8 research outputs found

    Potensi Susu Kedelai Asam (Soygurt) Kaya Bioaktif Peptida Sebagai Antimikroba

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    The research objective was to get the starter type and the fermentation time to produce soygurt that have a high peptide bioactive that functions as an antimicrobial. The study was conducted in a complete randomized block design with two replicates. The first factor is the starter types, which consists of 3 levels, 2 market starter (cimory and king yogurt) and 1 mixed starter. The second factor is the fermentation times, which consists of 3 levels, 9 hours, 12 hours, and 15 hours. The data obtained were analyzed by analysis of variance to get various error estimators and tests of significance by Duncan\u27s test further to determine whether there is a difference between treatments. Two market starter (cimory and king yogurt) and 1 mixed starter did not produce peptide bioactive compounds . It is suspected microbes contained in the market starter cimory (S.thermophilus and L.delbrueckii ssp . Bulgaricus ), the market starter king yogurt (L.bulgaricus) and mixed starter (S.thermophilus and L.bulgaricus) did not produce peptide bioactive compounds. The inhibition effect of the test bacteria (E. coli and S. aureus) occurs due to the production of lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide during the fermentation process . The greatest inhibition shown by soygurt of the market starter cimory with a reduced number of cells in both types of test bacteria (E. coli and S. aureus) at 6 and 5 log cycles . Mixed starter has the lowest pH and the highest total acid than the marker starter cimory and king yoghurt. The starter types and the fermentation times were no significant effect on total dissolved solids of soygurt. The levels protein of soygurt, respectively 1.38 %, 1.48 %, and 1.68 (cimory, king yogurt, and mixed starter), while the fat content of soygurt 1.04%, 1.28 %, and 1.58% (cimory, mixed starter, king yoghurt

    Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Bungkil Inti Sawit, Gaplek Dan Onggok Melalui Teknologi Fermentasi Dengan Kapang Berbeda Sebagai Bahan Pakan Ayam Pedaging

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    The study was conducted at the Laboratory of Department of Animal Husbandry and Animal Cage, Lampung State Polytechnic. Object of study was fermented a mixture of palm kernel cake (PKC) and cassava (C), and a mixture of palm kernel cake (PKC) cassava byproduct (CBP) then to broilers applied. Fermentation research designed using completely randomized design factorial 2x2x6. The first factor was type of mold (Trichoderma viride and Aspergillus Niger), a mixture of both of the second factor (PKC versus C and PKC versus CBP), and the third factor of mixture balance (100% PKC : 0% C or CBP, 80% PKC : 20% C or CBP, 60% PKC : 40% C or CBP, 40% PKC : 60% C or CBP, 20% PKC : 80% C or CBP, serta 0% PKC : 100% C or CBP). The results was applied to the broiler, completely randomized design with a 4x4 factorial pattern, the first kind of fermented best for each type of mold and the mixture of substances, the second factor in the level of use of fermented feed, namely 0, 10, 20, and 30%. The results of fermentation balance best mix: a) Trichoderma viride + PKC(60%) + C(40%) b) Trichoderma viride + PKC(80%) + CBP(20%), c) Aspergillus Niger + PKC(60 %) + C (40%), d) Aspergillus Niger + PKC(80%) + CBP(20%). Application results in broilers, namely: a) the use of a mixture of fermented counterpart [Trichoderma viride + PKC(60%) + C(40%)] with a level of 10% resulted in body weight (1342,67g), feed conversion (1,79), carcass weight (989,00) is the best, b) the use a mixture of fermented counterpart [Trichoderma viride + PKC(80%) + CBP(20%)] with a level of 20% resulted in a body weight (1334.67 g), feed conversion ratio (1,80), carcass weight (989,00 g) is the best, c) the use of a mixture of fermented counterpart [Aspergillus Niger + PKC(60%) + C(40%)] with a level of 10% resulted in body weight (1408,67 g), feed conversion ratio (1,71), carcass weight (952,00 g) is the best, d) the use of a mixture of fermented counterpart [Aspergillus Niger + PKC(80%) + CBP(20%)] with a level of 10% resulted in body weight (1357,00 g), feed conversion (1,77), carcass weight (923,00) is the best

    The Effect of Mycorriza to the Increase of Plant Height and Stem Diameter of Sengon From Various Seed Sources

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sengon breed stock and mycorrhiza in increasing plant height and stem diameter. This research was conducted from April 2019 to September 2019 at the Center for Research and Development of Biotechnology and Forest Plant Development in Yogyakarta. Two-factor complete randomized design with 3 replications were used in this study. First factor is seed source, namely I1 = 1-1-63-1, I2 = 1-8-77-4, I3 = Malang (Bulk), and I4 = Solomon (Bulk) and second factor is the dose of mycorrhiza, namely M0 = without mycorrhiza, M 1 = mycorrhiza 5 g/plant, M2 = mycorrhiza 10 g/plant, M3 = mycorrhiza 15 g/plant. Plant height and stem diameter were collected for data. Variance analysis (ANOVA) were used at α level 5% and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at α level 5%. The results of the study showed interactions on combinations that were in line with mycorrhiza doses on plants height and stem diameter of 8 week after planting. Parent 1- 8-77-4 gives the best results on plants height. Seed source 1-8-77-4, 1-1-63-1, and Solomon (Bulk) gives the best stem diameter results. Mycorrhizae can increase plant growth in terms of plant height and diameter