19,914 research outputs found

    The right information may matter more than frequency-place alignment: Simulations of frequency-aligned and upward shifting cochlear implant processors for a shallow electrode array insertion

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    Objective: It has been claimed that speech recognition with a cochlear implant is dependent on the correct frequency alignment of analysis bands in the speech processor with characteristic frequencies (CFs) at electrode locations. However, the use of filters aligned in frequency to a relatively basal electrode array position leads to significant loss of lower frequency speech information. This study uses an acoustic simulation to compare two approaches to the matching of speech processor filters to an electrode array having a relatively shallow depth within the typical range, such that the most apical element is at a CF of 1851 Hz. Two noise-excited vocoder speech processors are compared, one with CF-matched filters, and one with filters matched to CFs at basilar membrane locations 6 mm more apical than electrode locations.Design: An extended crossover training design examined pre- and post-training performance in the identification of vowels and words in sentences for both processors. Subjects received about 3 hours of training with each processor in turn.Results: Training improved performance with both processors, but training effects were greater for the shifted processor. For a male talker, the shifted processor led to higher post-training scores than the frequency-aligned processor with both vowels and sentences. For a female talker, post-training vowel scores did not differ significantly between processors, whereas sentence scores were higher with the frequency-aligned processor.Conclusions: Even for a shallow electrode insertion, we conclude that a speech processor should represent information from important frequency regions below 1 kHz and that the possible cost of frequency misalignment can be significantly reduced with listening experience

    Product Differentiation and Film Programming Choice: Do First-Run Movie Theatres Show the Same Films?

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    We present an empirical analysis of product differentiation using a rich new dynamic panel data set on film programming choice in a major U.S. metropolitan motion-pictures exhibition market. These data allow us to investigate the determinants of strategic product differentiation in a multicharacteristics space. We find evidence of stability in the degree of product differentiation over time, but also find that the degree of product differentiation between theatre pairs reflects a balance between strategic concerns and contractual constraints. Similarity in one dimension is offset by differentiation in others. Finally, we find that theatres under common ownership make more similar programming choices than theatres with different owners.

    Evolution in the iron abundance of the ICM

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    We present a Chandra analysis of the X-ray spectra of 56 clusters of galaxies at z>0.3z>0.3, which cover a temperature range of 3>kT>153> kT > 15 keV. Our analysis is aimed at measuring the iron abundance in the ICM out to the highest redshift probed to date. We find that the emission-weighted iron abundance measured within (0.150.3)Rvir(0.15-0.3) R_{vir} in clusters below 5 keV is, on average, a factor of 2\sim2 higher than in hotter clusters, following Z(T)0.88T0.47ZZ(T)\simeq 0.88 T^{-0.47} Z_\odot, which confirms the trend seen in local samples. We made use of combined spectral analysis performed over five redshift bins at 0.3>z>1.30.3> z > 1.3 to estimate the average emission weighted iron abundance. We find a constant average iron abundance ZFe0.25ZZ_{Fe}\simeq 0.25 Z_\odot as a function of redshift, but only for clusters at z>0.5z>0.5. The emission-weighted iron abundance is significantly higher (ZFe0.4ZZ_{Fe}\simeq0.4 Z_\odot) in the redshift range z0.30.5z\simeq0.3-0.5, approaching the value measured locally in the inner 0.15Rvir0.15 R_{vir} radii for a mix of cool-core and non cool-core clusters in the redshift range 0.1<z<0.30.1<z<0.3. The decrease in ZFeZ_{Fe} with zz can be parametrized by a power law of the form (1+z)1.25\sim(1+z)^{-1.25}. The observed evolution implies that the average iron content of the ICM at the present epoch is a factor of 2\sim2 larger than at z1.2z\simeq 1.2. We confirm that the ICM is already significantly enriched (ZFe0.25ZZ_{Fe}\simeq0.25 Z_\odot) at a look-back time of 9 Gyr. Our data provide significant constraints on the time scales and physical processes that drive the chemical enrichment of the ICM.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of "The Extreme Universe in the Suzaku Era", Dicember 2006, Kyoto (Japan

    The western blue groper (Achoerodus gouldii), a protogynous hermaphroditic labrid with exceptional longevity, late maturity, slow growth, and both late maturation and sex change

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    The western blue groper (Achoerodus gouldii) is shown to be a temperate protogynous hermaphrodite, which spawns between early winter and mid-spring. Because A. gouldii changes body color at about the time of sex change, its color can be used as a proxy for sex for estimating the size and age at sex change and for estimating growth when it is not possible to use gonads for determining the sex of this fish. The following characteristics make A. gouldii highly susceptible to overfishing: 1) exceptional longevity, with a maximum age (70 years) that is by far the greatest yet estimated for a labrid; 2) slow growth for the first 15 years and little subsequent growth by females; and 3) late maturation at a large total length (TL50 = 653 mm) and old age (~17 years) and 4) late sex change at an even greater total length (TL50 = 821 mm) and age (~35 years). The TL50 at maturity and particularly at sex change exceeded the minimum legal total length (500 mm) of A. gouldii and the lengths of many recreationally and commercially caught fish. Many of these characteristics are found in certain deep-water fishes that are likewise considered susceptible to overfishing. Indeed, although fishing effort for A. gouldii in Western Australia is not particularly high, per-recruit analyses indicate that this species is already close to or fully exploited

    Extraction of the Electron Self-Energy from Angle Resolved Photoemission Data: Application to Bi2212

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    The self-energy Σ(k,ω)\Sigma({\bf k},\omega), the fundamental function which describes the effects of many-body interactions on an electron in a solid, is usually difficult to obtain directly from experimental data. In this paper, we show that by making certain reasonable assumptions, the self-energy can be directly determined from angle resolved photoemission data. We demonstrate this method on data for the high temperature superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+xBi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_{8+x} (Bi2212) in the normal, superconducting, and pseudogap phases.Comment: expanded version (6 pages), to be published, Phys Rev B (1 Sept 99

    Numerical Analysis of Solid Rocket Motor Instabilities With AP Composite Propellants

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    A non-steady model for the combustion of ammonium perchlorate composite propellants has been developed in order to be incorporated into a comprehensive gasdynamics model of solid rocket motor flow fields. The model including the heterogeneous combustion and turbulence mechanisms is applied to nonlinear combustion instability analyses. This paper describes the essential mechanisms and features of the model and discusses the methodology of non-steady calculations of the combustion instabilities of solid rocket motors