731 research outputs found

    Power Spectral Density of Magnetization Dynamics Driven by a Jump-Noise Process

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    Random magnetization dynamics driven by a jump-noise process is reduced to stochastic magnetic energy dynamics on specific graphs using an averaging technique. An approach to analyzing stochastic energy dynamics on graphs is presented and applied to the calculation of power spectral density of random magnetization dynamics. An eigenvalue technique for computing the power spectral density under specific cases is also presented and illustrated by numerical results

    Detecting Axion-Like Particles With Gamma Ray Telescopes

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    We propose that axion-like particles (ALPs) with a two-photon vertex, consistent with all astrophysical and laboratory bounds, may lead to a detectable signature in the spectra of high-energy gamma ray sources. This occurs as a result of gamma rays being converted into ALPs in the magnetic fields of efficient astrophysical accelerators according to the "Hillas criterion", such as jets of active galactic nuclei or hot spots of radio galaxies. The discovery of such an effect is possible by GLAST in the 1-100 GeV range and by ground based gamma ray telescopes in the TeV range.Comment: corrected typos, one plot modified, material rearranged for clarification. Conclusions unchanged. Matches version published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Analysis and comparison between electric and magnetic power couplers for accelerators in Free Electron Lasers (FEL)

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    Abstract Free-electron lasers represent a new and exciting class of coherent optical sources possessing broad wavelength tunability and excellent optical-beam quality. The FERMI seeded free-electron laser (FEL), located at the Elettra laboratory in Trieste, is driven by a 200 m long, S-band linac: the high energy part of the linac is equipped with 6 m long backward traveling wave (BTW) structures. The structures have small iris radius and a nose cone geometry which allows for high gradient operation. Development of new high-gradient, S-band accelerating structures for the replacement of the existing BTWs is under consideration. This paper investigates two possible solutions for the RF power couplers suitable for a linac driven FEL which require reduced wakefields effects, high operating gradient and very high reliability. The first part of the manuscript focuses on the reduction of residual field asymmetries, while in the second analyzes RF performances, the peak surface fields and the expected breakdown rate. In the conclusion, two solutions are compared and pros and cons are highlighted

    Compartmentalized control of Cdk1 drives mitotic spindle assembly

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    During cell division, dramatic microtubular rearrangements driven by cyclin B-cdk1 (Cdk1) kinase activity mark the onset of mitosis leading to dismantling of the interphase microtubular cytoskeleton and assembly of the mitotic spindle. During interphase, Cdk1 accumulates in an inactive state, phosphorylated at inhibitory sites by Wee1/Myt1 kinases. At mitosis onset, Cdc25 phosphatase dephosphorylates and activates Cdk1. Once activated, Cdk1 clears cytoplasmic microtubules by inhibiting microtubule-stabilizing and growth-promoting microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). Nevertheless, some of these MAPs are required for spindle microtubule growth and spindle assembly, creating quite a conundrum. We show here that a Cdk1 fraction bound to spindle structures escapes Cdc25 action and remains inhibited by phosphorylation (i-Cdk1) in mitotic human cells. Loss or restoration of i-Cdk1 inhibits or promotes spindle assembly, respectively. Furthermore, polymerizing spindle microtubules foster i-Cdk1 aggregating with Wee1 and excluding Cdc25. Our data reveal that spindle assembly relies on compartmentalized control of Cdk1 activity

    Parallel pumping of magnetic vortex gyrations in spin-torque nano-oscillators

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    We experimentally demonstrate that large magnetic vortex oscillations can be parametrically excited in a magnetic tunnel junction by the injection of radio-frequency (rf) currents at twice the natural frequency of the gyrotropic vortex core motion. The mechanism of excitation is based on the parallel pumping of vortex motion by the rf orthoradial field generated by the injected current. Theoretical analysis shows that experimental results can be interpreted as the manifestation of parametric amplification when rf current is small, and of parametric instability when rf current is above a certain threshold. By taking into account the energy nonlinearities, we succeed to describe the amplitude saturation of vortex oscillations as well as the coexistence of stable regimes.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Neutrino decay as a possible interpretation to the MiniBooNE observation with unparticle scenario

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    In a new measurement on neutrino oscillation νμ→νe\nu_{\mu}\to\nu_e, the MiniBooNE Collaboration observes an excess of electron-like events at low energy and the phenomenon may demand an explanation which obviously is beyond the oscillation picuture. We propose that heavier neutrino ν2\nu_2 decaying into a lighter one ν1\nu_1 via the transition process νμ→νe+X\nu_{\mu}\to \nu_e+X where XX denotes any light products, could be a natural mechanism. The theoretical model we employ here is the unparticle scenario established by Georgi. We have studied two particular modes \nu_\mu\to \nu_e+\Un and νμ→νe+νˉe+νe\nu_\mu\to \nu_e+\bar\nu_e+\nu_e. Unfortunately, the number coming out from the computation is too small to explain the observation. Moreover, our results are consistent with the cosmology constraint on the neutrino lifetime and the theoretical estimation made by other groups, therefore we can conclude that even though neutrino decay seems plausible in this case, it indeed cannot be the source of the peak at lower energy observed by the MiniBooNE collaboration and there should be other mechanisms responsible for the phenomenon.Comment: 14 pages, conclusions are changed; published version for EPJ

    Magnetization reversal in exchange-spring bilayer system under circularly polarized microwave field

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    Microwave assisted magnetization reversal are studied in the bulk bilayer exchange coupled system. We investigate the nonlinear magnetization reversal dynamics in a perpendicular exchange spring media using Landau-Lifshitz equation. In the limit of the infinite thickness of the system, the propagation field leads the reversal of the system. The reduction of the switching field and the magnetization profile in the extended system are studied numerically. The possibility to study the dynamics analytically is discussed and an approximation where two P-modes are coupled by an interaction field is presented. The ansatz used for the interaction field is validated by comparison with the numerical results. This approach is shown to be equivalent to two exchange coupled macrospins
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