99 research outputs found

    FUSE Observations of the Dwarf Novae UU Aql, BV Cen, and CH UMa in Quiescence

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    We report on FUSE spectra of three U Gem-type, long period, dwarf novae, UU Aql, BV Cen and CH UMa taken during their quiescence intervals. We discuss the line identifications in their spectra and attempt to characterize the source(s) of their FUV flux distribution. Archival IUE spectrum of CH UMa and BV Cen in quiescence were identified as having a matching flux level with the FUSE spectra and these were combined with each FUSE spectrum to broaden the wavelength coverage and further constrain model fits. Multi-component synthetic spectral fits from our model grids, consisting of single temperature white dwarfs, two-temperature white dwarfs, accretion disks and white dwarfs plus accretion disks, were applied to the FUSE spectra alone and to the combined FUSE + IUE spectra. We present the results of our model analyses and their implications.Comment: accepted in AJ, 26 pages, 6 tables, 8 figures (5 color, 3 b/w

    Symposium Title: The children of the CSRP go to school: Their social-emotional and academic well-being in Kindergarten

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    Abstract 1 Title Page Title: Predicting children's transitions from Head Start to low-performing schools in Chicago: The roles of exposure to poverty-related risk and to early childhood intervention Exposed to a wide range of economic and psychosocial stressors, children in low-income families face greater chances of developing emotional and behavioral problems. For instance, it has been reported that the prevalence of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is higher among young children from low-income families than their more advantaged peers Moreover, early school years, especially from kindergarten to third grade, are a critical transitional period not only for promoting children's scholastic and psychosocial development but also for helping prevent the dissipating effects of earlier interventions (Reynolds, Magnuson, & Ou, 2006). Research has consistently shown that the benefits gained by participants, especially those in low-income families, from high-quality early interventions, including Head Start, can be sustained to later school years and even adulthood for those who attend continuing enrichment programs in early school years; but tend to fade out by the second or third year of formal schooling for those who attend inferior schools subsequently Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study: This paper investigates the socioeconomic contexts navigated by low-income children enrolled in the Chicago School Readiness Project (CSRP), as they made the transition from preschool to elementary school. We focus on the following two questions. First, do families' exposure to poverty-related risks (i.e., low income, maternal education, and employment engagement) change for the better or for the worse, from the fall of preschool to the fall of kindergarten? Second, we examine the share of CSRP-enrolled preschoolers who subsequently attended kindergarten in low-performing elementary schools. We ask whether children's chances of entry into a lower-performing school differ as a function of (a) their current or past exposure to poverty-related risks, (b) having attended a program randomly assigned to treatment versus control group during the intervention year of CSRP, and (c) having attended a Head Start program that was assessed to be lower-quality at pre-treatment baseline. Settings: A Overall 602 children and 94 teachers participated in CSRP. Children on average were 4 years old and about half were boys. About 66% of participating children were non-Hispanic Black, 26% were Hispanic, and 8% were members of other racial/ethnic groups. Teachers on average were 40 years old and almost all (97%) were female. About 70% of teachers were non-Hispanic Black, 20% were Hispanic, and 10% were non-Hispanic White. Intervention/Program/Practice: The CSRP intervention included three components of services. The first was a 30-hour teacher training focusing on behavior management strategies, which were adapted from the Incredible Years teacher training module Research Design: CSRP randomly assigned a multifaceted classroom-based intervention to two cohorts of Head Start children and teachers in seven of the most economically disadvantaged neighborhoods in Chicago, with Cohort One participating from fall to spring in 2004-05 and Cohort Two from fall to spring in 2005-06. Using a clustered randomized controlled trial (RCT) design and a pairwise matching procedure (Bloom, 2005), we first identified nine pairs of matched sites based on a range of site-level demographic characteristics that were collected by each site and reported annually to the federal government. One site in each matched pair then was randomly assigned to the treatment group and the other to the control group. Two classrooms from each site were initially included. One classroom left after randomization due to Head Start funding cuts. As a result, 35 classrooms (i.e., 18 in the treatment and 17 in the control groups) participated in the CSRP. Data Collection and Analysis: CSRP-enrolled children were followed from Head Start programs into kindergarten, with follow-up parent and teacher interviews completed in the fall of the follow-up year (92% had follow-up data from one or more reporters). Preliminary analyses of school-based follow-up data suggest that children made the transition from 35 Head Start preschool classrooms to over 170 kindergarten classrooms. Those schools whose percentage of children meeting ISAT testing criteria (as reported by Chicago Public Schools elementary scorecard) fell lower than one standard deviation below the mean of all elementary schools are coded as "low-performing." Poverty-related risk is measured by three indicators: family income-to-needs ratios (i.e., less than half the federal threshold in the previous year), maternal educational attainment (i.e., less than a high school degree), and mothers' employment (i.e., 10 hours or less of work per week). Data of poverty-related risk were collected in the fall of both years. Other child-level covariates include the child's gender, race/ethnicity, whether Spanish was spoken at home, whether he/she was in a 2010 SREE Conference Abstract Template 5 single-parent family, and his/her behavioral problems in the fall of Head Start. The quality of Head Start programs in which children were initially enrolled at pretreatment baseline was also measured, as indexed by the Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale-R (ECERS-R; . Other classroom-level covariates collected in the fall of Head Start include teacher behavior management skills, classroom emotional climate, class size, and the number of adults in the classroom. To answer our first question, descriptive analyses of CSRP-enrolled children's exposure to poverty-related stressors are presented. To address the second question, we estimate children's propensity to be enrolled in a low-performing elementary school using a three-level hierarchical logistic regression model with child covariates at Level 1, Head Start classroom covariates at Level 2, and paired Head Start site dummy variables at Level 3. Following the notations in Raudenbush and Bryk (2002), Level 1 is specified in Equations Sample model: Link function: Structural model: where is whether child i in class j at Head Start site k attended low-performing schools (1 = yes and 0 = no); is the expected probability of attending low-performing schools, which is normally distributed; is the log of the odds of attending low-performing schools; and is the vector of the sum of m child-level covariates. Equation where represents the sum of n Head Start classroom-level covariates; and is the random effect with mean of 0. Level 3 is specified in Equation Findings/Results: (Please insert table 1 here) (Please insert table 2 here) Our preliminary analyses find that overall 338 CSRP-enrolled children attended kindergarten at the time of data collection and had valid information on the covariates. To examine the roles of exposure to poverty-related risk and to the CSRP intervention in their enrollment of low-performing schools in kindergarten, we conduct preliminary analyses using the three-level hierarchical logistic regression model specified above and present the results in (Please insert table 3 here) As shown in Based on these preliminary findings, we will conduct further analyses to examine the effects of children's current exposure to poverty-related risks on children's entry to lowperforming schools. In addition, we will also conduct sensitivity tests to examine whether the findings are robust when using different cut-off points (e.g., below the medians or a half of standard deviations) for the definitions of low-performing schools in kindergarten and lowquality Head Start program at pre-treatment baseline. Conclusion: Previous research has found that the CSRP intervention had significant effects on improving classroom processes as well as children's social-emotional skills, self-regulation, and pre-academic skills, and reducing their behavior problems Raver et al., in press). In this study we find that even in the period prior to the economic recession (2004)(2005)(2006), families with young children in Chicago were facing high levels of poverty-related risk. On average, the CSRP-enrolled children had high rates of attending lowperforming schools in the transition from Head Start to kindergarten. Our preliminary evidence shows that the CSRP intervention may set children on more positive educational trajectory since children in the treatment group were less likely to attend low-performing schools compared to their peers in the control group. To sustain the benefits of the CSRP intervention as well as those of Head Start, more help should be provided to these disadvantaged children throughout their subsequent school years. Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77,[302][303][304][305][306][307][308][309][310][311][312][313][314][315][316] Raver, C. C., Jones, S. M., Li-Grining, C. P., Zhai, F., Bub, K, & Pressler, E. (in press). CSRP's impact on low-income preschoolers' pre-academic skills: Self-regulation and teacherstudent relationships as two mediating mechanisms. Child Development. SREE Conference Abstrac

    Integrated Metabonomic-Proteomic Analysis of an Insect-Bacterial Symbiotic System

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    The health of animals, including humans, is dependent on their resident microbiota, but the complexity of the microbial communities makes these associations difficult to study in most animals. Exceptionally, the microbiology of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum is dominated by a single bacterium Buchnera aphidicola (B. aphidicola). A 1H NMR-based metabonomic strategy was applied to investigate metabolic profiles of aphids fed on a low essential amino acid diet and treated by antibiotic to eliminate B. aphidicola. In addition, differential gel electrophoresis (DIGE) with mass spectrometry was utilized to determine the alterations of proteins induced by these treatments. We found that these perturbations resulted in significant changes to the abundance of 15 metabolites and 238 proteins. Ten (67%) of the metabolites with altered abundance were amino acids, with nonessential amino acids increased and essential amino acids decreased by both perturbations. Over-represented proteins in the perturbed treatments included catabolic enzymes with roles in amino acid degradation and glycolysis, various cuticular proteins, and a C-type lectin and regucalcin with candidate defensive roles. This analysis demonstrates the central role of essential amino acid production in the relationship and identifies candidate proteins and processes underpinning the function and persistence of the association

    Integrated Metabonomic-Proteomic Analysis of an Insect-Bacterial Symbiotic System

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    The health of animals, including humans, is dependent on their resident microbiota, but the complexity of the microbial communities makes these associations difficult to study in most animals. Exceptionally, the microbiology of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum is dominated by a single bacterium Buchnera aphidicola (B. aphidicola). A 1H NMR-based metabonomic strategy was applied to investigate metabolic profiles of aphids fed on a low essential amino acid diet and treated by antibiotic to eliminate B. aphidicola. In addition, differential gel electrophoresis (DIGE) with mass spectrometry was utilized to determine the alterations of proteins induced by these treatments. We found that these perturbations resulted in significant changes to the abundance of 15 metabolites and 238 proteins. Ten (67%) of the metabolites with altered abundance were amino acids, with nonessential amino acids increased and essential amino acids decreased by both perturbations. Over-represented proteins in the perturbed treatments included catabolic enzymes with roles in amino acid degradation and glycolysis, various cuticular proteins, and a C-type lectin and regucalcin with candidate defensive roles. This analysis demonstrates the central role of essential amino acid production in the relationship and identifies candidate proteins and processes underpinning the function and persistence of the association

    Integrated Metabonomic-Proteomic Analysis of an Insect-Bacterial Symbiotic System

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    The health of animals, including humans, is dependent on their resident microbiota, but the complexity of the microbial communities makes these associations difficult to study in most animals. Exceptionally, the microbiology of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum is dominated by a single bacterium Buchnera aphidicola (B. aphidicola). A 1H NMR-based metabonomic strategy was applied to investigate metabolic profiles of aphids fed on a low essential amino acid diet and treated by antibiotic to eliminate B. aphidicola. In addition, differential gel electrophoresis (DIGE) with mass spectrometry was utilized to determine the alterations of proteins induced by these treatments. We found that these perturbations resulted in significant changes to the abundance of 15 metabolites and 238 proteins. Ten (67%) of the metabolites with altered abundance were amino acids, with nonessential amino acids increased and essential amino acids decreased by both perturbations. Over-represented proteins in the perturbed treatments included catabolic enzymes with roles in amino acid degradation and glycolysis, various cuticular proteins, and a C-type lectin and regucalcin with candidate defensive roles. This analysis demonstrates the central role of essential amino acid production in the relationship and identifies candidate proteins and processes underpinning the function and persistence of the association