18 research outputs found

    Influence of bacterial colonisation on glycosylation of intestinal mucin oligosaccharides during early development

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    Abstract W1745Rebecca E. Forder, Catherine Robbe-Masselot, Gordon S. Howarth, Robert J. Hughe

    Glycosylation of the two O-glycosylated domains of human MUC2 mucin in patients transposed with artificial urinary bladders constructed from proximal colonic tissue

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    Transposition of intestinal segments is frequently used for bladder reconstruction. Following transposition, bowel segments continue to produce mucus and a correlation between excessive mucus production and complications such as urinary tract infection or catheter blockage has been observed for a long time. However, no information is currently available on the change of mucin expression and glycosylation under these abnormal conditions. In this study, the variable number tandem repeat region and the irregular repeat domain of human MUC2 were isolated as two glycopeptide populations after reduction and trypsin digestion followed by gel chromatography from urine of patients transposed with urinary bladders. After alkaline borohydride treatment, the oligosaccharides released from the whole MUC2 mucin and the two glycosylated domains were investigated by nanoESI Q-TOF MS/MS (electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry). More than 60 different glycans were identified, mainly based on sialylated core 3 structures. Some core 1, 2 and 4 oligosaccharides were also found. Most of the structures were acidic with NeuAc residues mainly alpha2-6 linked to the N-acetylgalactosaminitol and sulphate residues exclusively 3-linked to galactose. No expression of blood group A and B or Sda/Cad determinants was observed. Similar patterns of glycosylation were found in the tandem repeat region and the irregular repeat domain and the level of expression of the major oligosaccharides were in the same order of magnitude. The most interesting feature of this study was that sialyl-Tn antigen, which is considered as a tumour antigen, was the oligosaccharide most highly expressed. This result suggests that mucins from intestinal transposed segments are abnormally glycosylated

    Deleted in Malignant Brain Tumor 1 (DMBT1) is secreted in the oviduct and involved in the mechanism of fertilization in equine and porcine specie

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    Oviductal environment affects preparation of gametes for fertilization, fertilization itself, and subsequent embryonic development. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of oviductal fluid and the possible involvement of deleted in malignant brain tumor 1 (DMBT1) on IVF in porcine and equine species that represent divergent IVF models. We first performed IVF after pre-incubation of oocytes with or without oviductal fluid supplemented or not with antibodies directed against DMBT1. We showed that oviductal fluid induces an increase in the monospermic fertilization rate and that this effect is canceled by the addition of antibodies, in both porcine and equine species. Moreover, pre-incubation of oocytes with recombinant DMBT1 induces an increase in the monospermic fertilization rate in the pig, confirming an involvement of DMBT1 in the fertilization process. The presence of DMBT1 in the oviduct at different stages of the estrus cycle was shown by western blot and confirmed by immunohistochemical analysis of ampulla and isthmus regions. The presence of DMBT1 in cumulus–oocyte complexes was shown by western blot analysis, and the localization of DMBT1 in the zona pellucida and cytoplasm of equine and porcine oocytes was observed using immunofluorescence analysis and confocal microscopy. Moreover, we showed an interaction between DMBT1 and porcine spermatozoa using surface plasmon resonance studies. Finally, a bioinformatic and phylogenetic analysis allowed us to identify the DMBT1 protein as well as a DMBT1-like protein in several mammals. Our results strongly suggest an important role of DMBT1 in the process of fertilization