49 research outputs found

    Newly diagnosed incident dizziness of older patients: a follow-up study in primary care

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dizziness is a common complaint of older patients in primary care, yet not much is known about the course of incident dizziness. The aim of the study was to follow-up symptoms, subjective impairments and needs of older patients (≥65) with incident dizziness and to determine predictors of chronic dizziness. Furthermore, we analysed general practitioners' (GPs') initial diagnoses, referrals and revised diagnoses after six months.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An observational study was performed in 21 primary care practices in Germany, including a four-week and six-month follow-up. A questionnaire comprising characteristic matters of dizziness and a series of validated instruments was completed by 66 participants during enrolment and follow-up (after 1 month and 6 months). After six months, chart reviews and face-to-face interviews were also performed with the GPs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Mean scores of dizziness handicap, depression and quality of life were not or only slightly affected, and did not deteriorate during follow-up; however, 24 patients (34.8%) showed a moderate or severe dizziness handicap, and 43 (62.3%) showed a certain disability in terms of quality of life at the time of enrolment. In multivariate analysis, n = 44 patients suffering from chronic dizziness (dependent variable, i.e. relapsing or persistent at six months) initially had a greater dizziness handicap (OR 1.42, 95%CI 1.05-1.47) than patients with transient dizziness. GPs referred 47.8% of the patients to specialists who detected two additional cases of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>New-onset dizziness relapsed or persisted in a considerable number of patients within six months. This was difficult to predict due to the patients' heterogeneous complaints and characteristics. Symptom persistence does not seem to be associated with deterioration of the psychological status in older primary care patients. Management strategies should routinely consider BPPV as differential diagnosis.</p

    Dizziness reported by elderly patients in family practice: prevalence, incidence, and clinical characteristics

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    Background: Although dizziness in elderly patients is very common in family practice, most prevalence studies on dizziness are community-based and include a study population that is not representative of family practice. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and incidence of dizziness reported by elderly patients in family practice, to describe their final diagnoses as recorded by the family physician, and to compare the clinical characteristics of dizzy patients with those of non-dizzy patients. Methods: Data were obtained from the Second Dutch National Survey of General Practice, a prospective registration study which took place over a 12-month period in 2001. We developed a search strategy consisting of 15 truncated search terms (based on Dutch synonyms for dizziness), and identified all patients aged 65 or older who visited their family physician because of dizziness (N=3,990). We used the mid-time population as denominator to calculate the prevalence and incidence, and for group comparisons we used the Student's t and Chi-square test, and logistic regression analysis. Results: The one-year prevalence of dizziness in family practice in patients aged 65 or older was 8.3%, it was higher in women than in men, and it increased with age. In patients aged 85 or older the prevalence was similar for men and women. The incidence of dizziness was 47.1 per 1000 person-years. For 39% of the dizzy patients the family physicians did not specify a diagnosis, and recorded a symptom diagnosis as the final diagnosis. Living alone, lower level of education, pre-existing cerebrovascular disease, and pre-existing hypertension were independently associated with dizziness. Conclusions: Dizziness in family practice patients increases with age. It is more common in women than in men, but this gender difference disappears in the very old. Because a large proportion of dizzy elderly patients in family practice remains undiagnosed, it would be worthwhile to carry out more diagnostic research on dizziness in a family practice setting

    Attitudes towards General Practice: a comparative cross-sectional survey of 1st and 5th year medical students

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    Objective: Positive attitudes towards General Practice can be understood as a prerequisite for becoming a General Practitioner (GP) and for collaboration with GPs later on. This study aimed to assess attitudes of medical students at the beginning and the end of medical school.Methods: A total of 160 1st year students at Hannover Medical School were surveyed. Their attitudes were compared to those of 287 5th year students. Descriptive, bi- and multivariate analyses were performed to investigate influences of year of study and gender.Results: Year of study and gender both were associated with the attitudes towards General Practice. The interest in General Practice and patient-orientation (communication, care of older patients with chronic diseases) was higher in 1st year students compared to more advanced students. Female students valued such requirements more than male students, the differences in attitudes between the years of study being more pronounced in male students.Conclusion: Despite some limitations caused by the cross-sectional design, the attitudes towards General Practice competencies changed to their disadvantage during medical school. This suggests a formative influence of the strategies used in medical education. Educational strategies, however, could be used to bring about a change of attitudes in the other direction.Zielsetzung: Eine positive Einstellung zum Fach Allgemeinmedizin kann als eine Voraussetzung für die Wahl einer Tätigkeit als Hausarzt und für die spätere interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit angesehen werden. Ziel der Studie war es daher, die Einstellungen von Medizinstudierenden am Beginn zu erheben und mit denen gegen Ende des Studiums zu vergleichen.Methodik: 160 Studienanfänger an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover wurden zu ihren Einstellungen befragt. Der Vergleich erfolgte anhand einer Kohorte von 287 Studierenden aus dem 5. Jahr. Dazu wurden deskriptive, bi- und multivariate statistische Analysen zur Darstellung des Einflusses von Studienjahr und Geschlecht durchgeführt.Ergebnisse: Sowohl Befragungszeitpunkt als auch Geschlecht erwiesen sich häufig als mit den Einstellungen zur Allgemeinmedizin und den zugehörigen Kompetenzen assoziiert. Grundsätzlich war das Interesse am Fach und an den Kennzeichen einer patientenorientierten Arbeitsweise (Interesse an Gesprächsführung, Versorgung chronisch kranker, älterer Patienten) am Beginn des Studiums größer als bei den älteren Studierenden. Frauen waren solchen Anforderungen gegenüber stärker aufgeschlossen als Männer, bei denen die Einstellungsunterschiede zwischen den Jahrgängen zudem meist größer waren.Schlussfolgerung: Trotz Einschränkungen durch das querschnittliche Design ergaben sich Hinweise, dass sich Einstellungen während des Studiums zuungunsten hausärztlicher Kompetenzen verändern. Dies deutet auf den prägenden Einfluss vorherrschender Ausbildungsstrategien hin und eröffnet zugleich Chancen anders gerichteter Einstellungsänderungen

    Improved acceptance of electronic media to support the introductory remarks in the anatomical dissection course

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    The anatomical dissection course takes place in the first year of preclinical training at the Medical School of Hannover. In two consecutive years, one out of eight groups (each about 40 students) received an intensified introduction supported by electronic slides and videos at the beginning of each day of dissection. In both years, the new introduction was evaluated. In the second year, modifications resulting from the first evaluation were incorporated. In both years, the students rated the new approach very positively. These results are discussed in respect to educating future medical doctors and to being well prepared for the preclinical exams.Der Präparierkurs wird an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover im ersten und zweiten vorklinischen Semester durchgeführt. In zwei aufeinander folgenden Jahren wurde in jeweils einer von insgesamt acht Gruppen mit etwa 40 Studierenden immer unmittelbar vor Kursbeginn eine intensivierte Einleitung mit elektronischem Bildmaterial und Filmen durchgeführt. In beiden Jahren wurden die Einführungen evaluiert. Aus den Ergebnissen der ersten Befragung ableitbare Veränderungen wurden im zweiten Jahr bereits eingearbeitet. Die neue Vorgehensweise wurde in beiden Jahren sehr positiv bewertet. Anhand der Resultate werden Möglichkeiten einer optimierten Durchführung des Präparierkurses im Hinblick auf die Ausbildung zum Arzt und als Vorbereitung auf die ärztliche Vorprüfung diskutiert