9,615 research outputs found

    Observation of a red-blue detuning asymmetry in matter-wave superradiance

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    We report the first experimental observations of strong suppression of matter-wave superradiance using blue-detuned pump light and demonstrate a pump-laser detuning asymmetry in the collective atomic recoil motion. In contrast to all previous theoretical frameworks, which predict that the process should be symmetric with respect to the sign of the pump-laser detuning, we find that for condensates the symmetry is broken. With high condensate densities and red-detuned light, the familiar distinctive multi-order, matter-wave scattering pattern is clearly visible, whereas with blue-detuned light superradiance is strongly suppressed. In the limit of a dilute atomic gas, however, symmetry is restored.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Exact properties of Frobenius numbers and fraction of the symmetric semigroups in the weak limit for n=3

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    We generalize and prove a hypothesis by V. Arnold on the parity of Frobenius number. For the case of symmetric semigroups with three generators of Frobenius numbers we found an exact formula, which in a sense is the sum of two Sylvester's formulaes. We prove that the fraction of the symmetric semigroups is vanishing in the weak limit

    Phase Transitions and Their Interaction with Dislocations in Silicon

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    In this paper, phase transformations (PTs) in silicon were investigated through molecular dynamics (MD) using Tersoff potential. In the first step, simulations of PTs in single crystal silicon under various stress-controlled loading were carried out. Results shows that all instability points under various stress states are described by criteria, which are linear in the space of normal stresses. There is a region in the stress space in which conditions for direct and reverse PTs coincide and a unique homogeneous phase transition (without nucleation) can be realized. Finally, phase transition in bi-crystalline silicon with a dislocation pileup along the grain boundary (GB) was carried out. Results showed that the phase transition pressure first decreases linearly with the number of dislocation pileups and then reaches a plateau with the accumulation of dislocations in the pileup. The maximum reduction of phase transition pressure is 30% compared to that for perfect single crystalline silicon

    Number-conserving master equation theory for a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We describe the transition of NN weakly interacting atoms into a Bose-Einstein condensate within a number-conserving quantum master equation theory. Based on the separation of time scales for condensate formation and non-condensate thermalization, we derive a master equation for the condensate subsystem in the presence of the non-condensate environment under the inclusion of all two body interaction processes. We numerically monitor the condensate particle number distribution during condensate formation, and derive a condition under which the unique equilibrium steady state of a dilute, weakly interacting Bose-Einstein condensate is given by a Gibbs-Boltzmann thermal state of NN non-interacting atoms

    Large-scale diversity estimation through surname origin inference

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    The study of surnames as both linguistic and geographical markers of the past has proven valuable in several research fields spanning from biology and genetics to demography and social mobility. This article builds upon the existing literature to conceive and develop a surname origin classifier based on a data-driven typology. This enables us to explore a methodology to describe large-scale estimates of the relative diversity of social groups, especially when such data is scarcely available. We subsequently analyze the representativeness of surname origins for 15 socio-professional groups in France

    Rigid Pavement as an Alternative to Flexible Pavement Failure in Ogbaru Swampy Area

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    The study deals on the influence of rural road construction and connectivity as one of the key components of Millennium Development goals, that creates access to economic and social service, promoting poverty alleviation by generating increased agricultural produce and employment opportunities in the rural areas. Rigid pavement stops the incessant incident of non accessibility of agricultural produce by deplorable state of flexible pavement of rural roads in Ogbaru Swampy area. Keywords: Rigid, flexible pavement, highway base course, subgrad

    Euler-Heisenberg lagrangians and asymptotic analysis in 1+1 QED, part 1: Two-loop

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    We continue an effort to obtain information on the QED perturbation series at high loop orders, and particularly on the issue of large cancellations inside gauge invariant classes of graphs, using the example of the l - loop N - photon amplitudes in the limit of large photons numbers and low photon energies. As was previously shown, high-order information on these amplitudes can be obtained from a nonperturbative formula, due to Affleck et al., for the imaginary part of the QED effective lagrangian in a constant field. The procedure uses Borel analysis and leads, under some plausible assumptions, to a number of nontrivial predictions already at the three-loop level. Their direct verification would require a calculation of this `Euler-Heisenberg lagrangian' at three-loops, which seems presently out of reach. Motivated by previous work by Dunne and Krasnansky on Euler-Heisenberg lagrangians in various dimensions, in the present work we initiate a new line of attack on this problem by deriving and proving the analogous predictions in the simpler setting of 1+1 dimensional QED. In the first part of this series, we obtain a generalization of the formula of Affleck et al. to this case, and show that, for both Scalar and Spinor QED, it correctly predicts the leading asymptotic behaviour of the weak field expansion coefficients of the two loop Euler-Heisenberg lagrangians.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figures, final published version (minor modifications, refs. added

    An analysis of thermal comfort in primary schools in Vietnam

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    There is a trend of installing air conditioning systems in public primary schools that are currently naturally ventilated in Vietnam. A previous study conducted by the authors provided evidence that there is limited need for air conditioning in Vietnamese mid-season and the hottest season. In this study, the authors investigated thermal comfort and users’ perceptions in three primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City during the hottest season (April 2016) and the coldest season (December 2016 – January 2017). In-situ spot and long-term measurements were recorded. Questionnaires were completed by 3,960 children (age range from 8 to 11 years) and the teachers to inform the study about their experiences and the extent of their interaction with the building in 97 free-running classrooms. The results were analysed by correlating the conditions measured and the comfort mean votes. The neutral temperatures were respectively 31.7oC and 31.1oC for the hottest and coldest seasons. Children were observed to tolerate higher thermal comfort condition than the recommended values in the standards. Compared with the results of the hottest season, the thermal sensation mean vote reduced from (0.29) to (0.12) when the decrease of the mean temperature was from 33.3oC to 31.8oC in the coldest season. The temperature of 33oC was proposed for the overheating benchmark. The results indicated that Vietnamese children adapted to hot climate and had higher thermal comfort tolerance than adults. Preliminary findings suggest that it is unnecessary to use air conditioning system all year round. These findings could help and encourage architects and engineers to deliver schools reaching acceptable comfort levels without the need of air conditioning system

    Children thermal comfort in primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam

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    Indoor environmental quality significantly impacts on students’ performance and productivity, particularly thermal comfort levels. Currently in Vietnam, very few studies have dealt with the issue and the current trend is to install energy-intensive air-conditioning in primary schools as this is perceived as more comfortable. In this study, the authors investigated the users’ perceptions of thermal comfort in three primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City during the mid-season (September 2015) and the hottest season (April 2016). In-situ spot and long-term measurements were recorded. Questionnaires were completed by 2,145 children (from 8 to 11 years-old) and 62 teachers to understand their experiences and the extent of their interaction with the building in 62 naturally ventilated classrooms. The results were analysed by correlating the conditions measured and the comfort mean votes. Throughout this study, children were observed to tolerate higher thermal comfort condition than the recommended values in the standards. Around 7% of the occupied time during academic year presented temperatures over 33oC, in which less than 80% of the children voted acceptable. The results indicated that Vietnamese children had higher thermal comfort tolerance than the comfort levels suggested in the standards. Using air conditioning system all year round was deemed unnecessary

    The case for hybrid ventilated primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam

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    This study investigates indoor environmental quality and users’ perception in 14 classrooms of a mixed-mode ventilated primary school in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, during the rainy season by qualitative and quantitative research methods. Spot and long-term measurements were recorded, covering a range of environmental parameters such as air temperature, relative humidity, CO2 concentration level, illuminance and sound level. A questionnaire was conducted and answered by 451 children (eight to eleven year olds) to investigate their perception of the thermal and visual comfort, indoor air quality, noise and overall comfort in the classrooms. In addition, 14 teachers were asked to inform the study about their experiences and behaviours in the classrooms. The results were analysed by cross relating the measured environmental conditions and the comfort vote on a seven-point scale
