870 research outputs found

    The shoot apical meristem of Sinapis alba L. expands its central symplasmic field during the floral transition

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    The shoot apical meristem (SAM) is functionally subdivided into zones with distinct tasks. During vegetative growth the peripheral zone of the meristem gives rise to leaf primordia that develop into dorsiventral leaves under the influence of signals from the central zone. During the floral transition the function of the SAM is altered and its peripheral zone starts to form floral structures in a specific pattern. This requires alterations in the signal networks that coordinate the activities of the peripheral and central zone of the SAM. These signal networks are partly housed in the symplasmic space of the SAM. Dye-coupling experiments demonstrate that in the superficial layer of the Sinapis alba meristem this space is radially subdivided. The cells of the central zone are coupled into a symplasmic field, which is shielded from the peripheral zone by the positional closing of plasmodesmata. In the vegetative meristems, most of these central symplasmic fields have a triangular geometry and are relatively small in size. Plants that are induced to flower by exposure to a single long day alter the geometry as well as the size of their central symplasmic field. After two subsequent days under short photoperiod the central symplasmic fields exhibit a circular form. Simultaneously. their size strongly increases both in an absolute sense and relative to the enlarging meristem. The geometric change in the fields is hypothesized to be due to recruitment of extra initial cells, required to support the increase in phyllotactic complexity. The proportional increase in field size is interpreted as an adjustment in the balance between the central and peripheral zone of the SAM, accompanying the shift from leaf production to flower formation

    The developmental onset of symbolic approximation: beyond nonsymbolic representations, the language of numbers matters

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    Symbolic (i.e., with Arabic numerals) approximate arithmetic with large numerosities is an important predictor of mathematics. It was previously evidenced to onset before formal schooling at the kindergarten age (Gilmore et al., 2007) and was assumed to map onto pre-existing nonsymbolic (i.e., abstract magnitudes) representations. With a longitudinal study (Experiment 1), we show, for the first time, that nonsymbolic and symbolic arithmetic demonstrate different developmental trajectories. In contrast to Gilmore et al.’s (2007) findings, Experiment 1 showed that symbolic arithmetic onsets in grade 1, with the start of formal schooling, not earlier. Gilmore et al. (2007) had examined English-speaking children, whereas we assessed a large Dutch-speaking sample. The Dutch language for numbers can be cognitively more demanding, for example, due to the inversion property in numbers above 20. Thus, for instance, the number 48 is named in Dutch “achtenveertig” (eight and forty) instead of “forty eight.” To examine the effect of the language of numbers, we conducted a cross-cultural study with English- and Dutch-speaking children that had similar SES and math achievement skills (Experiment 2). Results demonstrated that Dutch-speaking kindergarteners lagged behind English-speaking children in symbolic arithmetic, not nonsymbolic and demonstrated a working memory overload in symbolic arithmetic, not nonsymbolic. Also, we show for the first time that the ability to name two-digit numbers highly correlates with symbolic approximate arithmetic not nonsymbolic. Our experiments empirically demonstrate that the symbolic number system is modulated more by development and education than the nonsymbolic system. Also, in contrast to the nonsymbolic system, the symbolic system is modulated by language

    Studies of reversible capsid shell growth

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    Results from molecular dynamics simulations of simple, structured particles capable of self-assembling into polyhedral shells are described. The analysis focuses on the growth histories of individual shells in the presence of an explicit solvent and the nature of the events along their growth pathways; the results provide further evidence of the importance of reversibility in the assembly process. The underlying goal of this approach is the modeling of virus capsid growth, a phenomenon at the submicroscopic scale that, despite its importance, is little understood.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Формування стратегії фінансування зобов’язань при здійсненні комерційними банками інвестиційної діяльності

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    Проведено аналіз мікро- і макроекономічних аспектів інвестиційної діяльності комерційних банків. Досліджені проблеми формування ефективної інвестиційної політики банків. У статті наведена постановка задачі узгодження фінансових потоків при різних обмеженнях

    Формування теоретичної моделі геополітичного дискурсу у вітчизняній політичній думці кінця ХХ – початку ХХІ століття

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    У статті висвітлюються питання щодо започаткування новітньої дослідницької традиції геополітичного дискурсу у проблематиці вітчизняної політичної думки ХХ – початку ХХІ століття. Зазначено позиції провідних вітчизняних вчених щодо формування емпіричного та ідейно-теоретичного підґрунтя для утвердження цієї традиції політичного дослідження.The article considers the questions of the becoming of a new research tradition of geopolitical discourse in the topic of native political thought of the 20-th – the beginning of the 21-st century. The views of leading home scientists about the development of empirical, ideological and theoretical basis for the maintenance of this tradition of political research are pointed out