19 research outputs found

    Lettera da Kübeck a Visiani (25 aprile 1843)

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    Fa parte della corrispondenza ricevuta da Roberto de Visiani e conservata presso la Biblioteca dell'Orto Botanico dell'Università di Padova

    Lettera da Kübeck a Visiani (16 agosto 1852)

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    Fa parte della corrispondenza ricevuta da Roberto de Visiani e conservata presso la Biblioteca dell'Orto Botanico dell'Università di Padova

    Lettera da Kübeck a Visiani (13 marzo 1848)

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    Fa parte della corrispondenza ricevuta da Roberto de Visiani e conservata presso la Biblioteca dell'Orto Botanico dell'Università di Padova

    Modellbasierte Berechnung der Abfluss- und Stofftransportprozesse in hierarchisch organisierten Karstnetzwerken.

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    Karst systems fed by an allogenic inflow often show a complex network of interacting conduits that effects groundwater flow and pollutant transport. The combined evaluation of multi-tracer experiments performed at different flow conditions provide information about the hydrodynamic functioning of the karst network. Building on this, a conceptual model to quantify groundwater flow and mass transport has been developed and is presented in this study using the example of the Tanneben Massif, Austria. Within the model, groundwater flow is subdivided into several flow-paths with discrete flow velocity and capacity. As a consequence, model results reveal a dampen but also extended karst response to storm events. Upon exceeding the flow capacity, backwater accumulates at the inflow causing a prolongation of high discharge into the system. Additionally, adjacent karst systems are affected by the activation of interconnecting flow paths at high flow conditions

    Determination of the conduit structure in a karst aquifer based on tracer data - Lurbach system, Austria.

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    A structure model was used to analyse solute-transport parameter estimates based on tracer breakthrough curves. In the model system, groundwater flow is envisioned to be organised in a complex conduit network providing a variety of short circuits with relative small carrying capacities along different erosion levels. The discharge through the fully filled conduits is limited owing to void geometries and turbulent flow; thus, a hierarchic overflow system evolves where conduits are (re-)activated or dried up depending on the flow condition. Exemplified on the Lurbach–Tanneben karst aquifer, the applicability of the model approach was tested. Information derived from multi-tracer experiments performed at different volumetric flow rates enabled to develop a structural model of the karst network, under constraint of the geomorphological and hydrological evolution of the site. Depending on the flow rate, groundwater is divided into up to eight flow paths. The spatial hierarchy of flow paths controls the sequence of flow path activation. Conduits of the topmost level are strongly influenced by reversible alteration processes. Sedimentation or blocking causes an overflow of water to the next higher conduit. Flow path specific dissolutional denudation rates were estimated using the temporal development of the partial discharge

    Model-based quality management of groundwater resources - catchment area Liedern, Germany.

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    Strategies of groundwater protection in agricultural dominated areas are mainly based on a general reduction of the input of nutrients like nitrate. However, preventive measures in different parts of the catchment may provide very different effects on raw water quality. Exemplified on the case study 'Liedern' (BEW GmbH Bocholt, Germany) it is shown that hydrogeochemical processes along the flow path and in the well strongly affect the results of agricultural measures in terms of modality and efficiency. Thus, a reduction of fertilization in the vicinity of the well gallery leads to a decrease of nitrate concentration in the raw water. Whereas agricultural measures in the eastern part of the catchment do not influence nitrate, but cause a reduction of the iron concentration and rate of incrustation in the wells after 18 years. In this study we present a management tool that enables assessment of future trends in raw water quality. The tool is based on a reactive transport model which considers land use dynamics as an instrument to influence groundwater/raw water quality. A thermodynamic equilibrium approach is applied for modelling hydrogeochemical processes between aqueous, solid and gaseous phases. Kinetically controlled reactions like the microbial degradation of organic carbon are expressed by multiplicative Michaelis-Menten equations

    Reevaluation of colorimetric iron determination methods commonly used in geomicrobiology.

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    The ferrozine and phenanthroline colorimetric assays are commonly applied for the determination of ferrous and total iron concentrations in geomicrobiological studies. However, accuracy of both methods depends on slight changes in their protocols, on the investigated iron species, and on geochemical variations in sample conditions. Therefore, we tested the performance of both methods using Fe(II)((aq)), Fe(III)((aq)), mixed valence solutions, synthetic goethite, ferrihydrite, and pyrite, as well as microbially-formed magnetite and a mixture of goethite and magnetite. The results were compared to concentrations determined with aqua regia dissolution and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Iron dissolution prior to the photometric assays included dissolution in 1M or 6M HCl, at 21 or 60°C, and oxic or anoxic conditions. Results indicated a good reproducibility of quantitative total iron determinations by the ferrozine and phenanthroline assays for easily soluble iron forms such as Fe(II)((aq)), Fe(III)((aq)), mixed valence solutions, and ferrihydrite. The ferrozine test underestimated total iron contents of some of these samples after dissolution in 1M HCl by 10 to 13%, whereas phenanthroline matched the results determined by ICP-AES with a deviation of 5%. Total iron concentrations after dissolution in 1M HCl of highly crystalline oxides such as magnetite, a mixture of goethite and magnetite, and goethite were underestimated by up to 95% with both methods. When dissolving these minerals in 6M HCl at 60°C, the ferrozine method was more reliable for total iron content with an accuracy of ±5%, related to values determined with ICP-AES. Phenanthroline was more reliable for the determination of total pyritic iron as well as ferrous iron after incubation in 1M HCl at 21°C in the Fe(II)((aq)) sample with a recovery of 98%. Low ferrous iron concentrations of less than 0.5mM were overestimated in a Fe(III) background by up to 150% by both methods. Heating of mineral samples in 6M HCl increased their solubility and susceptibility for both photometric assays which is a need for total iron determination of highly crystalline minerals. However, heating also rendered a subsequent reliable determination of ferrous iron impossible due to fast abiotic oxidation. Due to the low solubility of highly crystalline samples, the determination of total iron is solely possible after dissolution in 6M HCl at 60°C which on the other hand makes determination of ferrous iron impossible. The recommended procedure for ferrous iron determination is therefore incubation at 21°C in 6M HCl, centrifugation, and subsequent measurement of ferrous iron in the supernatant. The different procedures were tested during growth of G. sulfurreducens on synthetic ferrihydrite. Here, the phenanthroline test was more accurate compared to the ferrozine test. However, the latter provided easy handling and seemed preferable for larger amounts of samples