19 research outputs found

    Compostagem de resíduos de hortifruti para produção de biofertilizante.

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    Uso eficiente da água na agricultura irrigada: bases para elaboração de estratégias e programas.

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    Em termos da eficiência de uso de água na agricultura irrigada, em- bora a situação no Brasil seja um pouco melhor que a de muitos países, há muito ainda para melhorar, pois nossa considerável área irrigada de- manda grandes volumes de água e cada ponto percentual de incremento nessa eficiência traz economia significativa em volumes economizados. Nesse cenário, o Estado, suas instituições e seus agentes têm papel fundamental como indutores na promoção do uso eficiente da água na agricultura irrigada e na viabilização de uma produção sustentável. Ou seja, a adoção de novas métricas, novos conceitos e soluções de gestão que fomentem a adoção de boas práticas para o setor de agricultura irri- gada podem e devem ser guiadas por ações governamentais. Para isso, é primordial o estabelecimento de diretrizes para orientar o planejamento para tomadas de decisões adequadas

    Sexual stigma and discrimination as barriers to seeking appropriate healthcare among men who have sex with men in Swaziland.

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    INTRODUCTION: Same-sex practices and orientation are both stigmatized and criminalized in many countries across sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to assess the relationship of fear of seeking healthcare and disclosure of same-sex practices among a sample of men who have sex with men (MSM) in Swaziland with demographic, socio-economic and behavioural determinants. METHODS: Three hundred and twenty-three men who reported having had anal sex with a man in the past year were recruited using respondent-driven sampling and administered a structured survey instrument. Asymptotically unbiased estimates of prevalence of stigma and human rights abuses generated using the RDSII estimator are reported with bootstrapped confidence intervals (CIs). Weighted simple and multiple logistic regressions of fear of seeking healthcare and disclosure of same-sex practices to a healthcare provider with demographic, social and behavioural variables are reported. RESULTS: Stigma was common, including 61.7% (95% CI=54.0-69.0%) reporting fear of seeking healthcare, 44.1% (95% CI=36.2-51.3%) any enacted stigma and 73.9% (95% CI=67.7-80.1%) any perceived social stigma (family, friends). Ever disclosing sexual practices with other men to healthcare providers was low (25.6%, 95% CI=19.2-32.1%). In multiple logistic regression, fear of seeking healthcare was significantly associated with: having experienced legal discrimination as a result of sexual orientation or practice (aOR=1.9, 95% CI=1.1-3.4), having felt like you wanted to end your life (aOR=2.0, 95% CI=1.2-3.4), having been raped (aOR=11.0, 95% CI=1.4-84.4), finding it very difficult to insist on condom use when a male partner does not want to use a condom (aOR=2.1, 95% CI=1.0-4.1) and having a non-Swazi nationality at birth (aOR=0.18, 95% CI=0.05-0.68). In multiple logistic regression, disclosure of same-sex practices to a healthcare provider was significantly associated with: having completed secondary education or more (aOR=5.1, 95% CI=2.5-10.3), having used a condom with last casual male sexual partner (aOR=2.4, 95% CI=1.0-5.7) and having felt like you wanted to end your life (aOR=2.1, 95% CI=1.2-3.8). CONCLUSIONS: MSM in Swaziland report high levels of stigma and discrimination. The observed associations can inform structural interventions to increase healthcare seeking and disclosure of sexual practices to healthcare workers, facilitating enhanced behavioural and biomedical HIV-prevention approaches among MSM in Swaziland

    O sujeito das neurociências The subject of the neurosciences

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    Este ensaio trata da noção de subjetividade com a qual as neurociências operam, mas também aponta para o que tem sido o assunto principal e a pretensão desta disciplina no século XXI: a ideia de que o pensamento em sentido lato e a experiência subjetiva podem ser entendidos e explicados pela atividade de nossos neurônios. A versão mainstream dos estudos sobre o cérebro parte da premissa - que eles não discutem - de que o pensamento deriva do funcionamento cerebral e é basicamente determinado por ele. Se penso como penso, se sinto o que sinto, se faço o que faço, enfim, se sou como sou, é porque meu cérebro é como é. Encontro-me, assim, condensado e aprisionado neste órgão transformado em piloto de mim mesmo. Investigamos esta problemática, destacando as estatísticas sobre o consumo de psicofármacos, a história da vinculação entre cérebro e pensamento e, por fim, os programas de pesquisa em neurociências.<br>This essay discusses the notion of subjectivity under which the neurosciences operate, but also points to what has been the main topic and goal of this subject in the 21t century: the idea that thinking broadly and subjective experiences can be understood and explained by the activity of our neurons. The mainstream version of the studies on the brain part from the premise - which they do not argue - that thought derives from the cerebral functions and is basically determined by it. If I think as I do, if I feel what I feel, if I do what I do, in sum, if I am as I am, it is because my brain is how it is. Thus, I find myself condensed and trapped in this organ, turned into a pilot of myself. We investigate this issue, highlighting the statistics on psychotropic drug use, the history of the connection between the brain and thought and, finally, the research programs in neuroscience