7 research outputs found

    Limitation de l’usage des pesticides sur des cultures de laitue d’abri : bilan du projet DEPHY EXPE LILLA.

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    Le numéro 76 d'Innovations Agronomiques est constitué d’articles de synthèse des projets DEPHY EXPE publiés à l’occasion du Colloque National DEPHY EXPE, qui s’est déroulé le 28 mai 2019 à l'Assemblée Permanente des Chambres d'Agriculture (Paris)Preventive chemical control is still today the main mean of managing pests in winter lettuce under shelter. Alternative strategies have been explored in the LILLA project, either to provide needed experimental results on non-chemical plant protection techniques, or to test cropping systems based on integrated protection strategies that reduce the use of pesticides. Innovative pest management levers, including increased genetic resistance to basal rots, or the use of drip instead of sprinkler-irrigation. Considering a set of 23 comparative crop management trials, halving the number of fungicide treatments in combination with alternative techniques does not show a statistical increase in the risk of crop failure. The biological control strategies tested against aphids remain to be improved. The cost of implementing alternative techniques is significant but remains moderate in most cases. The most effective of these techniques could be more easily implemented by farmers if uncertainties about crop income were lower.La lutte chimique préventive est encore aujourd’hui le principal moyen de lutte contre les bioagresseurs en culture de laitue d’hiver sous abri. Des stratégies alternatives ont été explorées dans le projet LILLA, visant soit à fournir des références expérimentales manquantes sur des techniques non chimiques de protection des plantes, soit à tester des conduites de cultures basées sur des stratégies intégrées de protection, limitant le recours aux pesticides. Des leviers innovants, comme une résistance génétique accrue aux agents de la pourriture du collet, ou la conduite de l’irrigation en goutte à goutte au lieu de l’aspersion, ont pu être identifiés. En considérant un ensemble de 23 essais comparatifs de conduite des cultures, une diminution de moitié du nombre de traitements fongicides en association avec des techniques alternatives ne montre pas une augmentation statistique du risque de perte de récolte. Contre les pucerons, les stratégies de contrôle biologique testées restent à améliorer. Le coût de mise en oeuvre des techniques alternatives est significatif mais, pour la plupart d’entre elles, reste modéré. Les plus efficaces de ces techniques pourraient plus facilement être mises en oeuvre dans les exploitations si les incertitudes sur les revenus de la récolte étaient moins grandes

    Limitation de l’usage des pesticides sur des cultures de laitue d’abri : bilan du projet DEPHY EXPE LILLA.

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    Le numéro 76 d'Innovations Agronomiques est constitué d’articles de synthèse des projets DEPHY EXPE publiés à l’occasion du Colloque National DEPHY EXPE, qui s’est déroulé le 28 mai 2019 à l'Assemblée Permanente des Chambres d'Agriculture (Paris)Preventive chemical control is still today the main mean of managing pests in winter lettuce under shelter. Alternative strategies have been explored in the LILLA project, either to provide needed experimental results on non-chemical plant protection techniques, or to test cropping systems based on integrated protection strategies that reduce the use of pesticides. Innovative pest management levers, including increased genetic resistance to basal rots, or the use of drip instead of sprinkler-irrigation. Considering a set of 23 comparative crop management trials, halving the number of fungicide treatments in combination with alternative techniques does not show a statistical increase in the risk of crop failure. The biological control strategies tested against aphids remain to be improved. The cost of implementing alternative techniques is significant but remains moderate in most cases. The most effective of these techniques could be more easily implemented by farmers if uncertainties about crop income were lower.La lutte chimique préventive est encore aujourd’hui le principal moyen de lutte contre les bioagresseurs en culture de laitue d’hiver sous abri. Des stratégies alternatives ont été explorées dans le projet LILLA, visant soit à fournir des références expérimentales manquantes sur des techniques non chimiques de protection des plantes, soit à tester des conduites de cultures basées sur des stratégies intégrées de protection, limitant le recours aux pesticides. Des leviers innovants, comme une résistance génétique accrue aux agents de la pourriture du collet, ou la conduite de l’irrigation en goutte à goutte au lieu de l’aspersion, ont pu être identifiés. En considérant un ensemble de 23 essais comparatifs de conduite des cultures, une diminution de moitié du nombre de traitements fongicides en association avec des techniques alternatives ne montre pas une augmentation statistique du risque de perte de récolte. Contre les pucerons, les stratégies de contrôle biologique testées restent à améliorer. Le coût de mise en oeuvre des techniques alternatives est significatif mais, pour la plupart d’entre elles, reste modéré. Les plus efficaces de ces techniques pourraient plus facilement être mises en oeuvre dans les exploitations si les incertitudes sur les revenus de la récolte étaient moins grandes

    Evaluating sorghums as green manure against root-knot nematodes

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    Current restrictions on the use of chemical nematicides have led to an increase in root-knot nematode (RKN) damages in horticultural crops. The effects of two sorghums as summer cover crops, Sorghum sudanense sudangrass cv. 'Piper' or sudangrass hybrid [S. bicolor x S. sudanense] '270911', respectively with low and high dhurrin contents, were compared in their ability to suppress RKN in a vegetable production system. The use of both sorghums 'Piper' and '270911' as a green manure was found to be an effective strategy for decreasing RKN infestation in the soil, thereby protecting the subsequent planting of RKN susceptible crops (chard, lettuce or melon). Analytical experiments were further conducted in growth chamber and greenhouse pot experiments to investigate and compare the susceptibility of the sorghums and the factors affecting their efficacy for RKN management, in order to better explain the results obtained in the field trial. The two sorghums were poor hosts of RKN, acted as trap crops and as a biofumigant releasing hydrogen cyanide. Time of planting, time of biofumigation, and type of soil affected their efficacy for RKN management. For best RKN suppression, the sorghum cover crops need to be cultivated during one month or less and biofumigated for one month prior to crop planting. The trapping effect of both sorghums in clayey soil was less efficient than in sandy or sandy-loamy soils. Combining less than 30-days of sorghum culture and 10-days soil incorporation with solarization mulch was particularly efficient in suppressing nematodes. No effect relative to the sorghum type was detectable as long as they were used appropriately

    Conception et évaluation de systèmes de culture maraîchers méditerranéens innovants pour gérer les nématodes à galles

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    Design and assessment of innovative Mediterranean vegetable cropping systems to manage root-knot nematodes. Description of the subject. A system approach based on co-design and experimental field evaluation of cropping systems (CSs), combining technical and varietal innovations, has been implemented for sustainable management of root-knot nematodes (RKN) in Mediterranean sheltered vegetable systems. Objectives. Cropping systems combining genetic resistance and cultural practices (crop rotations including susceptible, resistant, and non-host plants; intercropping management with nematicidal cover crops or soil solarization) were assessed over a period of 4 years (i) to reduce RKN populations and increase the durability of varietal resistances, (ii) to study the impact of these systems on soil ecology (plant-parasitic and free-living nematode communities), and (iii) to evaluate their acceptability by farmers. Method. Three CS prototypes, resulting from a co-design process with research and development stakeholders, were compared with CSs conventionally implemented in the Mediterranean region. The three prototypes were also evaluated using complementary methods: (i) system experiments in three commercial farms in Southern France; (ii) analytical experiments to decipher the mechanisms of action for some [agroecological??] levers; (iii) surveys to evaluate the acceptability of the prototypes by farmers. Results. All three CSs were found to be effective (90% RKN decrease, protection of partially resistant Solanaceae, no negative effect on non-phytoparasitic nematodes) and sustainable, when application conditions and soil biological equilibrium were favorable (global soil nematofauna diversified and abundant). The acceptability of the three systems depended on the type of farm where they were implemented and the attitude of the farmers towards innovation. Conclusions. These three CSs still need to be improved, in terms of their efficiency, in consultation with participating farmers, by introducing new agroecological levers, as well as innovation costs. Future research will also need to open up to a more comprehensive management of soil health

    Varietal and technical innovations for the sustainable and integrated management of root-knot nematodes

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    International audienceThe current restrictions on the use of chemical nematicides have contributed to increased root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) problems in horticultural crops. In this context, plant resistance (R) appears as the most effective method of control, but the restricted number of cultivated vegetable species with root-knot nematode R-genes available (tomato, pepper), and the possible occurrence of virulent nematodes able to reproduce on R-plants may constitute a severe threat to this control strategy. To increase the sustainability of the protection, a scientific challenge exists in building cropping strategies based on the combination of genetic resistance with cultivation practices. Our projects aimed at assessing such innovative strategies in a multi-site device in research stations and commercial farms. First, we looked at three components of crop protection, i.e., R-efficiency, R-durability, and sustainability of rotating cultivation. Overall, a constant hierarchy of management strategies was observed, with Pyramyding > Alternating > Mixture of R-genes > Sequential use of a single R-gene introgressed in a susceptible background. We are currently analysing (1) the impact of agronomic practices on the parasite pressure in the soil and on ecological diversity including other nematode species, (2) the linkage between reduction of Meloidogyne populations in the soil and increase of R-genes durability, and (3) the sustainability assessment of such varietal and technical innovations. Multidisciplinary approaches were combined to foster synergistic and long-term goals. The diversity of partners and associated forces brought all the complementary expertise needed for answering specific short-term questions as well as generic mid- to long-term expectations


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    Plant-parasitic nematodes (PPNs) represent an important constraint for plant production worldwide. They are widely distributed around the world and are able to parasitize every plant species. Furthermore, the current restrictions on the use of chemical nematicides have increased the problems caused by PPNs, irrespec-tive of the production system. Intensive vegetable production under protected culti-vation is the system most vulnerable to PPN, especially to root-knot nematodes.Postprint (published version