92 research outputs found

    National Identity versus Social Cohesion: An Advocacy for English Language

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    When it comes to matters of National Identity, the clamour usually is for the promotion of indigenous languages. However, English Language has bequeathed enough legacies to Nigeria that cannot be easily wished away. This paper therefore seeks to explicate how English language can be used to solve the problems of ethnicity, social disorder and the recurring state of insecurity in Nigeria. Generally, language is essentially used for communication and interaction. People interact in order to receive or give information and to accomplish tasks. Hence, language is a means of social control. It is through communication that collaboration and co-operation occur. Conflict arises only when there is a breakdown in the communication channel. This is usually the problem in a multi-lingual society. Nigeria being a multi-lingual and multi-ethnic society, needs a common language which majority of the citizens can understand so as to enhance communication amongst the diverse groups that make up the polity. This paper advocates the use of English language in every section of the polity. This is very important because English Language is neutral and does not engender any ethnic hostility. It rather bridges the communication gap amongst a people with diverse tongues. When there is communication gap, strained relationships and conflicts occur, usually degenerating into violence and break-down of law and order. In the face of the myriads of problems that Nigeria is experiencing, this paper strongly submits that the use of English language in every sector of the polity would certainly elicit co-operation and friendliness and ensure social stability

    Inculcating Digital Contents, Technological Tools: Agents for Enhancing Business Education Curriculum for Skill Acquisition in Nigerian Universities

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    This study was on inculcating digital contents, technological tools as agents for enhancing business education curriculum for Skill Acquisition in Universities in Anambra State. Two research questions and null hypotheses were tested at a 0.05 level of significance. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. A population of 34 business educators in Universities in Anambra state were used for the study. No sample was drawn for the study since the size of the population is manageable. The instrument used to collect data for the study was a structured questionnaire with two parts; part A contained items on the demography of respondents and part B contained items on the two research questions under the study.  The questions were structured on a 5 point rating scale of Strongly Agree (SA); Agree (A), Moderately Agree (MA), Disagree (D) and Strongly Disagree. The instrument was validated b three experts, two from the Department of Business Education and one from Measurement and Evaluation. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was used to test consistency of the instrument and a general coefficient of 0.81.  Data collected was analyzed using arithmetic mean and standard deviation while t- test was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. When the p value was found to be equal or less than 0.05 alpha levels, the noted difference was said to be significant, therefore, the null hypothesis was be rejected. However, a p value found to be greater than 0.05, the noted difference was insignificant, therefore, the null hypothesis will be accepted. The findings of the study revealed that business education lecturers in universities in Anambra state agree that provision of instructional technology, inculcating digital contents can enhance business education curriculum for skill acquisition. These findings were discussed and conclusion was drawn. Relevant recommendations were made based on the findings of the study part of which included that Management of business education programme should incorporate digital tools and platforms that are relevant to various business disciplines, such as data analytics software, marketing automation platforms, project management tools, or simulation software. Provide hands-on training and practical exercises using these tools to develop students' proficiency in digital technologies applicable to the business contex

    Food and Feeding Habits of Campylomormyrus tamandua in Anambra River, Nigeria

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    The food and feeding habits of 417 samples of Campylomormyrus tamandua (Osteichthyes Mormyridae) in Anambra River, Nigeria were studied from October 2002 to March 2004. Fish samples were collected monthly at Otuocha and Ogurugu river ports along the Anambra river using a fleet of gill nets of various mesh sizes, traps and hook and lines. Out of the eight (8) categories ofood consumed, the most dominant group was benthic invertebrates (IFS = 4492) followed by alochthonous invertebrates (IFS = 33.40) whe the least was mud/sand (IFS = 10.02). Variaton in the stomach fullness condition showed that 82 (19.66%) ofthe stomachs studied were empty 40 (9.59%) were full while 295 (7074%) were partially filled Food richness and diet breadth showed no significant difference between the seasons and sex respectively (P > 0.05). The trophicvariations and flexibility in C. tamandua are discussed. Keywords: Anambra river, Campylomormyrus tamandua, Food, Feeding habitsAnimal Research International Vol. 3 (1) 2006 pp. 410-41

    Banditry-Herdsmen Activities in Nigeria and National Development

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    This study examines the interface between banditry-herdsmen activities in Nigeria and how it undermines national development. The study upholds that banditry-herdsmen activities ranging from kidnapping, raping, maiming, destruction farm land etc. have forcefully mutilated cultivation for fear of been unjustly attacked in the process. Consequently, trade and commerce have suffered tremendously as a result. The study anchored on the propositional trappings of structural functionalism theory to explain and bear witness to the argument that the failure of government in its primary responsibilities of providing the basic needs for its citizens resulted in the banditry-herdsmen activities in the country. We relied on documentary method for data collection, and content analysis for analysing the materials collected. The study revealed that many of the best brains and man power have fled for fear of either being kidnapped, killed or maimed, this not only resulting in inflation, but also undermining national development in the country. Recommended amongst other things, a window of dialogue utmost importance between the aggrieved parties within the government setting, community stakeholders, community youths among others

    Changes in blood counts, serum lactate dehydrogenase activity and haptoglobin level in malaria infected subjects in Nnewi, Anambra state, Nigeria

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    Background: Malaria is a mosquito-borne public health problem which alters the blood counts, haptoglobin level and serum lactate dehydrogenase (sLDH) activity of the infected individuals. Some of the alterations are associated risk factors in malaria pathology. This study aims at elucidating changes in blood counts, sLDH activity and haptoglobin level in malaria infected subjects seen in a Tertiary Health Institution in Nnewi, as search for associated risk factors in malaria pathology.Methods: This cross sectional study enrolled 270 age matched subjects between 18-65 years. The test group (200) who tested positive to P. falciparium was placed into two groups based on their parasite counts with cut-off of  ≥1000 parasites x 109/L. Group one (100) had counts above the cut-off and group two (100) below. The control (70) was aparasitemic. The demographic data were noted and 4mls of blood drawn. 2mls in K3EDTA was for FBC testing using Mythic 22 hematology analyzer, and remaining dispensed into plain tubes was for sLDH assay by kinetic method and haptoglobin by ELISA technique.Results: The HCT, Hb, RBC and Platelet count of test were progressively significantly lowered (p=0.001) compared to control, with an intra-significant difference among the 3 groups (p<0.05), also the parameters were found to have an inverse significant relationship (p=0.001) to the parasite counts. This trend was also seen with haptoglobin while reverse was the case with LDH activity which rather increased significantly (p = 0.000) at opposite direction as parasite density increases.Conclusions: This study show that the degree of intravascular haemolysis is directly influenced by the parasite density, this portends that high endemicity and perennial parasiteamia in the study area could cause chronic anaemia and thrombocytopenia in the population studied

    Effect of dietary inclusion of vitamin E as anti-oxidant on the semen characteristics of local cocks

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    The study was conducted to determine the effect of dietary inclusion of vitamin E as anti-oxidant on the semen characteristics of local cocks. Avian spermatozoa are subject to oxidative stress, causing male infertility because of its high polyunsaturated fatty acids content. Therefore, it was justified to research and report on the use of vitamin E as an antioxidant on the semen characteristics of local cocks. A total of 50 mature local cocks of uniform sizes (weighing about 1.52-1.53kg) were used for the study. Their exact ages were not known due to the lack of adequate record keeping by the traditional household keepers. The birds were divided into two treatment groups with 25 birds per treatment. Data generated were analyzed using independent group sample t-test. Each treatment had five replicates with 5 birds per replicate. Feed fed to T1 birds contained 1000 IU vitamin E kg-1 feed, while T2 (control) feed had no vitamin E. From the results obtained, sperm progressive motility, live: dead, normal and abnormal sperm cell morphologies were found to be highly significant (p<0.01), while semen volume and sperm concentration were significant (p<0.05). T1 birds that fed diet containing vitamin E had the highest percentage values for semen volume, sperm progressive motility, live sperm cells, normal sperm cells and sperm cell concentration compared to control birds (T2). Percentage values for dead and abnormal sperm cells were highest in control (T2). In conclusion, the use of vitamin E as anti-oxidant to improve semen qualities was recommended because of higher values of sperm progressive motility, semen volume, live sperm cells, normal sperm cells and sperm cell concentration recorded in T1

    Prediction of emissions and profits from a biomass, tyre, and coal fired co-gasification CHP plant using artificial neural network: Nigerian and South African perspectives

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    Abstract : The local sourcing of feedstock for energy generation will reduce costs in the power plant, and promote energy sustainability. Most times, potential investors in this area show interest about understanding the profitability of the business because, the information boosts the confidence of the investors in the project, and gives them the opportunity of making a short and long term plans about the business. The emissions arising from the energy plant is an important aspect of the venture that requires proper attention, otherwise the costs of emission control may consume a greater part of the profit, hence rendering the business un-viable. Nigeria and South Africa (SA) have abundant biomass (e.g. corn cob, sugarcane bagasse, & pine saw dust) coal and tyre that can be used as fuel in an energy plant. A 10 MW CHP plant was fired with coal and biomass, and tyre obtained from Nigeria and South Africa (SA) respectively, at ratios of 1:1, 3:2, and 4:1 to study the emissions and profits in the plant. An empirical model was employed to estimate the annual amount of feedstock and feed rate required for the plant, after which, an artificial neural network (ANN); LevenbergMarquardt algorithm was used to predict the emissions and profits in the plant for 20-year- investment period with feedstock costing (WFC) and without feedstock costing (WOFC). The profit obtained from the South African feedstock, WFC and WOFC; produced about 45.18 % and 36.83 % (3,900,000.07and3,900,000.07 and 3,179,184.49) higher profits than the Nigerian feedstock, but the CO, NOX, & SO2 emissions from Nigerian feedstock were lower than that of SA. The findings from this study could be used as a platform for decision making by potential investors and stake-holders, and further research and development in the area

    Contributions of Women Empowerment Strategies: And Poverty Reduction in Isoko South L.G.A Delta State

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    No doubt, women empowerment programmes cannot be overemphasized due to its positive contribution in poverty reduction and overall development of the society, particularly in Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State. In view of the above, this study was guided by the following research questions: (1) what are the available women empowerments programmes aimed at poverty reductions in Isoko South L.G.A., Delta State (2) What are the obstacles militating against effective women empowerment programmes in Isoko South L.G.A., Delta State? The objectives of the study are to determine the available women empowerment programmes aimed at poverty reductions in Isoko South L.G.A., Delta State. The study adopted Feminist theory for its analytical framework. The study adopted both survey and documentary methods of data collection, descriptive/inferential statistics and content analysis method for the analysis of both primary and secondary data. The study revealed that there were existing women empowerment programmes in Isoko South L.G.A. of Delta State which the women were actually aware, but never participated actively due to lack of proper sensitization and commitment on the part of government and its agencies. Furthermore, it also revealed the various obstacles such inconsistency of the personnel, poor funding, amongst other things, militated against the effectiveness of women empowerment programmes and the active participation of the women in such programmes. The study recommended for commitment, fairness and transparency in discharging of duties on the part of the government; and policy sustainability of women empowerment programmes
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