583 research outputs found

    Modeling Solar Lyman Alpha Irradiance

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    Solar Lyman alpha irradiance is estimated from various solar indices using linear regression analyses. Models developed with multiple linear regression analysis, including daily values and 81-day running means of solar indices, predict reasonably well both the short- and long-term variations observed in Lyman alpha. It is shown that the full disk equivalent width of the He line at 1083 nm offers the best proxy for Lyman alpha, and that the total irradiance corrected for sunspot effect also has a high correlation with Lyman alpha

    Facet ridge end points in crystal shapes

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    Equilibrium crystal shapes (ECS) near facet ridge end points (FRE) are generically complex. We study the body-centered solid-on-solid model on a square lattice with an enhanced uniaxial interaction range to test the stability of the so-called stochastic FRE point where the model maps exactly onto one dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang type growth and the local ECS is simple. The latter is unstable. The generic ECS contains first-order ridges extending into the rounded part of the ECS, where two rough orientations coexist and first-order faceted to rough boundaries terminating in Pokrovsky-Talapov type end points.Comment: Contains 4 pages, 5 eps figures. Uses RevTe

    Spacecraft instrument calibration and stability

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    The following topics are covered: instrument degradation; the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) Experiment; the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS); the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment 1 (SAGE-1) and SAGE-2 instruments; the Solar Mesosphere Explorer (SME) UV ozone and near infrared airglow instruments; and the Limb Infrared Monitor of the Stratosphere (LIMS)

    Temperature Dependence of Facet Ridges in Crystal Surfaces

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    The equilibrium crystal shape of a body-centered solid-on-solid (BCSOS) model on a honeycomb lattice is studied numerically. We focus on the facet ridge endpoints (FRE). These points are equivalent to one dimensional KPZ-type growth in the exactly soluble square lattice BCSOS model. In our more general context the transfer matrix is not stochastic at the FRE points, and a more complex structure develops. We observe ridge lines sticking into the rough phase where thesurface orientation jumps inside the rounded part of the crystal. Moreover, the rough-to-faceted edges become first-order with a jump in surface orientation, between the FRE point and Pokrovsky-Talapov (PT) type critical endpoints. The latter display anisotropic scaling with exponent z=3z=3 instead of familiar PT value z=2z=2.Comment: 12 pages, 19 figure

    Vacuum ultraviolet instrumentation for solar irradiance and thermospheric airglow

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    A NASA sounding rocket experiment was developed to study the solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectral irradiance and its effect on the upper atmosphere. Both the solar flux and the terrestrial molecular nitrogen via the Lyman-Birge-Hopfield bands in the far ultraviolet (FUV) were measured remotely from a sounding rocket on October 27, 1992. The rocket experiment also includes EUV instruments from Boston University (Supriya Chakrabarti), but only the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)/University of Colorado (CU) four solar instruments and one airglow instrument are discussed here. The primary solar EUV instrument is a 1/4 meter Rowland circle EUV spectrograph which has flown on three rockets since 1988 measuring the solar spectral irradiance from 30 to 110 nm with 0.2 nm resolution. Another solar irradiance instrument is an array of six silicon XUV photodiodes, each having different metallic filters coated directly on the photodiodes. This photodiode system provides a spectral coverage from 0.1 to 80 nm with about 15 nm resolution. The other solar irradiance instrument is a silicon avalanche photodiode coupled with pulse height analyzer electronics. This avalanche photodiode package measures the XUV photon energy providing a solar spectrum from 50 to 12,400 eV (25 to 0.1 nm) with an energy resolution of about 50 eV. The fourth solar instrument is an XUV imager that images the sun at 17.5 nm with a spatial resolution of 20 arc-seconds. The airglow spectrograph measures the terrestrial FUV airglow emissions along the horizon from 125 to 160 nm with 0.2 nm spectral resolution. The photon-counting CODACON detectors are used for three of these instruments and consist of coded arrays of anodes behind microchannel plates. The one-dimensional and two-dimensional CODACON detectors were developed at CU by Dr. George Lawrence. The pre-flight and post-flight photometric calibrations were performed at our calibration laboratory and at the Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility (SURF) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, Maryland

    Equilibrium shapes and faceting for ionic crystals of body-centered-cubic type

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    A mean field theory is developed for the calculation of the surface free energy of the staggered BCSOS, (or six vertex) model as function of the surface orientation and of temperature. The model approximately describes surfaces of crystals with nearest neighbor attractions and next nearest neighbor repulsions. The mean field free energy is calculated by expressing the model in terms of interacting directed walks on a lattice. The resulting equilibrium shape is very rich with facet boundaries and boundaries between reconstructed and unreconstructed regions which can be either sharp (first order) or smooth (continuous). In addition there are tricritical points where a smooth boundary changes into a sharp one and triple points where three sharp boundaries meet. Finally our numerical results strongly suggest the existence of conical points, at which tangent planes of a finite range of orientations all intersect each other. The thermal evolution of the equilibrium shape in this model shows strong similarity to that seen experimentally for ionic crystals.Comment: 14 Pages, Revtex and 10 PostScript figures include

    A Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for Surface Growth Simulations

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    We introduce an algorithm for treating growth on surfaces which combines important features of continuum methods (such as the level-set method) and Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. We treat the motion of adatoms in continuum theory, but attach them to islands one atom at a time. The technique is borrowed from the Dielectric Breakdown Model. Our method allows us to give a realistic account of fluctuations in island shape, which is lacking in deterministic continuum treatments and which is an important physical effect. Our method should be most important for problems close to equilibrium where KMC becomes impractically slow.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Asymptotic Behavior of Inflated Lattice Polygons

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    We study the inflated phase of two dimensional lattice polygons with fixed perimeter NN and variable area, associating a weight exp[pAJb]\exp[pA - Jb ] to a polygon with area AA and bb bends. For convex and column-convex polygons, we show that /Amax=1K(J)/p~2+O(ρp~)/A_{max} = 1 - K(J)/\tilde{p}^2 + \mathcal{O}(\rho^{-\tilde{p}}), where p~=pN1\tilde{p}=pN \gg 1, and ρ<1\rho<1. The constant K(J)K(J) is found to be the same for both types of polygons. We argue that self-avoiding polygons should exhibit the same asymptotic behavior. For self-avoiding polygons, our predictions are in good agreement with exact enumeration data for J=0 and Monte Carlo simulations for J0J \neq 0. We also study polygons where self-intersections are allowed, verifying numerically that the asymptotic behavior described above continues to hold.Comment: 7 page

    Equilibrium crystal shapes in the Potts model

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    The three-dimensional qq-state Potts model, forced into coexistence by fixing the density of one state, is studied for q=2q=2, 3, 4, and 6. As a function of temperature and number of states, we studied the resulting equilibrium droplet shapes. A theoretical discussion is given of the interface properties at large values of qq. We found a roughening transition for each of the numbers of states we studied, at temperatures that decrease with increasing qq, but increase when measured as a fraction of the melting temperature. We also found equilibrium shapes closely approaching a sphere near the melting point, even though the three-dimensional Potts model with three or more states does not have a phase transition with a diverging length scale at the melting point.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR