68 research outputs found

    Condotte compulsive in paziente con sindrome di Aicardi. agenesia del corpo calloso

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    The corpus callosum, which is the largest white matter structure in the brain of all placental mammals, connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres. An alteration in its morphology, hypoconnectivity or hyperconnectivity is a common marker of various neuropsychiatric pathologies. One of these is Aicardi syndrome, which is characterized by a triad of callosal agenesis, infantile spasms and chorioretinal lacunae. Patients affected by Aicardi syndrome frequently display other malformations together with congenital defects of the eyes, ribs and vertebrae. Based on the current clinical knowledge, this syndrome is now recognized as a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that includes neurological and constitutional symptoms. However, literature data have not yet defined the presence of a particular set of symptoms in psychiatric patients with this condition. The present case is the first report in which an on-going compulsive behaviour focused on the insistence to order objects has been observed in Aicardi syndrom

    Dissociative symptoms in female patients with mood and anxiety disorders: a psychopathological and temperamental investigation.

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE: Dissociative symptoms are frequent among psychiatric patients and may considerably affect patients' psychopathological condition and treatment outcomes. The objectives of the study are to assess the presence of dissociative symptoms in female patients with mood and anxiety disorders, to investigate their correlation with the clinical severity of the disorders and to investigate those personality traits that are more frequent in patients with high levels of dissociation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 50 Caucasian females were enrolled in the study. Patients were assessed through the Self-Report Symptom Check-List, the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) and rating scales for Depression and Anxiety. RESULTS: The mean DES score in the overall sample was 16.6. 32% of patients had a DES score > 20. Depressive symptoms positively correlated with the DES total scores. Dissociator patients presented some significantly different temperamental characteristics in comparison with non dissociator patients. CONCLUSIONS: Dissociative symptoms are highly present in patients with mood and anxiety disorders and correlate with the severity of depressive symptoms. Specific personality traits more frequently observed in dissociator people may represent predisposing factors; their early identification could be clinically relevant

    Soil Solarization as an Alternative to Methyl Bromide Fumigation for Annual Strawberry Production in a Mediterranean Area

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    This study compares the effects of soil solarization and methyl bromide fumigation on the growth and yield of strawberry plants (Fragaria xananassa Duch.) cultivated under plastic tunnel conditions. The study was conducted in a Mediterranean coastal area, in four consecutive annual production cycles in a field with no history of methyl bromide fumigation and 2-year history of strawberry production. In all 4 years, solarization was conducted for 7- to 9-week intervals from late June to early September. Cultivar Tudla frigo-plants were planted through mulch in the first week of September of each year. Average daily soil temperatures in solarized plots measured at 15 cm depth were 6.0, 8.1, 7.8, and 8.4 C higher than the control, during Summer 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004, respectively. Solarization produced 781, 610, 630, and 525 hours above 37 C at 15 cm depth during the first, second, third, and fourth year, respectively. In the first year, solarization significantly increased both early and total marketable yields by 15% compared with the fumigated plots, whereas in the successive years, solarization and fumigation were equally effective in increasing yields when compared to untreated plots. No significant differences in average fruit weight were observed between solarized and fumigated plots in individual years. The study demonstrated that the Mediterranean coastal areas have appropriate environmental conditions to apply soil solarization in strawberry planting as a viable substitute to methyl bromide fumigation

    Effects of planting dates on strawberry plug plant performances in Sicily

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    Sicilian strawberry production plays an important role in European strawberry industry, due to early production (February to April) and high market value. In Sicily planting takes place from August to October, depending on cultivation method and cultivar. Plug plants (tip plants) and fresh-dug plants from high elevation nurseries are the preferred plant materials due to early fruiting potential. However, optimal planting dates must be determined for the various commercial strawberry varieties in order to maximize fruit production. We planted four cultivars, ‘Camarosa’, ‘Candonga’, ‘Tudla’, ‘Naiad’, and a selection, MT 99.163.22- Kilo’ (MT 91.143.5 x Chandler) on September 25th and October 10th 2006. Early-season and total yield were greatest for plug plants established in late September as plants were able to achieve adequate growth before the cold winter season

    Kaki fruit as natural thickening agent in sherbets

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    The high pectin content and their particular composition make kaki fruit (Diospyros kaki) promising for technological exploitations as natural additive in fruit-based products. Sherbet is usually formulated with water, sugars, fruit juice and/or pulp, and thickening agents to obtain a good structure and stability. The aim of this work was to verify the possibility of using kaki pulp as a natural thickening agent in fruit sherbet production. Apricot and strawberry sherbets with different fruit content (30 and 45% by weight) were produced in order to select a reference formulation. Besides the reference (30% strawberry sherbet with no thickening agents), 30% fruit sherbets containing kaki alone or mixed strawberry-kaki were produced to verify the technological performance of kaki as thickening agent. The mixed-fruit sherbets were formulated with three different strawberry-kaki ratios (1:1, 2:1, and 5:1), maintaining a constant soluble solid content (31\ub0Bx). Soluble solid content, viscosity and density were measured on sherbet mixes before freezing, while on the finished products overrun, instrumental firmness, melting behavior, and shape retention were evaluated. A sensory analysis was also performed to highlight creaminess and sweetness differences between reference and the various sherbets. The kaki sherbet showed lower melting rate and higher shape retention than those of strawberry reference. The higher pectin content accounts for the melting resistance of kaki sherbet and the higher viscosity of the mix before freezing. Strawberry pulp replacement with kaki fruit at 2:1 and 1:1 ratios proportionally improved sherbet melting behavior, but did not affect shape retention. The low pH of strawberry pulp (3.5 vs. 6.7 of kaki) probably modifies pectin structuring capacity. Moreover, kaki fruit sherbet was judged significantly creamier than strawberry reference
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