74 research outputs found

    Perilaku Komunikasi Nonverbal Guru Dalam Kelas Pembelajaran: Maknanya Bagi Siswa SMA

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    Tujuan dari penelitian adalah: (1) menggambarkan jenis-jenis perilaku NVC yang biasanya ditunjukkan oleh guru di kelas yang menarik siswa perhatian, (2) siswa meng-gambarkan menanggapi perilaku guru NVC, dan 3) memahami makna guru NVC perilaku. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada studi etnografi. Temuan importants ini penelitian adalah: 1) Guru menerapkan jenis severals perilaku NVC, namun siswa lebih menarik untuk ekspresi wajah guru dan kontak mata, 2) tersenyum manis Guru berarti guru menikmati dalam mengajar. Ini akan membuat siswa senang dan akan mendorong siswa untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Jika ekspresi guru tanpa senyum, kemudian membuat siswa merasa seperti takut, stres, tidak nyaman, malas, marah dan tidak tertarik dengan proses belajar. Siswa menarik dengan ekspresi wajah guru ketika ia / dia masuk kelas dan kemudian mereka akan menarik ini dalam pikiran mereka untuk memprediksi situasi berikutnya dalam proses belajar. 3) senyum Guru menun-jukkan guru yang mengajar di menyenangkan dan perasaan positif kepada siswa untuk belajar. Tidak ada ekspresi senyum dari guru menciptakan perasaan negatif dalam pikiran siswa. NVC perilaku guru dapat mempromosikan suasana memberdayakan bagi siswa untuk belajar. The purpose of this studies are: (1) describing the kinds of NVC behavior that usually showed by a teacher in classroom that attract students attention, (2) describing students respond in teacher NVC behavior, and 3) understanding the meaning of teacher's NVC behavior. The research is based on ethnography studies. The importants findings of this studies are: 1) Teacher implement severals kinds of NVC behavior, however students are more attract to teacher's face expression and eyes contact; 2) Teacher's nice smile means teacher enjoy in teaching. This will make students happy and will drive students to get involved in learning acti-vities. If teacher expression is without smile, then makes students feel such as frighten, stress, uncomfortable, laziness, angry and do not interested with the learning process. Students attract with teacher face expression when he/she enter the class and then they will draw this in their mind to predict the next situation in the learning process. 3) Teacher's smile indicates that teacher teaches in enjoyable and promote a positive feeling to students to learning. No smile expression of teacher creates a negative feeling in students mind. Teacher‘s NVC behavior can promote an empowering atmosphere for students to lear

    Perlindungan Terhadap Warga Sipil Sebagai Korban Penyanderaan Dalam Konflik Bersenjata Di Filipina Menurut Hukum Humaniter Internasional

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    Protection of civilians Moro as victims of hostage in an armed conflict in the Philippines into the spotlight sharper International law. Hostage-taking carried out by MNLF result as a form of rebellion against the Central Government of the Philippines over the Government's actions which only involves the MILF in the negotiations concerning the framework of the peace with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, which was held in Malaysia in August 2013. The problems in this research are: how the act of a standoff against civilians in armed conflict viewed from humaniter International law, how a solution that can be taken in the act of a standoff civilians in the armed conflict, and how renewed efforts by the Philippines in dealing with the act of a standoff civilians in the armed conflict in the government of Southern Philippines. This research is a juridical normative because the target of research is reviewing the rule of law that is related to the protection of civilians as a sacrifice captivity in armed conflict in the Philippines according to law humaniter International by using the library techniques. Data were analyzed qualitatively. Protection against civilians in armed conflict according to law humaniter International arranged in The Geneva Convention IV with Additional Protocol II and International Customs Law Humaniter.The conflict that took place in the Philippines at first due to the distinction between history and understand the Central Government of the Philippines with the separatist movements in the country, and the conflict has intensified because of the actions of the Philippines Government which judged less prudent in doing the negotiating efforts with the rebels. The legal consequences for the perpetrators of the hostage-taking of civilians in armed conflict under the law or International sanctions humaniter can be meted out to the perpetrators of the hostage-taking of civilians is given in accordance with the national law in force in each country

    Studi Potensi Pulau Pisang Bagian Utara Untuk Perencanaan Kawasan Wisata Pantai, Kabupaten Lampung Barat, Provinsi Lampung

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    Faithful Cape Coast is one of Lampung destinations featured attraction and a tourist attraction in West Lampung regency which has considerable potential as a marine tourism area. This study aims to identify and assess physical potential of Pisang Island as coastal tourism area. The research was conducted in July-August 2011, this is because the month is a transitional season, when the season started, many people were coming to Pisang Island. The method used in this study is descriptive exploratory method. The analysis used in this study is the analysis of the suitability of tourism, namely by comparing the characteristics and quality of land to the land use requirements for specific tourism activities. The results of the study showed that the physical condition of the waters of North Pisang Island potential as marine tourism area, with some activity that is Coastal walk, Sun Bathing, and fishing. Based on the IKW for Coastal Walk into the category of class S1 (highly suitable) with IKW value by 93%, whereas for Sun Bathing in the category S1 (highly suitable) with IKW value by 94% and for Fishing in category S2 (Quite suitable) with IKW value by 70%


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    Kompetensi yang memadai terutama dalam berkomunikasi dengan level kecemasan berkomunikasi yang rendah, bahkan tidak cemas sangat mendukung dalam menghadapi persaingan dalam masyarakat global. Kecemasan berkomunikasi akan berpengaruh negatif dalam kehidupan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh jenis kelamin, umur, dan tingkat perkuliahan terhadap kecemasan berkomunikasi pada mahasiswa jurusan akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Medan. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner Personal Report of Communication Apprehension (PRCA). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan korelasional. Setelah melakukan uji korelasional diketahui bahwa Fhitung sebesar 1,325 dengan tingkat signifikansi 0,266. Ini menunjukkan bahwa signifikansi hitung > signifikansi penelitian, maka tidak ada pengaruh jenis kelamin, umur dan tingkat perkuliahan terhadap kecemasan berkomunikasi pada mahasiswa jurusan akuntansi Politeknik Negeri Medan
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