77 research outputs found

    Visual Analytics in Software Maintenance:Challenges and Opportunities

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    Visual analytics (VA) is an emerging science at the crossroads of data and information visualization, graphics, data min-ing, and knowledge representation, with many successful applications in engineering, business and finance, security, geo-sciences, and e-governance and health. Tools using visualization, data mining, and data analysis are also prominently present in a different field: software maintenance. However, an integrated VA is relatively new for this field. In this paper, we discuss the specific challenges and particularities of applying VA in software engineering, highlight the added value of a VA approach, as distilled by us from several large-scale software engineering industrial projects. 1


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    Legal protection of quality schemes aiming traditional specialties is an important step in extending the copyright protection, as it appears viewed broadly. Apart from the sometimes rigid form of the "right", the regulatory purposes are nothing but a set of rules and regulations designed to satisfy the people who have passed down methods and processes through generations, in otder to produce products and food, characteristic to that community

    Visual Analytics in Software Maintenance:Challenges and Opportunities

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    IHMCIF: An Extension of the PDBx/mmCIF Data Standard for Integrative Structure Determination Methods

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    IHMCIF (github.com/ihmwg/IHMCIF) is a data information framework that supports archiving and disseminating macromolecular structures determined by integrative or hybrid modeling (IHM), and making them Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). IHMCIF is an extension of the Protein Data Bank Exchange/macromolecular Crystallographic Information Framework (PDBx/mmCIF) that serves as the framework for the Protein Data Bank (PDB) to archive experimentally determined atomic structures of biological macromolecules and their complexes with one another and small molecule ligands (e.g., enzyme cofactors and drugs). IHMCIF serves as the foundational data standard for the PDB-Dev prototype system, developed for archiving and disseminating integrative structures. It utilizes a flexible data representation to describe integrative structures that span multiple spatiotemporal scales and structural states with definitions for restraints from a variety of experimental methods contributing to integrative structural biology. The IHMCIF extension was created with the benefit of considerable community input and recommendations gathered by the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB) Task Force for Integrative or Hybrid Methods (wwpdb.org/task/hybrid). Herein, we describe the development of IHMCIF to support evolving methodologies and ongoing advancements in integrative structural biology. Ultimately, IHMCIF will facilitate the unification of PDB-Dev data and tools with the PDB archive so that integrative structures can be archived and disseminated through PDB

    Location patterns of urban industry in Shanghai and implications for sustainability

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    China’s economy has undergone rapid transition and industrial restructuring. The term “urban industry” describes a particular type of industry within Chinese cities experiencing restructuring. Given the high percentage of industrial firms that have either closed or relocated from city centres to the urban fringe and beyond, emergent global cities such as Shanghai, are implementing strategies for local economic and urban development, which involve urban industrial upgrading numerous firms in the city centre and urban fringe. This study aims to analyze the location patterns of seven urban industrial sectors within the Shanghai urban region using 2008 micro-geography data. To avoid Modifiable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP) issue, four distance-based measures including nearest neighbourhood analysis, Kernel density estimation, K-function and co-location quotient have been extensively applied to analyze and compare the concentration and co-location between the seven sectors. The results reveal disparate patterns varying with distance and interesting co-location as well. The results are as follows: the city centre and the urban fringe have the highest intensity of urban industrial firms, but the zones with 20–30 km from the city centre is a watershed for most categories; the degree of concentration varies with distance, weaker at shorter distance, increasing up to the maximum distance of 30 km and then decreasing until 50 km; for all urban industries, there are three types of patterns, mixture of clustered, random and dispersed distribution at a varied range of distances. Consequently, this paper argues that the location pattern of urban industry reflects the stage-specific industrial restructuring and spatial transformation, conditioned by sustainability objectives