4,301 research outputs found

    Reconstructing the Distortion Function for Nonlocal Cosmology

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    We consider the cosmology of modified gravity models in which Newton's constant is distorted by a function of the inverse d'Alembertian acting on the Ricci scalar. We derive a technique for choosing the distortion function so as to fit an arbitrary expansion history. This technique is applied numerically to the case of LambdaCDM cosmology, and the result agrees well with a simple hyperbolic tangent.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, dedicated to Stanley Deser on the occasion of his 78th birthday, revised version for publication in JCA

    Matter Contributions to the Expansion Rate of the Universe

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    We consider the effect of various particles on the cosmic expansion rate relative to that of the graviton. Effectively massless fermions, gauge bosons and conformally coupled scalars make only minuscule contributions due to local conformal invariance. Minimally coupled scalars can give much stronger contributions, but they are still sub-dominant to those of gravitons on account of global conformal invariance. Unless effectively massless scalar particles with very particular couplings exist, the leading effect on the expansion rate is furnished solely by the graviton. An upper bound on the mass of such scalar particles is obtained.Comment: 14 pages, plain TeX, 7 Postscript files, uses psfig.st

    Quantum Gravity Slows Inflation

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    We consider the quantum gravitational back-reaction on an initially inflating, homogeneous and isotropic universe whose topology is T3×ℜT^3 \times \Re. Although there is no secular effect at one loop, an explicit calculation shows that two-loop processes act to slow the rate of expansion by an amount which becomes non-perturbatively large at late times. By exploiting Feynman's tree theorem we show that all higher loops act in the same sense.Comment: 19 pages, plain TeX, 1 Postscript file, uses psfig.sty, revised June 1996 for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Cosmological Density Perturbations From A Quantum Gravitational Model Of Inflation

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    We derive the implications for anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background following from a model of inflation in which a bare cosmological constant is gradually screened by an infrared process in quantum gravity. The model predicts that the amplitude of scalar perturbations is AS=(2.0±.2)×10−5A_S = (2.0 \pm .2) \times 10^{-5}, that the tensor-to-scalar ratio is r≈1.7×10−3r \approx 1.7 \times 10^{-3}, and that the scalar and tensor spectral indices are n≈.97n \approx .97 and nT≈−2.8×10−4n_T \approx -2.8 \times 10^{-4}, respectively. By comparing the model's power spectrum with the COBE 4-year RMS quadrupole, the mass scale of inflation is determined to be M=(.72±.03)×1016 GeVM = (.72 \pm .03) \times 10^{16}~{\rm GeV}. At this scale the model produces about 10810^8 e-foldings of inflation, so another prediction is Ω=1\Omega = 1.Comment: 18 pages, LaTeX 2 epsilon, 1 eps file, uses epsfi
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