44 research outputs found
Synesthetic Identities. Brain-computer Interfaces as a Tool for Interactive Visual Landscapes
The essay intends to investigate the role of Brain Computer Interfaces within the mechanisms of visual perception with the aim of testing whether it is possible to imagine a personalised vision of the visual experience
Evolutive Scenarios for a New Concept of Sustainable Mobility
The present paper reports on an investigation of new mobility and manufacturing concepts, carried out in the framework of a research project funded by the Regional Government of Campania for an innovative development of the automotive supply chain. With reference to a new concept of sustainability that involves citizens and communities, the scenario depicted is characterised by an integrated innovation that affects people, new technologies and, generally speaking, as well as by the appearance of alternative models generated by individuals and by the small production realities scattered across the territory. Just like the manufacturing industry is increasingly moving towards new forms of production, the mobility sector is also undergoing deep transformations. It is with this approach of radical renewal that the present research tries to re-imagine the new systems of interaction and involvement of users—co-designed models, and digital manufacturing modes leading to the efficiency of services and production processes in the automotive sector
Hyle. Un progetto curatoriale sul design contemporaneo legato al territorio.
Il progetto curatoriale Hyle_dialoghi transdisciplinari sul design è un’indagine sulla pratiche ed espressioni del design contemporaneo nella città di Napoli mirata all’elaborazione di una visione progettuale rappresentativa del luogo come modello per la divulgazione di una consapevolezza delle potenzialità culturali e produttive locali.
L’esplorazione è stata condotta attraverso un approccio di Research through Design, basato sull’elaborazione di un corpus di artefatti che, tramite la loro espressione materica e in riferimento ai processi coinvolti, raccontassero l’identità delle pratiche progettuali come una sorta di manifesto. I risultati sono stati presentati tramite una mostra e un catalogo presso il Riot Studio
Sustainable design and aesthetics in the soft science age
The research analyses the new aesthetic sensibility that arises with sustainable project, in order to answer more specifically the following questions: what influence does the culture of sustainability have on the aesthetics of contemporary design? What are the future directions of the design project in relation to the possible declinations of the relationship between ecology/aesthetics/technology?
The post-Darwinian idea of evolutionary pluralism influences sustainable design, with significant implications in our times from the point of view of the variety of methods, technologies and aesthetic parameters (M. Ceruti, 1989). The idea of a one-best-way project is extraneous to the logic of design for sustainability. Eco-sustainable design is expressed above all as a variety of strategies, an open codification of ways to travel and experiment through the project. The contribution investigates the relationship between sustainable design, aesthetics and technological imagery, to arrive at a critical analysis of a series of design aesthetics in a context such as Anthropocene
Metamorphosis of design. The aesthetics of the dark side.
Born from Positivism, industrial design brings itself to a constitutive conflict, for which the technical and irrational aspects are seen in terms of mutual exclusion. Existential themes, death, catastrophe, the sacred, mystery have indeed always remained on the margins of its culture. The post-modern project begins to draw from the shaded side inherent in the Modern Movement, made of doubts and ambiguities. The paper uses salient concepts of contemporary art theory, influenced by the psychoanalysis, and focuses on a specific design phenomenon: the rise of its dark side and of new aesthetic parameters. The paper shows how this cultural process, paradoxally, develops itself in the post-modernity from a utopia of total resetting to zero of the object, carried out by the radical avant-garde movements from the 70s
The value of the scrap objects in design: which actions to promote it?
The paper presented describes an action-research about the concept of re-design, re-use, reinterpretation of the materials, productive processes and digital technologies in the scrap objects. Starting from a reflection on the anthropological meanings of the objects, about their materials and functions, the activities suggested are an attemp to reinvent them, throught a strong contemporary design perspective. The methods concern mappings, co-design activities, transnational meetings, in order to achieve transdisciplinary workshop, design and art productions, open talks and travelling exhibitions.The philosophy of the re-use doesn't merely involve retrieving objects, but it also gives new life to the material culture, which can stimulate collaborative behaviours. The research starts with a reflection on the thinking paths that guide relationships with the objects, throught a new sensitivity to the reinterpretation of the obsolete and discarded object toward an ecological, and artistic value (Fuad-Luke, 2003)
Hyle. Dialoghi transdisciplinari sul design.
Curatela Mostra presso il Riot Studio, Napoli. 10/24 Novembre, 2017.
Catalogo Edito: Il Laboratorio ISBN: 9788896787199
Designers invitati: Ivo Caruso, Francesco Pace, Diego Cibelli, Daniele Della Porta, Chiara Corvino, Salvatore Scandurra, Giulia Scalera.
Ciascun autore è chiamato a redigere un dialogo per interrogarsi sul senso profondo del sentire la città . Il manifesto dialogico, scritto a mano attraverso delle serigrafie, diventa un modo per ripensare il proprio essere nel luogo. La mostra presenta una serie di opere/contenitori epistemologici, quali vasi, scatole, sculture intesi come dispositivi per visualizzare pensieri altrimenti astratti. Le forme cave, nel loro essere vuote, sono riempite di un senso, come di un liquido dialogico, che è il messaggio, l’idea che il designer/artista vuole offrire al pubblico