2,230 research outputs found

    ParseNet: Looking Wider to See Better

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    We present a technique for adding global context to deep convolutional networks for semantic segmentation. The approach is simple, using the average feature for a layer to augment the features at each location. In addition, we study several idiosyncrasies of training, significantly increasing the performance of baseline networks (e.g. from FCN). When we add our proposed global feature, and a technique for learning normalization parameters, accuracy increases consistently even over our improved versions of the baselines. Our proposed approach, ParseNet, achieves state-of-the-art performance on SiftFlow and PASCAL-Context with small additional computational cost over baselines, and near current state-of-the-art performance on PASCAL VOC 2012 semantic segmentation with a simple approach. Code is available at https://github.com/weiliu89/caffe/tree/fcn .Comment: ICLR 2016 submissio

    Essential spectra and exponential estimates of eigenfunctions of lattice operators of quantum mechanics

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    This paper is devoted to estimates of the exponential decay of eigenfunctions of difference operators on the lattice Z^n which are discrete analogs of the Schr\"{o}dinger, Dirac and square-root Klein-Gordon operators. Our investigation of the essential spectra and the exponential decay of eigenfunctions of the discrete spectra is based on the calculus of so-called pseudodifference operators (i.e., pseudodifferential operators on the group Z^n) with analytic symbols and on the limit operators method. We obtain a description of the location of the essential spectra and estimates of the eigenfunctions of the discrete spectra of the main lattice operators of quantum mechanics, namely: matrix Schr\"{o}dinger operators on Z^n, Dirac operators on Z^3, and square root Klein-Gordon operators on Z^n

    “Galectin-1 Induces Central and Peripheral Cell Death: Implications in T-Cell Physiopathology”

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    The immune system has a remarkable capacity to maintain a state of equilibrium even as it responds to a diverse array of foreign proteins and despite its contact exposure to self-antigens. Apoptosis is one of the mechanisms aimed at preserving the homeostasis after the completion of an immune response, thus returning the immune system to a basal state and warranting the elimination of autoagressive cells in both central and peripheral lymphoid organs. Targeted deletions in critical genes involved in the apoptotic death machinery together with natural spontaneous mutations have clearly shown the importance of apoptosis in the regulation of the immune response. This complex scenario of stimulatory and inhibitory genes has been enriched with the finding that galectin-1, a 14.5 kDa β-galactoside-binding protein, is able to induce apoptosis of immature cortical thymocytes and mature T cells by cross-linking cell surface glycoconjugates. Galectin-1 is present not only in central and peripheral lymphoid organs, but also at sites of immune privilege. In the present article we will discuss the implications of galectin-1-induced apoptosis in T-cell physiopathology in an attempt to validate its therapeutic potential in autoimmune and inflammatory diseases

    Cyclic Statistics In Three Dimensions

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    While 2-dimensional quantum systems are known to exhibit non-permutation, braid group statistics, it is widely expected that quantum statistics in 3-dimensions is solely determined by representations of the permutation group. This expectation is false for certain 3-dimensional systems, as was shown by the authors of ref. [1,2,3]. In this work we demonstrate the existence of ``cyclic'', or ZnZ_n, {\it non-permutation group} statistics for a system of n > 2 identical, unknotted rings embedded in R3R^3. We make crucial use of a theorem due to Goldsmith in conjunction with the so called Fuchs-Rabinovitch relations for the automorphisms of the free product group on n elements.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, LaTex, minor page reformattin

    Who says we are bad people? The impact of criticism source and attributional content on responses to group-based criticism.

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    addresses: University of Exeter, UK. [email protected]: Journal Article; Randomized Controlled Trial; Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tCopyright © 2010 SAGE Publications. Author's draft version; post-print. Final version published by Sage available on Sage Journals Online http://online.sagepub.com/We investigated the interplay between the source of criticism and the attributional content of their message on behavioral responses to group-based criticism. Studies 1 and 2 revealed that outgroup critics were more effective when their criticism included internal attributions (to the ingroup's character) rather than external attributions (the ingroup's circumstances), whereas there was no effect of attributional content for ingroup critics (a significant Source x Content interaction). Study 3 explored the role of audiences in responses to outgroup criticism. The results indicated that the positive effects of internal versus external attributions were only evident when an outgroup audience was witness to participants' responses. Furthermore, these effects were mediated through concerns about the ingroup's image. Together, these patterns suggest that responses to criticism depend not just on the identity of the critic but also on what the critic says and who is watching. People may be surprisingly responsive to outgroup criticism-particularly when inaction might lead others to perceive them as "bad people.

    Neuronal synchrony: peculiarity and generality

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    Synchronization in neuronal systems is a new and intriguing application of dynamical systems theory. Why are neuronal systems different as a subject for synchronization? (1) Neurons in themselves are multidimensional nonlinear systems that are able to exhibit a wide variety of different activity patterns. Their “dynamical repertoire” includes regular or chaotic spiking, regular or chaotic bursting, multistability, and complex transient regimes. (2) Usually, neuronal oscillations are the result of the cooperative activity of many synaptically connected neurons (a neuronal circuit). Thus, it is necessary to consider synchronization between different neuronal circuits as well. (3) The synapses that implement the coupling between neurons are also dynamical elements and their intrinsic dynamics influences the process of synchronization or entrainment significantly. In this review we will focus on four new problems: (i) the synchronization in minimal neuronal networks with plastic synapses (synchronization with activity dependent coupling), (ii) synchronization of bursts that are generated by a group of nonsymmetrically coupled inhibitory neurons (heteroclinic synchronization), (iii) the coordination of activities of two coupled neuronal networks (partial synchronization of small composite structures), and (iv) coarse grained synchronization in larger systems (synchronization on a mesoscopic scale

    W4 theory for computational thermochemistry: in pursuit of confident sub-kJ/mol predictions

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    In an attempt to improve on our earlier W3 theory [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 120}, 4129 (2004)] we consider such refinements as more accurate estimates for the contribution of connected quadruple excitations (T^4\hat{T}_4), inclusion of connected quintuple excitations (T^5\hat{T}_5), diagonal Born-Oppenheimer corrections (DBOC), and improved basis set extrapolation procedures. Revised experimental data for validation purposes were obtained from the latest version of the ATcT (Active Thermochemical Tables) Thermochemical Network. We found that the CCSDTQ-CCSDT(Q) difference converges quite rapidly with the basis set, and that the formula 1.10[CCSDT(Q)/cc-pVTZ+CCSDTQ/cc-pVDZ-CCSDT(Q)/cc-pVDZ] offers a very reliable as well as fairly cost-effective estimate of the basis set limit T^4\hat{T}_4 contribution. The largest T^5\hat{T}_5 contribution found in the present work is on the order of 0.5 kcal/mol (for ozone). DBOC corrections are significant at the 0.1 kcal/mol level in hydride systems. . Based on the accumulated experience, a new computational thermochemistry protocol for first-and second-row main-group systems, to be known as W4 theory, is proposed. Our W4 atomization energies for a number of key species are in excellent agreement (better than 0.1 kcal/mol on average, 95% confidence intervals narrower than 1 kJ/mol) with the latest experimental data obtained from Active Thermochemical Tables. A simple {\em a priori} estimate for the importance of post-CCSD(T) correlation contributions (and hence a pessimistic estimate for the error in a W2-type calculation) is proposed.Comment: J. Chem. Phys., in press; electronic supporting information available at http://theochem.weizmann.ac.il/web/papers/w4.htm

    Nonlinear properties of left-handed metamaterials

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    We analyze nonlinear properties of microstructured materials with negative refraction, the so-called left-handed metamaterials. We consider a two-dimensional periodic structure created by arrays of wires and split-ring resonators embedded into a nonlinear dielectric, and calculate the effective nonlinear electric permittivity and magnetic permeability. We demonstrate that the hysteresis-type dependence of the magnetic permeability on the field intensity allows changing the material from left- to right-handed and back. These effects can be treated as the second-order phase transitions in the transmission properties induced by the variation of an external field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure