340 research outputs found

    Colonic nitrite and immunoglobulin G levels in canine inflammatory bowel disease

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    Sediment Imbalance Between Portuguese And Spanish Sectors Of Guadiana River Estuary

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Nutrient-stimulated insulin secretion in mouse islets is critically dependent on intracellular pH

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    BACKGROUND: Many mechanistic steps underlying nutrient-stimulated insulin secretion (NSIS) are poorly understood. The influence of intracellular pH (pH(i)) on insulin secretion is widely documented, and can be used as an investigative tool. This study demonstrates previously unknown effects of pH(i)-alteration on insulin secretion in mouse islets, which may be utilized to correct defects in insulin secretion. METHODS: Different components of insulin secretion in mouse islets were monitored in the presence and absence of forced changes in pH(i). The parameters measured included time-dependent potentiation of insulin secretion by glucose, and direct insulin secretion by different mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial secretagogues. Islet pH(i )was altered using amiloride, removal of medium Cl(-), and changing medium pH. Resulting changes in islet pH(i )were monitored by confocal microscopy using a pH-sensitive fluorescent indicator. To investigate the underlying mechanisms of the effects of pH(i)-alteration, cellular NAD(P)H levels were measured using two-photon excitation microscopy (TPEM). Data were analyzed using Student's t test. RESULTS: Time-dependent potentiation, a function normally absent in mouse islets, can be unmasked by a forced decrease in pH(i). The optimal range of pH(i )for NSIS is 6.4–6.8. Bringing islet pH(i )to this range enhances insulin secretion by all mitochondrial fuels tested, reverses the inhibition of glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) by mitochondrial inhibitors, and is associated with increased levels of cellular NAD(P)H. CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacological alteration of pH(i )is a potential means to correct the secretory defect in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM), since forcing islet pH(i )to the optimal range enhances NSIS and induces secretory functions that are normally absent


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    Studies on lichens at Ritigala Mountain revealed that a marked variation exists inthe distribution and diversity of lichens with change in elevation. Light andmoisture are two main environmental factors that changed the microclimate,which in turn determine the distribution of lichens at different elevations. Most ofthe lichens recorded on the barks of trees and rocks at lower elevation belonged togenera such as Dirinaria, Graphis, Parmelia, Psyxine, Pyremula and Parmotrentaand, Leptogium. At mid elevation (i.e. between 400 - 500m contour line)diversity and distribution found to be much different from those at lowerelevations. Crustoses such as species of Myreotrema, Thelotrema, Porina,Phyllospora, Ocellularia and several sterile ones were found on tree trunks androcks. However, the lichen diversity of the crowns of trees at mid elevation seemsto be somewhat similar to that at lower elevation although tree species aredifferent. At mid elevation, tree trunks get only diffused light while the canopygets more direct light. The difference in distribution and diversity observed onbarks could mainly be due light condition prevailing at mid elevations.At elevations above 600m, genera observed were very much different to thosefound at lower levations. Commonest genera recorded were Heterodeeermia,Pseudocyphellaria, Sticta, Collema, Leptogium and Parmelia. At higherelevations, it is cool but sunny during the day while nights are cooler and wet dueto mist. Thus. differences observed with respect to lichen diversity could be dueto the difference in microclimate that prevails at higher elevations.Air quality studies indicated that air pollution due S02 is minimal in this area.Thisresearch reveals that Mount Ritigala supports extremely interesting and diverselichen community which has not yet been explored fully yet. Similar to vascularplants, lichens show a marked zonation in the distribution of various species. Thiscould be mainly due to differences in the microclimate at different attitudes. Aslichens are sensitive to changes in the microclimate (specially with respect to airpollutants) it is important that the prevailing conditions are maintained. Anyactivities that lead to severe atmospheric pollution may cause significant changesin the existing lichen diversity.

    Amiloride derivatives enhance insulin release in pancreatic islets from diabetic mice

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    BACKGROUND: Amiloride derivatives, commonly used for their diuretic and antihypertensive properties, can also cause a sustained but reversible decrease of intracellular pH (pH(i)). Using dimethyl amiloride (DMA) on normal rodent pancreatic islets, we previously demonstrated the critical influence of islet pH(i )on insulin secretion. Nutrient-stimulated insulin secretion (NSIS) requires a specific pH(i)-range, and is dramatically enhanced by forced intracellular acidification with DMA. Furthermore, DMA can enable certain non-secretagogues to stimulate insulin secretion, and induce time-dependent potentiation (TDP) of insulin release in mouse islets where this function is normally absent. The present study was performed to determine whether pH(i)-manipulation could correct the secretory defect in islets isolated from mice with type 2 diabetes. METHODS: Using two mouse models of type 2 diabetes, we compared a) pHi-regulation, and b) NSIS with and without treatment with amiloride derivatives, in islets isolated from diabetic mice and wild type mice. RESULTS: A majority of the islets from the diabetic mice showed a slightly elevated basal pH(i )and/or poor recovery from acid/base load. DMA treatment produced a significant increase of NSIS in islets from the diabetic models. DMA also enabled glucose to induce TDP in the islets from diabetic mice, albeit to a lesser degree than in normal islets. CONCLUSION: Islets from diabetic mice show some mis-regulation of intracellular pH, and their secretory capacity is consistently enhanced by DMA/amiloride. Thus, amiloride derivatives show promise as potential therapeutic agents for type 2 diabetes

    Exploring the interplay between Buddhism and career development : a study of highly skilled women workers in Sri Lanka

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    This article adopts a socio cultural lens to examine the role of Buddhism in highly skilled women workers’ careers in Sri Lanka. While Buddhism enabled women’s career development by giving them strength to cope with difficult situations in work, it also seemed to restrict their agency and constrain their career advancement. Based on our findings, we argue that being perceived as a good Buddhist woman worked as a powerful form of career capital for the respondents in our sample, who used their faith to combat gender disadvantage in their work settings

    Evaluation of Acoustic Parameters for Angulimala Sutta using Voiced to Unvoiced Ration and Vowel Distribution

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    Pirith is believed as a protective doctrine preached by the Load Buddha in Pali language. The aim of this study is to analyze acoustic properties of Pirith using computer-aided methods and identify special characteristics and patterns. In this study, two methods were used to identify special characteristics of Angulimala Sutta. First method calculates voiced to unvoiced ratio using zero crossing rate and energy content associated with the acoustic signal while second method recognizes vowel distribution using first and second formant frequencies. Results of the first method indicates approximately 96% of frames are voiced while the second method suggests approximately 72% of vowels concentrate in the square region of F1,0~1500 Hz and demonstrating when chanting the Angulimala sutta most of the time the tongue height is low positioned in back levels while lips shaped unrounded. KEYWORDS: Formant frequencies, Voiced to unvoiced ratio, Zero-Crossing rate, Vowel distributio

    Wearable Bluetooth Triage Healthcare Monitoring System.

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    Triage is the first interaction between a patient and a nurse/paramedic. This assessment, usually performed at Emergency departments, is a highly dynamic process and there are international grading systems that according to the patient condition initiate the patient journey. Triage requires an initial rapid assessment followed by routine checks of the patients' vitals, including respiratory rate, temperature, and pulse rate. Ideally, these checks should be performed continuously and remotely to reduce the workload on triage nurses; optimizing tools and monitoring systems can be introduced and include a wearable patient monitoring system that is not at the expense of the patient's comfort and can be remotely monitored through wireless connectivity. In this study, we assessed the suitability of a small ceramic piezoelectric disk submerged in a skin-safe silicone dome that enhances contact with skin, to detect wirelessly both respiration and cardiac events at several positions on the human body. For the purposes of this evaluation, we fitted the sensor with a respiratory belt as well as a single lead ECG, all acquired simultaneously. To complete Triage parameter collection, we also included a medical-grade contact thermometer. Performances of cardiac and respiratory events detection were assessed. The instantaneous heart and respiratory rates provided by the proposed sensor, the ECG and the respiratory belt were compared via statistical analyses. In all considered sensor positions, very high performances were achieved for the detection of both cardiac and respiratory events, except for the wrist, which provided lower performances for respiratory rates. These promising yet preliminary results suggest the proposed wireless sensor could be used as a wearable, hands-free monitoring device for triage assessment within emergency departments. Further tests are foreseen to assess sensor performances in real operating environments

    Millimeter wave radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations in the high quality GaAs/AlGaAs 2D electron system under bichromatic excitation

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    Millimeter wave radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations are examined in the GaAs/AlGaAs 2D electron system under bichromatic excitation in order to study the evolution of the oscillatory diagonal magnetoresistance, R-xx as the millimeter wave intensity is changed systematically for various frequency combinations. The results indicate that at low magnetic fields, the lower frequency millimeter wave excitation sets the observed R-xx response, as the higher frequency millimeter wave component determines the R-xx response at higher magnetic fields. The observations are qualitatively explained in terms of the order of the involved transitions. The results are also modeled using the radiation-driven electron orbit theory
