808 research outputs found

    Firm-specific training

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    © 2018 Elsevier Inc. This paper investigates the market provision of firm-specific training, and identifies the inefficiencies associated with it. Within a general stochastic learning-by-doing model, there is a potential inefficiency in the market provision of firm-specific training. In order to determine whether this inefficiency is in fact present, we analyze two special cases of the model: the accelerated productivity-enhancement model and the accelerated learning model. In both models, the inefficiency is indeed present. However, the nature of the inefficiency depends on the balance between the two key components of training, namely productivity enhancement and employee evaluation. In the accelerated productivity-enhancement model, training results in an increase in productivity enhancement but no change in employee evaluation, and training is overprovided by the market. In the accelerated learning model, training results in a proportionate increase in both productivity enhancement and employee evaluation, and training is underprovided by the market. In both cases, turnover is inefficiently low

    A Parallactic Distance of 389 +24/-21 parsecs to the Orion Nebula Cluster from Very Long Baseline Array Observations

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    We determine the parallax and proper motion of the flaring, non-thermal radio star GMR A, a member of the Orion Nebula Cluster, using Very Long Baseline Array observations. Based on the parallax, we measure a distance of 389 +24/-21 parsecs to the source. Our measurement places the Orion Nebula Cluster considerably closer than the canonical distance of 480 +/- 80 parsecs determined by Genzel et al. (1981). A change of this magnitude in distance lowers the luminosities of the stars in the cluster by a factor of ~ 1.5. We briefly discuss two effects of this change--an increase in the age spread of the pre-main sequence stars and better agreement between the zero-age main-sequence and the temperatures and luminosities of massive stars.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, emulateapj, accepted to Ap

    Critical issues of double-metal layer coating on FBG for applications at high temperatures

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    Use of fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) to monitor high temperature (HT) applications is of great interest to the research community. Standard commercial FBGs can operate up to 600 ∘ C. For applications beyond that value, specific processing of the FBGs must be adopted to allow the grating not to deteriorate. The most common technique used to process FBGs for HT applications is the regeneration procedure (RP), which typically extends their use up to 1000 ∘ C. RP involves a long-term annealing of the FBGs, to be done at a temperature ranging from 550 to 950 ∘ C. As at that temperature, the original coating of the FBGs would burn out, they shall stay uncoated, and their brittleness is a serious concern to deal with. Depositing a metal coating on the FBGs prior to process them for RP offers an effective solution to provide them with the necessary mechanical strengthening. In this paper, a procedure to provide the FBG with a bimetallic coating made by copper and nickel electrodeposition (ED) is proposed, discussing issues related to the coating morphology, adherence to the fiber, and effects on the grating spectral response. To define the processing parameters of the proposed procedure, production tests were performed on dummy samples which were used for destructive SEM-EDS analysis. As a critical step, the proposed procedure was shown to necessitate a heat treatment after the nickel ED, to remove the absorbed hydrogen. The spectral response of the FBG samples was monitored along the various steps of the proposed procedure and, as a final proof test for adherence stability of the bimetallic coating, along a heating/cooling cycle from room temperature to 1010 ∘ C. The results suggest that, given the emergence of Kirkendall voids at the copper-nickel interface, occurring at the highest temperatures (700-1010 ∘ C), the bimetallic layer could be employed as FBG coating up to 700 ∘ C

    A Bayesian approach to sensitivity analysis

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    Monitoring the Large Proper Motions of Radio Sources in the Orion BN/KL Region

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    We present absolute astrometry of four radio sources in the Becklin-Neugebauer/Kleinman-Low (BN/KL) region, derived from archival data (taken in 1991, 1995, and 2000) as well as from new observations (taken in 2006). All data consist of 3.6 cm continuum emission and were taken with the Very Large Array in its highest angular resolution A configuration. We confirm the large proper motions of the BN object, the radio source I (GMR I) and the radio counterpart of the infrared source n (Orion-n), with values from 15 to 26 km/s. The three sources are receding from a point between them from where they seem to have been ejected about 500 years ago, probably via the disintegration of a multiple stellar system. We present simulations of very compact stellar groups that provide a plausible dynamical scenario for the observations. The radio source Orion-n appeared as a double in the first three epochs, but as single in 2006. We discuss this morphological change. The fourth source in the region, GMR D, shows no statistically significant proper motions. We also present new, accurate relative astrometry between BN and radio source I that restrict possible dynamical scenarios for the region. During the 2006 observations, the radio source GMR A, located about 1' to the NW of the BN/KL region, exhibited an increase in its flux density of a factor of ~3.5 over a timescale of one hour. This rapid variability at cm wavelengths is similar to that previously found during a flare at millimeter wavelengths that took place in 2003.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    A Giant Outburst at Millimeter Wavelengths in the Orion Nebula

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    BIMA observations of the Orion nebula discovered a giant flare from a young star previously undetected at millimeter wavelengths. The star briefly became the brightest compact object in the nebula at 86 GHz. Its flux density increased by more than a factor of 5 on a timescale of hours, to a peak of 160 mJy. This is one of the most luminous stellar radio flares ever observed. Remarkably, the Chandra X-ray observatory was in the midst of a deep integration of the Orion nebula at the time of the BIMA discovery; the source's X-ray flux increased by a factor of 10 approximately 2 days before the radio detection. Follow-up radio observations with the VLA and BIMA showed that the source decayed on a timescale of days, then flared again several times over the next 70 days, although never as brightly as during the discovery. Circular polarization was detected at 15, 22, and 43 GHz, indicating that the emission mechanism was cyclotron. VLBA observations 9 days after the initial flare yield a brightness temperature Tb > 5 x 10^7 K at 15 GHz. Infrared spectroscopy indicates the source is a K5V star with faint Br gamma emission, suggesting that it is a weak-line T Tauri object. Zeeman splitting measurements in the infrared spectrum find B ~ 2.6 +/- 1.0 kG. The flare is an extreme example of magnetic activity associated with a young stellar object. These data suggest that short observations obtained with ALMA will uncover hundreds of flaring young stellar objects in the Orion region.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Exclusively heteronuclear NMR experiments for the investigation of intrinsically disordered proteins: focusing on proline residues

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    NMR represents a key spectroscopic technique that contributes to the emerging field of highly flexible, intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) or protein regions (IDRs) that lack a stable three-dimensional structure. A set of exclusively heteronuclear NMR experiments tailored for proline residues, highly abundant in IDPs/IDRs, are presented here. They provide a valuable complement to the widely used approach based on amide proton detection, filling the gap introduced by the lack of amide protons in proline residues within polypeptide chains. The novel experiments have very interesting properties for the investigations of IDPs/IDRs of increasing complexity.</p

    Forschung an den Fachhochschulen 2012: Beschreibung, Analysen, Folgerungen

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