gradients such as splashing liquids

    Assessment of the health condition of pine stands following the pine woolly aphid [Pineus pini L.] outbreak in the Lukow and Ostrow Mazowiecka Forest Districts

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    There has been a massive occurrence of aphids observed in 2001 in many Scots pine stands of the Mazovia region. This pest has been later identified as pine woolly aphid (Pineus pini L.). The result of the pest's feeding was a significant tree defoliation reaching even 80%. The article presents results of the tree health condition assessment performed in the attacked stands three years after a maximum intensity of the pine woolly aphid occurrence

    Animating deformable objects using sparse spacetime constraints

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    Controllable motion synthesis in a gaseous medium

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    The generation of realistic motion satisfying user-defined requirements is one of the most important goals of computer animation. Our aim in this paper is the synthesis of realistic, controllable motion for lightweight natural objects in a gaseous medium. We formulate this problem as a large-scale spacetime optimization with user controls and fluid motion equations as constraints. We have devised novel and effective methods to make this large optimization tractable. Initial trajectories are generated with data-driven synthesis based on stylistic motion planning. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is used during optimization to produce fluid simulations at a reasonable computational cost, while interesting vortex-based fluid motion is generated by recording the presence of vortices in the initial trajectories and maintaining them through optimization. Object rotations are refined as a postprocess to enhance the visual quality of the results. We demonstrate our techniques on a number of animations involving single or multiple objects. © Springer-Verlag 2005.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Visual Comput (2005) 21: 474–487 DOI 10.1007/s00371-005-0296-0 ORIGINAL ARTICLE

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    The generation of natural motion that satisfies userdefined requirements is an important goal of computer animation. This article presents a technique to synthesize realistic, controllable motion for lightweight objects

    Deformable object animation using reduced optimal control

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    Keyframe animation is a common technique to generate animations of deformable characters and other soft bodies. With spline interpolation, however, it can be difficult to achieve secondary motion effects such as plausible dynamics when there are thousands of degrees of freedom to animate. Physical methods can provide more realism with less user effort, but it is challenging to apply them to quickly create specific animations that closely follow prescribed animator goals. We present a fast space-time optimization method to author physically based deformable object simulations that conform to animator-specified keyframes. We demonstrate our method with FEM deformable objects and mass-spring systems. Our method minimizes an objective function that penalizes the sum of keyframe deviations plus the deviation of the trajectory from physics. With existing methods, such minimizations operate in high dimensions, are slow, memory consuming, and prone to local minima. We demonstrate that significant computational speedups and robustness improvements can be achieved if the optimization problem is properly solved in a low-dimensional space. Selecting a low-dimensional space so that the intent of the animator is accommodated, and that at the same time space-time optimization is convergent and fast, is difficult. We present a method that generates a quality low-dimensional space using the given keyframes. It is then possible to find quality solutions to difficult space-time optimization problems robustly and in a manner of minutes.Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game LabNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CCF-0810888)Adobe SystemsPixar (Firm

    Acoustic voxels

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