1,042 research outputs found

    Infrared Spectra of Potassium Citrate Monohydrate Single Crystals

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    Aroma Profile of Fruit Juice and Wine Prepared from Cavendish Banana (Musa Sp., Group AAA) Cv. Robusta

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    A comparative study of the aroma profile of an alcoholic beverage (wine) and natural juice from banana cv. Robusta was performed. The study showed disappearance and synthesis of many aroma compounds during the fermentation process. Relative abundance of carbonyl compounds was high in the juice, and carboxylic acid content was higher in the wine. Aroma signature compounds of banana juice, isoamyl acetate, butyl isovalerate, isopentyl isovalerate, trans- 2- hexenal and butanoates were present only in a low proportion in the wine, while decanoic, dodecanoic and hexa decanoic acids (as well as their esters) were abundant in the banana wine. Synthesis compounds like methyl nonyl ketone, isoeuginol and 2-methoxy 4-vinyl phenol was greater during fermentation. Elemicin was present in high quantity in both the juice and the wine

    Brillouin Scattering Studies of La_{0.77}Ca_{0.23}MnO_3 Across Metal-Insulator Transition

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    Temperature-dependent Brillouin scattering studies have been carried out on La_{0.77}Ca_{0.23}MnO_3 across the paramagnetic insulator - ferromagnetic metal (I-M) transition. The spectra show a surface Rayleigh wave (SRW) and a high velocity pseudo surface acoustic wave (HVPSAW) besides bulk acoustic waves (BAW). The Brillouin shifts associated with SRW and HVPSAW show blue-shifts, where as the frequencies of the BAW decrease below the I-M transition temperature (T_C) of 230 K. These results can be understood based on the temperature dependence of the elastic constants. We also observe a central peak whose width is maximum at T_C.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Landings of a young spinner dolphin at Visakhapatnam,along Andhra coast

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    A young female spinner dolphin Stenella longtros Ms Gray, measuring 70.5 cm in total length was entangled in a gill net operated off Visakhapatnam at about 40 m depth on 21st August,1991

    Unusual landings of bottlenose dolphin

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    A large sized male bottle nose dolphin (Tursio s oduncus Enrenberg] measuring 220 cm in tota P lengh and weighing about 180 kg was landed by a small trawler on 18 March at Visakhapatnam Fisheries Harbour

    Whale shark landing

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    A male whale shark, Rhiniodon typus, 548cm Total length of about 2.5 tonnes, was caught entangled in gillnet operated at a depth of 40m was landed on 30 July at Visakhapatnam

    Mixed convection instability in a viscosity stratified flow in a vertical channel

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    The present study examines the linear instability characteristics of double-diffusive mixed convective flow in a vertical channel with viscosity stratification. The viscosity of the fluid is modelled as an exponential function of temperature and concentration, with an activation energy parameter determining its sensitivity to temperature variation. Three scenarios are considered: buoyancy force due to thermal diffusion only, buoyancy force due to temperature and solute acting in the same direction, and buoyancy force due to temperature and solute acting in opposite directions. A generalized eigenvalue problem is derived and solved numerically for linear stability analysis via the Chebyshev spectral collocation method. Results indicate that higher values of the activation energy parameter lead to increased flow stability. Additionally, when both buoyant forces act in opposite directions, the Schmidt number has both stabilizing and destabilizing effects across the range of activation energy parameters, similar to the case of pure thermal diffusion. Furthermore, the solutal-buoyancy-opposed base flow is found to be the most stable, while the solutal-buoyancy-assisted base flow is the least stable. As expected, an increase in Reynolds number is shown to decrease the critical Rayleigh number.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Physics of Fluid

    An expert system for LD steel making

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    LD process of steelmaking accounts for 70% of steel production throughout the world. Due to various constraints like the complexity of LD process; variation in quantity, quality and grade of input materials; varying operating conditions, random parameters and their values; the interventions of an expert and skilled operator is necessary to tackle the complex situation. To overcome this, there exists, a need of a system, which does not only possess the process control capabilities, but also emulates operator's expertise in terms of his knowledge and skill. Such a system has been developed named "Expert Steelmaker". The paper discusses the "Expert Steelmaker" which can presently be used in an advisory mode by the LD steelmaking operator

    Distributed Hash Table Implementation to Enable Security and Combat Malpractices

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    Security has become a global problem in any field. Everyday millions of cyber crimes are being recorded worldwide. Many of them include unethical hacking, unauthorized hampering of files and many more. To avoid such malicious practices many technologies have come up. One such security is DHT or Distributed hash tables. A recently upcoming cyber security, it helps the receiver and sender to send and receive files that are authentic. It also helps to find out if the file is manipulated or tampered by a third party or an unauthorized user by generating unique hash values. This paper mainly focuses on such distributed networks and the security they provide in order to stop malpractices

    Backscatter Inversion in Spherically Asymmetric Ionosphere

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    It is Well Known that Various Diurnal and Morphological Features of the Ionosphere Reveal Substantial Departures from the Normally Simplified Assumption of Spherical Symmetry at Certain Times of the Day or at Certain Geographic Locations. a Radio Ray Passing through Such an Ionosphere Must Bear Information About its Horizontal Gradients. the Leading Edge of a Backscatter Ionogram is Formed by Obliquely Propagated Radio Rays of Minimum Time Delay and Hence is Useful in Deducing Information About the Ionospheric Horizontal Gradients. in This Regard, the Ionospheric Electron Density Distribution is Modeled by a Locally Quasi‐parabolic Layer with Six Parameters. This Six‐parameter Space is Known as the \u27ion state.\u27 Our Object is to Seek the \u27best\u27 Ion state in the Sense that the Corresponding Mean Square Error in Group Delay is a Minimum. a Computer Program Has Been Written to Carry Out the Specified Procedure. a Number of Sample Calculations Are Presented and Discussed. Copyright 1979 by the American Geophysical Union