61 research outputs found

    Nuovi metodi per determinare la soglia di povert\ue0

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    An extension of the work in D’Ambrosio, Muliere and Secchi (2003) is proposed, for determining the poverty line as a change point in income distribution through a nonparametric approach

    Differenze regionali nelle dinamiche dei prezzi

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    Il presente lavoro propone indici famigliari del costo della vita che tengono conto delle specificità regionali nell'andamento dei prezzi

    Effetti distributivi degli affitti figurativi in Italia: un'analisi territoriale e per sottogruppi

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    Aim of this paper is to analyze the incidence and the relevance of imputed rent on the Italian population and its effect on income distribution, in particular on inequality and poverty, both for the overall population and for specific subgroups. The empirical analysis is based on the EU-SILC dataset for the year 2004, which collects information on Italian households' income and living conditions. The empirical results show that adding imputed rent to the definition of income brings to a reduction in inequality and poverty. The main beneficiaries from the imputed rent are outright owners, rent-free tenants, families with older or unemployed head, mono-parental households and families living in the North-Center of Italy

    Differenze regionali nelle dinamiche dei prezzi

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    Il presente lavoro propone indici famigliari del costo della vita che tengono conto delle specificità regionali nell'andamento dei prezzi

    Region of Residence and Equality of Opportunity in Health: a note on the Italian Case

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    The Italian health care system is managed mainly at the regional level. For this reason health care may dier depending on region of residence. The aim of this note is to take a rigorous ex-ante approach and test for equality of health opportunities as opposed to health outcomes, which are the ex-post results. We perform non-parametric tests to evaluate if the probability of reaching the same health status diers by region of residence, after controlling for other in uential factors such as age, gender and income. The results underline that the geographical distribution of opportunities in health is unequal, and therefore, that regional dierences in outcomes are more likely to be expected

    Nuovi metodi per determinare la soglia di povertà

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    An extension of the work in D’Ambrosio, Muliere and Secchi (2003) is proposed, for determining the poverty line as a change point in income distribution through a nonparametric approach

    An inter-temporal relative deprivation index

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    The paper provides the axiomatic characterization of a new relative deprivation index. The concept of relative deprivation is here extended towards the inter-temporal framework. In fact, if we agree that deprivation is a relative concept, we should also believe that individuals not only take care of their relative position with respect to others, but also of their relative position with respect to their own past. While in the traditional relative deprivation framework the reference group is only other-regarding, in our work we stretch this idea and we also introduce a history-regarding reference group. The new index is illustrated with an application to EU countries

    An Analysis of the Italian Labour Market based on the Compulsory Communications Data

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    The Compulsory Communications system data contain important and so far under-investigated information on employment dynamics in Italy. They record all the activations, transformations, fixed-term extensions and anticipated terminations of employment relationships between any worker and firm since the beginning of 2008. Aim of this note is to exploit this recent database and provide useful up-to-date measures of the job dynamics in the Italian labour market. In particular, we estimate transition probabilities among different types of contracts and detect the main determinants of the probability of job activation and job anticipated termination
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