1,516 research outputs found

    Biologia de Doru luteipes (Scudder) e sua capacidade predatória de ovos de Helicoverpa zea (Boddie).

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a biologia e o potencial de Doru luteipes (Scudder) em laboratorio, como predador de ovos de Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), Ninfas de um dia de idade e adultos foram individualizados em placas de Petri, receberam como alimento, ovos de H. zea. O periodo de incubacao foi, em media, 7,6 dias. O periodo ninfal (quatro instares) foi de 34,4 dias. O ciclo do inseto foi, em media, 217,9 dias. O periodo pre-reprodutivo foi, em media, 30,7 dias, sendo que as femeas ovipositaram mais de uma vez, mesmo quando nao fecundadas. O numero de ovos por postura foi de 15,9, com a viabilidade chegando a 85,2%. A longevidade media do adulto, foi de 175,9 dias. Em media uma ninfa consumiu 23,7 ovos de H. zea por dia, num total de 812,9 ovos durante esta fase. Ja o adulto do predador consumiu 7457,4 ovos, com media diaria de 42,1 ovos. No geral, um predador se alimentou durante sua vida, de aproximadamente 8276 ovos de H. zea (39 ovos/dia)

    Do slower life history strategies reduce sociodemographic sex differences?

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    This study examines the relations between sociodemographic sex differences and life history strategies in the populations of Mexican States. Sex differences in anatomy and behavior was measured with traits such as educational achievement, mortality, and morbidity. The data were obtained from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI) and sampled from thirty-one Mexican states and the Federal District (N = 32). An extension analysis was performed selecting only the sex ratio variables that had a correlation with the slow Life History factor greater than or equal to an absolute value of .25. A unit-weighted sex ratio factor was created using these variables. Across 32 Mexican states, the correlation between latent slow life history and sex ratio was .57 (p .05). These results are consistent with our hypothesis that slower life histories favor reduced sexual dimorphism in physiology and behavior among human subnational populations. The results of the study further understanding of variations in population sex differences, male-biased behaviors toward sexual equality, and the differences among subnational (regional) populations within the United States of Mexico.   DOI:10.2458/azu_jmmss_v6i1_chavarria_miner

    Editorial de cierre de año 2021,Vol.18

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    En medio de pandemia de la Covid 19 que nos golpea a nivel internacional, realizamos la publicación de la presente editorial del año 2021, felicitando a todos los educadores por su día. El colectivo de Olimpia ha continuado trabajando para elevar la calidad de sus publicaciones, en la modalidad de Teletrabajo, lo que ha permitido obtener logros en materia de indexación en prestigiosas bases de datos internaciones al incorporarse a CLASE, PERIODICA BIBLIT, IIJIF, además en este momento se está postulando para el Catálogo 2.0 de Latindex y para Redalyc, todo ello contribuye de manera significativa a elevar la visibilidad internacional. La Revista Olimpia cierra el volumen 18 del 2021, este año bajo el sistema de publicación continua con un total de 122 artículos, de ellos 89 son originales, y 33 de revisión, artículos de extranjeros 21, destacándose autores de países como Ecuador, Angola, Venezuela, Chile, y México. En el ámbito nacional contamos con las contribuciones de varias universidades del país por citar algunos ejemplos las universidades de: Holguín, Santiago de Cuba, Guantánamo, Cienfuegos, las Villas, Matanzas, la Habana, matanzas Sancti Spiritus y Ciego de Ávila. En este volumen podrá encontrar, artículos relacionados con Psicología del Deporte, Entrenamiento Deportivo, Medicina Deportiva, Educación Física y Rehabilitación Física. Con esta entrega la Revista pone a la disposición de los profesionales de la educación aportes científicos que sin lugar a dudas contribuyen al perfeccionamiento de los procesos educativos en los diferentes escenarios educativos y deportivos. El equipo Editorial de Olimpia desea muchas felicidades a todos los educadores de Cuba y el mundo por la jornada del educador, navidades y fin de año.   Dr. C Lexy Figueredo Frutos Editor Principal Revista científica Olimpi

    Utility of the QT interval in predicting outcomes in patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain.

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    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to investigate whether prolongation of the heart rate-corrected QT interval (QTc) is an independent risk factor for predicting future acute coronary syndrome (ACS) occurrence or mortality in patients with at least one cardiac risk factor presenting with chest pain to the emergency department (ED). METHODS: This is a single-center, retrospective study of patients presenting with chest pain to the ED of Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, between 2011 and 2012. Proportional hazards models were used to calculate hazard ratios (HRs) for occurrence of ACS or death within 1 year. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to determine the time to event for QTc low (\u3c460 \u3ems) versus QTc high (≥460 ms) groups. RESULTS: A total of 595 patients met the inclusion criteria. Older age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia were more common in the QTc high group. Patients in the QTc high group were more likely to experience subsequent ACS or death (HR 8.12, 95% confidence interval 4.00-16.72), even after adjusting for traditional cardiac risk factors (HR 7.68, 95% confidence interval 3.57-16.61). CONCLUSION: QTc prolongation at ED presentation with chest pain and at least one cardiac risk factor predicts subsequent ACS and death