764 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of a mindfulness-based childbirth education pilot study on maternal self-efficacy and fear of childbirth

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    Introduction: This pilot study tested the feasibility and effectiveness of using Mindfulness-Based Childbirth Education (MBCE), a novel integration of mindfulness meditation and skills-based childbirth education, for mental health promotion with pregnant women. The MBCE protocol aimed to reduce fear of birth, anxiety, and stress and improve maternal self-efficacy. This pilot study also aimed to determine the acceptability and feasibility of the MBCE protocol. Methods: A single-arm pilot study of the MBCE intervention using a repeated-measures design was used to analyze data before and after the MBCE intervention to determine change trends with key outcome variables: mindfulness; depression, anxiety, and stress; childbirth self-efficacy; and fear of childbirth. Pregnant women (18-28 weeks’ gestation) and their support companions attended weekly MBCE group sessions over 8 weeks in an Australian community setting.Results: Of the 18 women who began and completed the intervention, missing data allowed for complete data from12 participants to be analyzed. Statistically significant improvements and large effect sizes were observed for childbirth self-efficacy and fear of childbirth. Improvements in depression, mindfulness, and birth outcome expectations were underpowered. At postnatal follow-up significant improvements were found in anxiety, whereas improvements in mindfulness, stress, and fear of birth were significant at a less conservative alpha level. Discussion: This pilot study demonstrated that a blended mindfulness and skills-based childbirth education intervention was acceptable to women and was associated with improvements in women’s sense of control and confidence in giving birth. Previous findings that low self-efficacy and high childbirth fear are linked to greater labor pain, stress reactivity, and trauma suggest the observed improvements in these variables have important implications for improving maternal mental health and associated child health outcomes. Ways in which these outcomes can be achieved through improved childbirth education are discussed

    Computing the set of Epsilon-efficient solutions in multiobjective space mission design

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    In this work, we consider multiobjective space mission design problems. We will start from the need, from a practical point of view, to consider in addition to the (Pareto) optimal solutions also nearly optimal ones. In fact, extending the set of solutions for a given mission to those nearly optimal significantly increases the number of options for the decision maker and gives a measure of the size of the launch windows corresponding to each optimal solution, i.e., a measure of its robustness. Whereas the possible loss of such approximate solutions compared to optimal—and possibly even ‘better’—ones is dispensable. For this, we will examine several typical problems in space trajectory design—a biimpulsive transfer from the Earth to the asteroid Apophis and two low-thrust multigravity assist transfers—and demonstrate the possible benefit of the novel approach. Further, we will present a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm which is designed for this purpose

    Социальные сети как актуальный инструмент формирования доверия к работе полиции

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    Актуальность данной темы обусловлена бурным развитием социальных сетей и деятельностью МВД, направленной на формирование доверия населения. Объект исследования – деятельность УМВД по формированию доверия к работе полиции. Предмет – роль социальных сетей в формировании доверия к работе полиции. Цель ВКР состоит в разработке и внедрении проектных рекомендаций по продвижению аккаунтов УМВД России по Томской области в социальных сетях. Методы: анализ и систематизация теоретических положений по проблеме исследования, сбор эмпирических данных – экспертное интервью, контент-анализ, синтез теоретических и эмпирических материалов. Сформулированы рекомендации по продвижению аккаунтов в социальных сетях ведомства. Первичное внедрение рекомендаций повысило охват аудитории и количество подписчиков.The relevance of this topic due to the rapid development of social media and activities of the MIA, aimed at the formation of public confidence. The object of study – the activity of the MIA on the formation of trust towards the police. Subject – the role of social media in shaping trust in the police. The purpose of the WRC is to develop and implement design recommendations for the promotion of accounts MIA of Russia across the Tomsk region on social media. Methods: the analysis of the theoretical positions on the research problem, the collection of empirical data – expert interviews, content analysis. Formulate recommendations for the promotion of accounts in social media Department. The primary implementation of the recommendations has increased the reach and number of subscribers

    Household Contamination with Salmonella enterica1

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    Household contamination with Salmonella enterica increases when occupational exposure exists (cattle farms with known salmonellosis in cattle, a salmonella research laboratory, or a veterinary clinic experiencing an outbreak of salmonellosis). Fifteen of 55 (27.2%) vacuum cleaner bags from households with occupational exposure to S. enterica were positive versus 1 of 24 (4.2% without known exposure. Use of a carpet cleaner and several cleaners/disinfectants reduced, but failed to eliminate, S. enterica from artificially contaminated carpet

    Suscetibilidade de Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae) a iscas tóxicas formuladas com espinosinas.

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    A mosca-das-frutas Anastrepha fraterculus é a principal praga da fruticultura de clima temperado. Para o manejo da praga, uma alternativa é o emprego de iscas tóxicas que consiste na associação de um atrativo alimentar com um agente letal. No Brasil, as formulações de iscas tóxicas utilizam principalmente inseticidas fosforados como agente letal sendo as espinosinas uma alternativa. Nesse trabalho, foi avaliada a suscetibilidade de adultos de A. fraterculus a iscas tóxicas formuladas com inseticidas espinosade (Tracer? 480 SC) e espinetoram (Delegate? 250 WG) em mistura com os atrativos alimentares a base de proteína hidrolisada de milho (Biofruit? 3%) e melaço de cana-de-açúcar (7%).(Embrapa Uva e Vinho. Documentos, 99

    Efeito de iscas tóxicas sobre o parasitoide Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) em laboratório.

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    As moscas-das-frutas causam prejuízos significativos aos fruticultores. A liberação de parasitoides da família Braconidae (Hymenoptera) é uma estratégia de Manejo Integrado da Praga que pode ser associada ao controle químico. Diachasmimorpha longicaudata é a espécie de parasitoide mais utilizada pela facilidade de multiplicação em laboratório e por ser efetivo sobre várias espécies de tefritídeos de importância econômica. Neste trabalho, foi avaliado em laboratório (temperatura: 24±2°C, UR: 70±10%) o efeito de iscas tóxicas sobre D. longicaudata.(Embrapa Uva e Vinho. Documentos, 99

    Toxicity of baits and their effects on population suppression of anastrepha fraterculus (diptera: tephritidae): implications for field management.

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    Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann, 1830) is the main pest of fruit in southern Brazil. The use of toxic baits is one of the alternatives for its management. In this study, the toxic baits Anamed + malathion (10,000 mg/liter), Flyral 1.25% + malathion (2,000 mg/liter), and Gelsura (alpha-cypermethrin, 2,000 and 4,000 mg/liter) were highly toxic to the adults of A. fraterculus (lethal time [LT50] 90% mortality) on A. fraterculus adults up to 21 d after treatment (DAT). In the presence of 5, 25, and 50 mm of rainfall, there was a significant reduction in the residual effect over time. However, with up to 50 mm of rain, Anamed + malathion and Gelsura 2,000 and 4,000 mg/liter caused between 43.0 and 79.0% of mortality. In the field, during two consecutive seasons (2015/2016 and 2016/2017), applications of Gelsura 2,000 mg/liter (four applications/season) caused population suppression of the pest throughout the apple fruiting period. However, in the 2016/2017 season, in the area using Gelsura, a higher percentage (&#8776;12%) of apple fruits damaged by A. fraterculus females was observed when compared with the area with insecticide application (damage <3%). The toxic bait Gelsura (2,000 and 4.000 mg/liter) was shown to be promising for use in the management of A. fraterculus, with results similar to those with the application of synthetic insecticides. Key words: South American fruit fly, integrated pest management, rain effect, chemical contro

    Recomendações para avaliação de iscas tóxicas sobre as moscas-das-frutas Anastrepha fraterculus e Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae) em laboratório.

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    As iscas tóxicas têm sido uma ferramenta importante para o manejo das moscas-das-frutas no Brasil. De maneira geral, a tecnologia consiste na associação entre um atrativo alimentar e um agente letal que controla os adultos do inseto ao entrarem em contato ou se alimentarem da mistura. Como vantagens do uso da tecnologia, destaca-se o emprego de doses reduzidas de inseticidas e a possibilidade de diminuir a presença de resíduos tóxicos nos frutos, devido a aplicação ser realizada nas bordas dos pomares, nos troncos e/ou folhas, evitando atingir os frutos.bitstream/item/201146/1/Doc109.pd