33 research outputs found

    Rapid Stereomicroscopic Imaging of HER2 Overexpression in Ex Vivo Breast Tissue Using Topically Applied Silica-Based Gold Nanoshells

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    Tumor margin detection for patients undergoing breast conservation surgery primarily occurs postoperatively. Previously, we demonstrated that gold nanoshells rapidly enhance contrast of HER2 overexpression in ex vivo tissue sections. Our ultimate objective, however, is to discern HER2 overexpressing tissue from normal tissue in whole, nonsectioned, specimens to facilitate rapid diagnoses. Here, we use targeted nanoshells to quickly and effectively visualize HER2 receptor expression in intact ex vivo human breast tissue specimens. Punch biopsies of human breast tissue were analyzed after a brief 5-minute incubation with and without HER2-targeted silica-gold nanoshells using two-photon microscopy and stereomicroscopy. Labeling was subsequently verified using reflectance confocal microscopy, darkfield hyperspectral imaging, and immunohistochemistry to confirm levels of HER2 expression. Our results suggest that anti-HER2 nanoshells used in tandem with a near-infrared reflectance confocal microscope and a standard stereomicroscope may potentially be used to discern HER2-overexpressing cancerous tissue from normal tissue in near real time and offer a rapid supplement to current diagnostic techniques

    Local iontophoretic administration of cytotoxic therapies to solid tumors

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    Parenteral and oral routes have been the traditional methods of administering cytotoxic agents to cancer patients. Unfortunately, the maximum potential effect of these cytotoxic agents has been limited because of systemic toxicity and poor tumor perfusion. In an attempt to improve the efficacy of cytotoxic agents while mitigating their side effects, we have developed modalities for the localized iontophoretic delivery of cytotoxic agents. These iontophoretic devices were designed to be implanted proximal to the tumor with external control of power and drug flow. Three distinct orthotopic mouse models of cancer and a canine model were evaluated for device efficacy and toxicity. Orthotopic patient-derived pancreatic cancer xenografts treated biweekly with gemcitabine via the device for 7 weeks experienced a mean log2 fold change in tumor volume of −0.8 compared to a mean log2 fold change in tumor volume of 1.1 for intravenous (IV) gemcitabine, 3.0 for IV saline, and 2.6 for device saline groups. The weekly coadministration of systemic cisplatin therapy and transdermal device cisplatin therapy significantly increased tumor growth inhibition and doubled the survival in two aggressive orthotopic models of breast cancer. The addition of radiotherapy to this treatment further extended survival. Device delivery of gemcitabine in dogs resulted in more than 7-fold difference in local drug concentrations and 25-fold lower systemic drug levels than the IV treatment. Overall, these devices have potential paradigm shifting implications for the treatment of pancreatic, breast, and other solid tumors

    The Acute Leptin Response to GH

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    Implementación de salas de supercines en la ciudad de naranjal

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    La base económica del cantón Naranjal es la producción primaria agrícola, principalmente agricultura de exportación donde se destaca el banano, cacao, camarón y la floricultura; siendo actualmente la capital cacaotera del Ecuador. Toda la economía del cantón tanto a nivel urbano como rural gira alrededor de estas actividades. El esfuerzo pujante y tesonero de cada uno de sus habitantes ha contribuido significativamente al desarrollo urbanístico, turístico y comercial del cantón, haciendo que grandes empresas se interesen en invertir en la localidad, ya que por su ubicación y crecimiento poblacional, Naranjal se ha convertido en un lugar atractivo para los inversionistas. En la actualidad las personas se encuentran sometidas a un alto nivel de estrés, acumulación de tensión emocional, debido a las actividades cotidianas que implican esfuerzo corporal y mental por la carencia de sitios de esparcimiento, por lo que se requiere centros de distracción que permitan disminuir dicha tensión. La Implementación de Salas de Supercines ayudaría a que la población encuentre una manera de liberar sus tensiones, sin tener que movilizarse a otra ciudad

    Estrogen Supplementation Selectively Enhances Hypothalamo-Pituitary Sensitivity to Ghrelin in Postmenopausal Women

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    Context: Sex-steroid hormones amplify pulsatile GH secretion by unknown mechanisms. Ghrelin is the most potent natural GH secretagogue discovered to date. A plausible unifying postulate is that estradiol (E2) enhances hypothalamo-pituitary sensitivity to ghrelin (a physiological effect). The hypothesis is relevant to understanding the basis of hyposomatotropism in aging and other relatively hypogonadal states