100 research outputs found

    Self-organized criticality in a rice-pile model

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    We present a new model for relaxations in piles of granular material. The relaxations are determined by a stochastic rule which models the effect of friction between the grains. We find power-law distributions for avalanche sizes and lifetimes characterized by the exponents τ=1.53±0.05\tau = 1.53 \pm 0.05 and y=1.84±0.05y = 1.84 \pm 0.05, respectively. For the discharge events, we find a characteristic size that scales with the system size as LμL^\mu, with μ=1.20±0.05\mu = 1.20 \pm 0.05. We also find that the frequency of the discharge events decrease with the system size as LμL^{-\mu'} with μ=1.20±0.05\mu' = 1.20 \pm 0.05.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, multicol, epsf, rotate (sty files provided). To appear Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communication (Nov or Dec 96

    Stability of Monomer-Dimer Piles

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    We measure how strong, localized contact adhesion between grains affects the maximum static critical angle, theta_c, of a dry sand pile. By mixing dimer grains, each consisting of two spheres that have been rigidly bonded together, with simple spherical monomer grains, we create sandpiles that contain strong localized adhesion between a given particle and at most one of its neighbors. We find that tan(theta_c) increases from 0.45 to 1.1 and the grain packing fraction, Phi, decreases from 0.58 to 0.52 as we increase the relative number fraction of dimer particles in the pile, nu_d, from 0 to 1. We attribute the increase in tan(theta_c(nu_d)) to the enhanced stability of dimers on the surface, which reduces the density of monomers that need to be accomodated in the most stable surface traps. A full characterization and geometrical stability analysis of surface traps provides a good quantitative agreement between experiment and theory over a wide range of nu_d, without any fitting parameters.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures consisting of 21 eps files, submitted to PR

    Avalanche Merging and Continuous Flow in a Sandpile Model

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    A dynamical transition separating intermittent and continuous flow is observed in a sandpile model, with scaling functions relating the transport behaviors between both regimes. The width of the active zone diverges with system size in the avalanche regime but becomes very narrow for continuous flow. The change of the mean slope, Delta z, on increasing the driving rate, r, obeys Delta z ~ r^{1/theta}. It has nontrivial scaling behavior in the continuous flow phase with an exponent theta given, paradoxically, only in terms of exponents characterizing the avalanches theta = (1+z-D)/(3-D).Comment: Explanations added; relation to other model

    Universality classes for rice-pile models

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    We investigate sandpile models where the updating of unstable columns is done according to a stochastic rule. We examine the effect of introducing nonlocal relaxation mechanisms. We find that the models self-organize into critical states that belong to three different universality classes. The models with local relaxation rules belong to a known universality class that is characterized by an avalanche exponent τ1.55\tau \approx 1.55, whereas the models with nonlocal relaxation rules belong to new universality classes characterized by exponents τ1.35\tau \approx 1.35 and τ1.63\tau \approx 1.63. We discuss the values of the exponents in terms of scaling relations and a mapping of the sandpile models to interface models.Comment: 4 pages, including 3 figure

    Coiling Instabilities in Multilamellar Tubes

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    Myelin figures are densely packed stacks of coaxial cylindrical bilayers that are unstable to the formation of coils or double helices. These myelin figures appear to have no intrinsic chirality. We show that such cylindrical membrane stacks can develop an instability when they acquire a spontaneous curvature or when the equilibrium distance between membranes is decreased. This instability breaks the chiral symmetry of the stack and may result in coiling. A unilamellar cylindrical vesicle, on the other hand, will develop an axisymmetric instability, possibly related to the pearling instability.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Breakdown of self-organized criticality

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    We introduce two sandpile models which show the same behavior of real sandpiles, that is, an almost self-organized critical behavior for small systems and the dominance of large avalanches as the system size increases. The systems become fully self-organized critical, with the critical exponents of the Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld model, as the system parameters are changed, showing that these systems can make a bridge between the well known theoretical and numerical results and what is observed in real experiments. We find that a simple mechanism determines the boundary where self-organized can or cannot exist, which is the presence of local chaos.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Fluctuation of the Top Location and Avalanches in the Formation Process of a Sandpile

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    We investigate the formation processes of a sandpile using numerical simulation. We find a new relation between the fluctuation of the motion of the top and the surface state of a sandpile. The top moves frequently as particles are fed one by one every time interval T. The time series of the top location has the power spectrum which obeys a power law, S(f)~f^{\alpha}, and its exponent \alpha depends on T and the system size w. The surface state is characterized by two time scales; the lifetime of an avalanche, T_{a}, and the time required to cause an avalanche, T_{s}. The surface state is fluid-like when T_{a}~T_{s}, and it is solid-like when T_{a}<<T_{s}. Our numerical results show that \alpha is a function of T_{s}/T_{a}.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Avalanche Dynamics in Wet Granular Materials

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    We have studied the dynamics of avalanching wet granular media in a rotating drum apparatus. Quantitative measurements of the flow velocity and the granular flux during avalanches allow us to characterize novel avalanche types unique to wet media. We also explore the details of viscoplastic flow (observed at the highest liquid contents) in which there are lasting contacts during flow, leading to coherence across the entire sample. This coherence leads to a velocity independent flow depth at high rotation rates and novel robust pattern formation in the granular surface.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures in color, REVTeX4, for smaller pdfs see http://angel.elte.hu/~tegzes/condmat.htm

    Renormalization group approach to an Abelian sandpile model on planar lattices

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    One important step in the renormalization group (RG) approach to a lattice sandpile model is the exact enumeration of all possible toppling processes of sandpile dynamics inside a cell for RG transformations. Here we propose a computer algorithm to carry out such exact enumeration for cells of planar lattices in RG approach to Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld sandpile model [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 59}, 381 (1987)] and consider both the reduced-high RG equations proposed by Pietronero, Vespignani, and Zapperi (PVZ) [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 72}, 1690 (1994)] and the real-height RG equations proposed by Ivashkevich [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 76}, 3368 (1996)]. Using this algorithm we are able to carry out RG transformations more quickly with large cell size, e.g. 3×33 \times 3 cell for the square (sq) lattice in PVZ RG equations, which is the largest cell size at the present, and find some mistakes in a previous paper [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 51}, 1711 (1995)]. For sq and plane triangular (pt) lattices, we obtain the only attractive fixed point for each lattice and calculate the avalanche exponent τ\tau and the dynamical exponent zz. Our results suggest that the increase of the cell size in the PVZ RG transformation does not lead to more accurate results. The implication of such result is discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figure

    Avalanche Statistics of Driven Granular Slides in a Miniature Mound

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    We examine avalanche statistics of rain- and vibration-driven granular slides in miniature sand mounds. A crossover from power-law to non power-law avalanche-size statistics is demonstrated as a generic driving rate ν\nu is increased. For slowly-driven mounds, the tail of the avalanche-size distribution is a power-law with exponent 1.97±0.31-1.97\pm 0.31, reasonably close to the value previously reported for landslide volumes. The interevent occurrence times are also analyzed for slowly-driven mounds; its distribution exhibits a power-law with exponent 2.670±0.001-2.670\pm 0.001.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl