282 research outputs found

    The "Square Kagome" Quantum Antiferromagnet and the Eight Vertex Model

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    We introduce a two dimensional network of corner-sharing triangles with square lattice symmetry. Properties of magnetic systems here should be similar to those on the kagome lattice. Focusing on the spin half Heisenberg quantum antiferromagnet, we generalise the spin symmetry group from SU(2) to SU(N). In the large N limit, we map the model exactly to the eight vertex model, solved by Baxter. We predict an exponential number of low-lying singlet states, a triplet gap, and a two-peak specific heat. In addition, the large N limit suggests a finite temperature phase transition into a phase with ordered ``resonance loops'' and broken translational symmetry.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, 5 eps figures include

    Quantum and thermal spin relaxation in diluted spin ice: Dy(2-x)MxTi2O7 (M = Lu, Y)

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    We have studied the low temperature a.c. magnetic susceptibility of the diluted spin ice compound Dy(2-x)MxTi2O7, where the magnetic Dy ions on the frustrated pyrochlore lattice have been replaced with non-magnetic ions, M = Y or Lu. We examine a broad range of dilutions, 0 <= x <= 1.98, and we find that the T ~ 16 K freezing is suppressed for low levels of dilution but re-emerges for x > 0.4 and persists to x = 1.98. This behavior can be understood as a non-monotonic dependence of the quantum spin relaxation time with dilution. The results suggest that the observed spin freezing is fundamentally a single spin process which is affected by the local environment, rather than the development of spin-spin correlations as earlier data suggested.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Ordering of the pyrochlore Ising model with the long-range RKKY interaction

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    The ordering of the Ising model on a pyrochlore lattice interacting via the long-range RKKY interaction, which models a metallic pyrochlore magnet such as Pr_2Ir_2O_7, is studied by Monte Carlo simulations. Depending on the parameter k_F representing the Fermi wavevector, the model exhibits rich ordering behaviors

    Ordered Phase of the Dipolar Spin Ice under [110]-Magnetic Fields

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    We find that the true ground state of the dipolar spin ice system under [110]-magnetic fields is the ``Q=X'' structure, which is consistent with both experiments and Monte Carlo simulations. We then perform a Monte Carlo simulation to confirm that there exists a first order phase transition under the [110]-field. In particular this result indicates the existence of the first order phase transition to the ``Q=X'' phase in the field above 0.35 T for Dy2Ti2O7. We also show the magnetic field-temperature phase diagram to summarize the ordered states of this system.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, in RevTex4, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Dipolar Interactions and Origin of Spin Ice in Ising Pyrochlore Magnets

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    Recent experiments suggest that the Ising pyrochlore magnets Ho2Ti2O7{\rm Ho_{2}Ti_{2}O_{7}} and Dy2Ti2O7{\rm Dy_{2}Ti_{2}O_{7}} display qualitative properties of the spin ice model proposed by Harris {\it et al.} \prl {\bf 79}, 2554 (1997). We discuss the dipolar energy scale present in both these materials and consider how they can display spin ice behavior {\it despite} the presence of long range interactions. Specifically, we present numerical simulations and a mean field analysis of pyrochlore Ising systems in the presence of nearest neighbor exchange and long range dipolar interactions. We find that two possible phases can occur, a long range ordered antiferromagnetic one and the other dominated by spin ice features. Our quantitative theory is in very good agreement with experimental data on both Ho2Ti2O7{\rm Ho_{2}Ti_{2}O_{7}} and Dy2Ti2O7{\rm Dy_{2}Ti_{2}O_{7}}. We suggest that the nearest neighbor exchange in Dy2Ti2O7{\rm Dy_{2}Ti_{2}O_{7}} is {\it antiferromagnetic} and that spin ice behavior is induced by long range dipolar interactions.Comment: 4 postscript figures included. Submitted to Physical Review Letters Contact: [email protected]

    Sigma-2: Multiple sequence alignment of non-coding DNA via an evolutionary model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>While most multiple sequence alignment programs expect that all or most of their input is known to be homologous, and penalise insertions and deletions, this is not a reasonable assumption for non-coding DNA, which is much less strongly conserved than protein-coding genes. Arguing that the goal of sequence alignment should be the detection of <it>homology </it>and not <it>similarity</it>, we incorporate an evolutionary model into a previously published multiple sequence alignment program for non-coding DNA, Sigma, as a sensitive likelihood-based way to assess the significance of alignments. Version 1 of Sigma was successful in eliminating spurious alignments but exhibited relatively poor sensitivity on synthetic data. Sigma 1 used a <it>p</it>-value (the probability under the "null hypothesis" of non-homology) to assess the significance of alignments, and, optionally, a background model that captured short-range genomic correlations. Sigma version 2, described here, retains these features, but calculates the <it>p</it>-value using a sophisticated evolutionary model that we describe here, and also allows for a transition matrix for different substitution rates from and to different nucleotides. Our evolutionary model takes separate account of mutation and fixation, and can be extended to allow for locally differing functional constraints on sequence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that, on real and synthetic data, Sigma-2 significantly outperforms other programs in specificity to genuine homology (that is, it minimises alignment of spuriously similar regions that do not have a common ancestry) while it is now as sensitive as the best current programs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Comparing these results with an extrapolation of the best results from other available programs, we suggest that conservation rates in intergenic DNA are often significantly over-estimated. It is increasingly important to align non-coding DNA correctly, in regulatory genomics and in the context of whole-genome alignment, and Sigma-2 is an important step in that direction.</p

    Low Temperature Spin Freezing in Dy2Ti2O7 Spin Ice

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    We report a study of the low temperature bulk magnetic properties of the spin ice compound Dy2Ti2O7 with particular attention to the (T < 4 K) spin freezing transition. While this transition is superficially similar to that in a spin glass, there are important qualitative differences from spin glass behavior: the freezing temperature increases slightly with applied magnetic field, and the distribution of spin relaxation times remains extremely narrow down to the lowest temperatures. Furthermore, the characteristic spin relaxation time increases faster than exponentially down to the lowest temperatures studied. These results indicate that spin-freezing in spin ice materials represents a novel form of magnetic glassiness associated with the unusual nature of geometrical frustration in these materials.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Non-regular eigenstate of the XXX model as some limit of the Bethe state

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    For the one-dimensional XXX model under the periodic boundary conditions, we discuss two types of eigenvectors, regular eigenvectors which have finite-valued rapidities satisfying the Bethe ansatz equations, and non-regular eigenvectors which are descendants of some regular eigenvectors under the action of the SU(2) spin-lowering operator. It was pointed out by many authors that the non-regular eigenvectors should correspond to the Bethe ansatz wavefunctions which have multiple infinite rapidities. However, it has not been explicitly shown whether such a delicate limiting procedure should be possible. In this paper, we discuss it explicitly in the level of wavefunctions: we prove that any non-regular eigenvector of the XXX model is derived from the Bethe ansatz wavefunctions through some limit of infinite rapidities. We formulate the regularization also in terms of the algebraic Bethe ansatz method. As an application of infinite rapidity, we discuss the period of the spectral flow under the twisted periodic boundary conditions.Comment: 53 pages, no figur

    Deformed strings in the Heisenberg model

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    We investigate solutions to the Bethe equations for the isotropic S = 1/2 Heisenberg chain involving complex, string-like rapidity configurations of arbitrary length. Going beyond the traditional string hypothesis of undeformed strings, we describe a general procedure to construct eigenstates including strings with generic deformations, discuss general features of these solutions, and provide a number of explicit examples including complete solutions for all wavefunctions of short chains. We finally investigate some singular cases and show from simple symmetry arguments that their contribution to zero-temperature correlation functions vanishes.Comment: 34 pages, 13 figure

    Mutations in FUS lead to synaptic dysregulation in ALS-iPSC derived neurons

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal, adult-onset neurodegenerative disorder characterized by progressive muscular weakness due to the selective loss of motor neurons. Mutations in the gene Fused in Sarcoma (FUS) were identified as one cause of ALS. Here, we report that mutations in FUS lead to upregulation of synaptic proteins, increasing synaptic activity and abnormal release of vesicles at the synaptic cleft. Consequently, FUS-ALS neurons showed greater vulnerability to glutamate excitotoxicity, which raised neuronal swellings (varicose neurites) and led to neuronal death. Fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) is an RNA-binding protein known to regulate synaptic protein translation, and its expression is reduced in the FUS-ALS lines. Collectively, our data suggest that a reduction of FMRP levels alters the synaptic protein dynamics, leading to synaptic dysfunction and glutamate excitotoxicity. Here, we present a mechanistic hypothesis linking dysregulation of peripheral translation with synaptic vulnerability in the pathogenesis of FUS-ALS.</p