104 research outputs found

    Husbandry factors and health conditions influencing the productivity of French rabbit farms

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    [EN] In 2009 productivity data from 95 kindling to finishing rabbit farms in France were analysed to identify rearing factors and health conditions that influenced their productivity. Farm productivity, expressed on a yearly basis, was described with 4 productivity indices: doe fertility and prolificacy, viability of young rabbits in the nest and mortality during the fattening period. The productivity data were obtained with the technical support of the farm and expressed in a standardised way. The average numerical productivity observed in the sample of farms was 50.9 rabbits produced per doe and per year (CI95% [49.6-52.2]). The husbandry management and health conditions were described based on a questionnaire filled out during an interview with the farmer and a farm visit. Explanatory data were organised into meaningful blocks relative to biosecurity measures, del using a Partiamaternity management, the sanitary context and the farm structure. The relationship between the 4 thematic blocks and the productivity indices was studied in a single mol Least Squares (PLS) regression model. Fertility (81.0%, CI95% [80.0-82.0]) and viability of young at nest (85.1%, CI95% [85.0-85.3] and mortality rate during fattening: 7.2%, CI95% [6.4-7.9]) were significantly associated with common factors relative to maternity management and the health context whereas prolificacy (9.7 live kits per parturition, CI95% [9.5-9.9]) was mostly influenced by a specific set of variables pertaining to those 2 blocks. Farm structure and biosecurity measures had a limited impact on fertility and on kit viability before weaning. The health conditions of the doe herd and the fattening rabbits were found to be significantly associated with several productivity indexes, but their impacts on productivity were as high as the impact of the other blocks. Genetic strain of the females, doe replacement strategy and nursing and weaning practices appeared to significantly influence reproductive performance, viability of kits before weaning and mortality rate during the fattening period. Maternity management therefore seemed to be the key point in rabbit unit management that governed the numerical productivity of the farm.The authors wish to acknowledge the CLIPP-Lapin de France, the SNGTV (French Veterinary Society - rabbit branch) and the FFC (French Federation of Cuniculture) for their collaboration. We also wish to thank the farmers and the rabbit production organisations who participated in the study. The authors are grateful to Ms. AnaĂŻs Croisier for her participation as an investigator and to Mr. Guillaume Coutelet from the French Institute for Avian Production for his technical expertise. Funding was provided by the French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products (ANSES-ANMV)Huneau-SalaĂŒn, A.; Bougeard, S.; Balaine, L.; Eono, F.; Le Bouquin, S.; Chauvin, C. (2015). Husbandry factors and health conditions influencing the productivity of French rabbit farms. World Rabbit Science. 23(1):27-37. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2015.3076SWORD2737231Castellini, C., Dal Bosco, A., Arias-Álvarez, M., Lorenzo, P. L., Cardinali, R., & Rebollar, P. G. (2010). The main factors affecting the reproductive performance of rabbit does: A review. Animal Reproduction Science, 122(3-4), 174-182. doi:10.1016/j.anireprosci.2010.10.003Coutelet G. 2011. Performances moyennes des Ă©levages cunicoles en France pour l'annĂ©e 2010. Cuniculture Magazine, 38: 24-27.EFSA. 2005. Scientific Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Animal Health and Welfare on the impact of the current housing and husbandry systems on the health and welfare of farmed domestic rabbits. EFSA J., 2005: 1-31.Lebas F. 2010. Situation cunicole en France en 2009: performances moyennes des Ă©levages selon les rĂ©sultats du RENACEB pour l'annĂ©e 2009, situation du marchĂ© cunicole français et premiĂšres Ă©valuations pour l'annĂ©e 2010. Cuniculture Magazine, 37: 74-82.Licois D., Coudert P., Marlier D. 2006. Epizootic rabbit enteropathy. In: L. Maertens, P. Coudert (ed). Recent advances in rabbit sciences. Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Melle, Belgium, 163-170.Marongiu M.L., Dimauro C., Floris B. 2007. A six-year investigation on reproductive performance of hybrid rabbits. 1. Pregnancy rate and numerical productivity at weaning as affected by season. Ital. J. Anim. Sci., 6: 770-772.Rommers J., Maertens L., Kemp B. 2006. New perspectives in rearing systems for rabbit does. In: L. Maertens, P. Coudert (ed). Recent advances in rabbit sciences. Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Melle, Belgium, 39-51.Serrano P., Pascual M., GĂłmez E.A. 2012. Analysis of management techniques on productivity indicators using the bdcuni Spanish database. In Proc.: 10th World Rabbit Congress, 3-6 September, 2012. Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. 1: 803-807

    The Nature of the Dietary Protein Impacts the Tissue-to-Diet 15N Discrimination Factors in Laboratory Rats

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    Due to the existence of isotope effects on some metabolic pathways of amino acid and protein metabolism, animal tissues are 15N-enriched relative to their dietary nitrogen sources and this 15N enrichment varies among different tissues and metabolic pools. The magnitude of the tissue-to-diet discrimination (Δ15N) has also been shown to depend on dietary factors. Since dietary protein sources affect amino acid and protein metabolism, we hypothesized that they would impact this discrimination factor, with selective effects at the tissue level. To test this hypothesis, we investigated in rats the influence of a milk or soy protein-based diet on Δ15N in various nitrogen fractions (urea, protein and non-protein fractions) of blood and tissues, focusing on visceral tissues. Regardless of the diet, the different protein fractions of blood and tissues were generally 15N-enriched relative to their non-protein fraction and to the diet (Δ15N>0), with large variations in the Δ15N between tissue proteins. Δ15N values were markedly lower in tissue proteins of rats fed milk proteins compared to those fed soy proteins, in all sampled tissues except in the intestine, and the amplitude of Δ15N differences between diets differed between tissues. Both between-tissue and between-diet Δ15N differences are probably related to modulations of the relative orientation of dietary and endogenous amino acids in the different metabolic pathways. More specifically, the smaller Δ15N values observed in tissue proteins with milk than soy dietary protein may be due to a slightly more direct channeling of dietary amino acids for tissue protein renewal and to a lower recycling of amino acids through fractionating pathways. In conclusion, the present data indicate that natural Δ15N of tissue are sensitive markers of the specific subtle regional modifications of the protein and amino acid metabolism induced by the protein dietary source

    Usinabilité des aciers durs

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