46,644 research outputs found

    Bound states and extended states around a single vortex in the d-wave superconductors

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    Making use of the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation for the d-wave superconductors, we investigate the quasi-particle spectrum around a single vortex. Taking pFξ=10p_F\xi=10, we found that there are bound states which are localized around the vortex core, and extended states which are rather uniform, for ∣E∣<Δ|E|<\Delta where EE is the quasi-particle energy and Δ\Delta is the asymptotic value of the order parameter for away from the vortex.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Origin of conductivity cross over in entangled multi-walled carbon nanotube network filled by iron

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    A realistic transport model showing the interplay of the hopping transport between the outer shells of iron filled entangled multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) and the diffusive transport through the inner part of the tubes, as a function of the filling percentage, is developed. This model is based on low-temperature electrical resistivity and magneto-resistance (MR) measurements. The conductivity at low temperatures showed a crossover from Efros-Shklovski (E-S) variable range hopping (VRH) to Mott VRH in 3 dimensions (3D) between the neighboring tubes as the iron weight percentage is increased from 11% to 19% in the MWNTs. The MR in the hopping regime is strongly dependent on temperature as well as magnetic field and shows both positive and negative signs, which are discussed in terms of wave function shrinkage and quantum interference effects, respectively. A further increase of the iron percentage from 19% to 31% gives a conductivity crossover from Mott VRH to 3D weak localization (WL). This change is ascribed to the formation of long iron nanowires at the core of the nanotubes, which yields a long dephasing length (e.g. 30 nm) at the lowest measured temperature. Although the overall transport in this network is described by a 3D WL model, the weak temperature dependence of inelastic scattering length expressed as L_phi ~T^-0.3 suggests the possibility for the presence of one-dimensional channels in the network due to the formation of long Fe nanowires inside the tubes, which might introduce an alignment in the random structure.Comment: 29 pages,10 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Luby Transform Coding Aided Iterative Detection for Downlink SDMA Systems

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    A Luby Transform (LT) coded downlink Spatial Division Multiple Access (SDMA) system using iterative detection is proposed, which invokes a low-complexity near-Maximum-Likelihood (ML) Sphere Decoder (SD). The Ethernet-based Internet section of the transmission chain inflicts random packet erasures, which is modelled by the Binary Erasure Channel (BEC), which the wireless downlink imposes both fading and noise. A novel log-Likelihood Ratio based packet reliability metric is used for identifying the channel-decoded packets, which are likely to be error-infested. Packets having residual errors must not be passed on to the KT decoder for the sake of avoiding LT-decoding –induced error propagation. The proposed scheme is capable of maintaining an infinitesimally low packet error ratio in the downlink of the wireless Internet for Eb/n0 values in excess of about 3dB

    Rigorous Simulation of 3D Masks

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    We perform 3D lithography simulations by using a finite-element solver. To proof applicability to real 3D problems we investigate DUV light propagation through a structure of size 9 microns times 4 microns times 65 nm. On this relatively large computational domain we perform rigorous computations (No Hopkins) taking into account a grid of 11 times 21 source points with two polarization directions each. We obtain well converged results with an accuracy of the diffraction orders of about one percent. The results compare well to experimental aerial imaging results. We further investigate the convergence of 3D solutions towards quasi-exact results obtained with different methods.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures (see original publication for images with a better resolution

    Coherent coupling between surface plasmons and excitons in semiconductor nanocrystals

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    We present an experimental demonstration of strong coupling between a surface plasmon propagating on a planar silver substrate, and the lowest excited state of CdSe nanocrystals. Variable-angle spectroscopic ellipsometry measurements demonstrated the formation of plasmon-exciton mixed states, characterized by a Rabi splitting of ∼\sim 82 meV at room temperature. Such a coherent interaction has the potential for the development of plasmonic non-linear devices, and furthermore, this system is akin to those studied in cavity quantum electrodynamics, thus offering the possibility to study the regime of strong light-matter coupling in semiconductor nanocrystals at easily accessible experimental conditions.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure
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