12 research outputs found

    Diverse nitrogen sources in seminal fluid act in synergy to induce filamentous growth of Candida albicans

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    The pathogenic fungus Candida albicans is the leading cause of vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). VVC represents a major quality-of-life issue for women during their reproductive years, a stage of life where the vaginal epithelium is subject to periodic hormonally induced changes associated with menstruation and concomitant exposure to serum as well as potential intermittent contact with seminal fluid. Seminal fluid potently triggers Candida albicans to switch from yeastlike to filamentous modes of growth, a developmental response tightly linked to virulence. Conversely, vaginal fluid inhibits filamentation. Here, we used artificial formulations of seminal and vaginal fluids that faithfully mimic genuine fluids to assess the contribution of individual components within these fluids to filamentation. The high levels of albumin, amino acids, and N-acetylglucosamine in seminal fluid act synergistically as potent inducers of filamentous growth, even at atmospheric levels of CO₂ and reduced temperatures (30°C). Using a simplified in vitro model that mimics the natural introduction of seminal fluid into the vulvovaginal environment, a pulse of artificial seminal fluid (ASF) was found to exert an enduring potential to overcome the inhibitory efficacy of artificial vaginal fluid (AVF) on filamentation. These findings suggest that a transient but substantial change in the nutrient levels within the vulvovaginal environment during unprotected coitus can induce resident C. albicans cells to engage developmental programs associated with virulent growth.Francisco J. Alvarez, Kicki Ryman, Cornelis Hooijmaijers, Vincent Bulone, Per O. Ljungdah

    Differentiated mouse kidney tubuloids as a novel in vitro model to study collecting duct physiology

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    Kidney tubuloids are cell models that are derived from human or mouse renal epithelial cells and show high similarities with their in vivo counterparts. Tubuloids grow polarized in 3D, allow for long-term expansion, and represent multiple segments of the nephron, as shown by their gene expression pattern. In addition, human tubuloids form tight, functional barriers and have been succesfully used for drug testing. Our knowledge of mouse tubuloids, on the other hand, is only minimal. In this study, we further characterized mouse tubuloids and differentiated them towards the collecting duct, which led to a significant upregulation of collecting duct-specific mRNAs of genes and protein expression, including the water channel AQP2 and the sodium channel ENaC. Differentiation resulted in polarized expression of collecting duct water channels AQP2 and AQP3. Also, a physiological response to desmopressin and forskolin stimulation by translocation of AQP2 to the apical membrane was demonstrated. Furthermore, amiloride-sensitive ENaC-mediated sodium uptake was shown in differentiated tubuloids using radioactive tracer sodium. This study demonstrates that mouse tubuloids can be differentiated towards the collecting duct and exhibit collecting duct-specific function. This illustrates the potential use of mouse kidney tubuloids as novel in vitro models to study (patho)physiology of kidney diseases