396 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing the Preference For Labour Saving Devices Among Rural Women In Kaduna State, Nigeria

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    Rural women are often saddled with drudgery-laden tasks and require succor by way of labour saving devices (LSDs). This study was carried out to investigate the level of awareness of LSDs, actual use of LSDs, factors influencing the preference for, and constraints limiting the use of LSDs, Multi-stage sampling was used to select three Local Government Areas in Kaduna State, 228 respondents and four drudgery-laden tasks (DLTS). 2 on-farm and 2 off-farm-relating to maize production. Primary data were generated using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics, 5-point Likert type scale and Chi square statistics. The results showed that the mean age of the respondents was 36.5 years while average household size was 7.8 persons. Majority (91.7%) of the respondents knew about LSDs while only 48.5% used devices on a regular basis. Chi-square analysis showed that age, education and household size significantly influenced preference for LSDs; marital status and occupation did not (P<0.05). Constraints identified include high cost and unavailability of devices. Interventions are suggested with a view to better harnessing of LSDs and improving the livelihoods of rural womenfolk. Key words: Labour Saving Devices Rural Women DOI: 10.7176/DCS/9-8-07 Publication date: August 31st 201

    MoRe-T2 (mobility research trajectory tracker): validation and application

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    It is important to assess the suitability of mobility aids before prescribing them to patients. This assessment is often subjectively completed by a therapist and it often includes a variety of basic practical tests. An objective assessment of a patient's capability, which captures not only speed of task completion and success, but also accuracy and risk of manoeuvres, would be both a fairer and safer approach. Yet until now such an assessment would have been cost-prohibitive, especially in low resource settings. We pave the way towards this end goal, by describing, validating and demonstrating a low-cost computer vision based system called MoRe-T2 (mobility research trajectory tracker). The open-source MoRe-T2 system uses low-cost off-the-shelf webcams to track the pose of fiducial markers, which are simply printed onto regular office paper. In this article, we build upon previous work and benchmark the accuracy of MoRe-T2 against an industry standard motion capture system. In particular, we show that MoRe-T2 achieves accuracy comparable to CODA motion tracking system. We go on to demonstrate a use case of MoRe-T2 in assessing wheelchair manoeuvrability over a relatively large area. The results show that MoRe-T2 is scalable at a much lower cost than typical industry-standard motion trackers. Therefore, MoRe-T2 can be used to develop more objective and reliable assessments of mobility aids, especially in low-resource settings


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    The techniques of aeromagnetic data analysis were employed to elucidate depth to magnetic basement sources, lead-zinc (pb-zn) mineralisation and heat flow in parts of Southern Benue Trough. The study area covers an area extent of about 18,150 sq. Km, latitude 05 0 30’N - 06 0 30’N and longitude 007 0 30’E - 009 0 00’E. The digital aeromagnetic data consisting of Total Magnetic Intensity with geospatial attributes covering six (6) sheets 302 (Nkalagu), 303 (Abakaliki), 304 (Dangha), 313 (Afikpo), 314 (Ugep) and 315 (Ikom) were used in this study. Several magnetic digital filtering methods such as reduce to pole, low/high pass, etc were applied on the data before analysis for lineaments, mineralisation, and depth to magnetic sources. Zones of broad magnetic anomalies were found in the north eastern and south eastern part of the study area like Otam-Izekwe, Enyigba, Uburu, Abakaliki, Ndieze Izzi, Isiagu, Obubra, Oturekpe, Mkpani, Idomi, Enona, Ugep, etc. Depth estimates to the magnetic basement sources from spectral analysis range from 0.65km to 1.155 km, while depth estimate from source parameter imaging (SPI) stretches from 0.679km to 7.723km. The north western part of the study area is the deepest. Pb-zn mineralization within the study area is found to be structurally controlled trending in NE-SW and NW – SE directions. The heat flow values range from 0.65 – 1.95Wm-2, pb-zn mineralization is within 0.9 – 1.4Wm-2 and Curie point depth range from 0.75km to 2.1km. Keywords: Depth to basement, Heat flow, Lead-Zinc, Mineralization, Aeromagnetic data DOI: 10.7176/JEES/13-2-06 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Hydrochemical Assessment of Groundwater Around Osogbo Central Dumpsite, Onibu-Eja, Osun State

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    Groundwater sources around Oshogbo central dumpsite in Osun state, Nigeria, have been evaluated with the aim of detecting possible influence of dumpsites on nearby aquifers and suitability for domestic use. The site covers an area of 79 200m2 with an undulating surface. Being part of Ilesha Schist Belt, the major rock types in the area include amphibolites, pegmatites and quartzites. Preliminary tests were conducted on the water samples to determine some parameters, such as PH, Oxidation-reduction potential, Conductivity, Total Dissolve Solids, (TDS), E. Coli, etc, as investigative markers. To detect the presence of Heavy Metals and other parameters, there was random collection of a total of thirty (30) samples of leachates/water, using sterilized bottles. At dried areas, soil samples were collected and distilled water was introduced to extract leachates. The samples were then tested for the following heavy metal pollutants: Cadmium, Iron, Lead, Mercury, Zinc, Chromium, Nickel, Arsenic, Copper, and Cobalt. An appraisal of the results using World Health Organization (WHO’s) and National Standards for Drinking water Quality proved among others, the presence of Mercury, Cadmium, Iron, Arsenic, and high level of Lead contamination. There were also exceeding values of Cadmium in most samples, except in a few others where it was totally absent. Mercury had exceeding values in few samples and absent in the rest of the samples. Heavy metals pollution has harmful effects on the Biological system, via bio-accumulation, and cannot undergo biodegradation. Therefore appropriate remedial treatment is required for the groundwater in the study area since most of the heavy metals in the samples are above the WHO’s and National standards. Keywords: Heavy Metals, Biodegradation, Pollutants, WHO DOI: 10.7176/JEES/12-12-04 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Spotting Specific Agricultural Practices Impacting Desertification in Zamfara State, Nigeria

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    Agricultural practices are among anthropogenic factors impacting the desertification process.  However, it is necessary to determine which of the practices that most affect the process.  Eleven of the nineteen Nigeria’s northern states bear the characteristics of the Sudano-Sahelian region.  One of them (Zamfara State) was randomly selected for the study.  A structured questionnaire was administered on 500 farmers out of which 497 of them responded.  Data extracted were subjected to Pearson’s correlation and stepwise regression analyses. The Pearson’s correlation showed positive association between desertification and slash and burn, (r=0.074; p=0.05) and free-range farming (r = 0.103; p = 0.011 and negative association between desertification and organic manuring (r = -0.100; p = 0.013).  The stepwise regression analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between desertification and free-range farming and organic manuring at p = 0.035 and p = 0.040 respectively. It was therefore concluded that slash and burn as well as free range farming were some of the agricultural practices employed in Zamfara State that most exacerbated desertification process in the region. Keywords: Desertification, Agricultural practices, Free range farming, Organic manuring. DOI: 10.7176/JEES/12-8-02 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Performance evaluation of clay-sawdust composite filter for point of use water treatment

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    Water borne diseases have remained a major challenge in most developing countries. This is usually as a result of lack of access to clean water and contamination associated with water fetching and conveyance. This work explores the possibility of improving water quality and eliminating the possibility of recontamination by the use of point of use (POU) water filters made from cheap locally available materials. The performance of POU water filters for the purification of water obtained from various sources was investigated.  Sawdust was used as a burnout material in order to enhance the rate of filtration. The clay was first characterized and then various proportions (5%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 50% by weight) of sawdust were mixed with the clay for filter production. The clay was found to have a specific gravity of 2.4, a high liquid limit of 81.6% and a medium plastic limit of 48.54%. The flow rates of the filters ranged between 0.0005litres/hr for the filter with 5% sawdust and 0.8litres/hr for the filter with 50% sawdust. The average removal of suspended solids (SS) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was 98.6% and 33% respectively while the mean Log10 reduction in total count (TC) was 93.1%. Result of analysis of variance showed that there was no significant difference between the performances of the filters. However, there was a significant difference between the flow rates with F(18.71) > F critical (5.14). This implies that while burnout materials improve water quality, increasing burnout materials in clay filters beyond 50% does not significantly affect the performance for the filter with respect to the quality of effluent but with respect to flow rate. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/njt.v35i4.3

    Groundwater Geogenic and Anthropogenic Assessment of Organic and Inorganic Contaminants within Three Major Metropolies in Enugu

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    This study assessed the impact of increased industrialization and population within three major metropolis in Enugu, namely Abakpa, Emena, and Independence Layout by analyzing 60 water samples and 10 shale samples. Inventory of Dumpsites were done and categorized into domestic, industrial, commercial and hazardous wastes. Pollution load indices analysis such as Heavy metal pollution index (HPI), Heavy metal evaluation index (HEI) and Degree of contamination (Cdeg) categorized the groundwater quality in the study area into low, intermediate and high contamination. The multivariate statistical analysis extracted three anthropogenic diagnostic factors controlling the chemistry based on the parameter associations. The XRD analysis shows that influence of geogenic factors in groundwater contamination within the study area is very minimal. None of the computed WQI fell within the excellent water quality within the stud. Generally 28.3% of the groundwater fell under the good water quality, 41.6% within the poor water quality, 20% within the very poor water quality and 10% within the unsuitable water condition. DOI: 10.7176/JEES/13-4-04 Publication date:June 30th 2023

    A Model Application to Assess Resource Use Efficiency for Maize Production in Soils of Northcentral Nigeria: Counseling Implications for Sustainable Land Use Optimization

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    Maize constitutes a major agrarian production setting in Nasarawa State, northcentral Nigeria but the production level is not matching domestic demand. The study assesses scientifically the resource use efficiency of this crop for future production optimization. Data from 2009/2011 maize production yearswere used. Socio-economic (qualitative) data were collected from administered questionnaire on ninety farmers from three communities (Doma, Ayaragu, and Shabu) in Lafia.Data was statistically analyzed usingdescriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis. Soil samples were analyzed for lithological similarity of the soils. Result showed that soil properties varied within the locations but were of similar lithology. 72 % respondents constituted active farming age (32-50 years) and about 30 % over 50 years in age.Regression analysis showed that quadratic factorial form was best fitted with R2 = 92.0% and adjusted R2 = 91.4%. Yield increased by 0.17, 0.08 and 78.2 Kgha-1 for every unit of seed, labor and land used. Maximum yield estimate (2.34 tha-1) was obtained based on optimal levels of input. All the inputsshowed decreasing returns to scale, except fertilizer. There is need to reduce the use of variable inputs, which returns are less than the cost so as to increase present level of production profitability by the farmers. The scope of higher production lies in adequate availability of inputs.Educating and training the farming community to adopt innovative technology is important for efficient useand sustainable management of their farm soils and crops. Keyword: Model, Resource Use, Production, Zea mays , Nigeri

    Paleoenvironmental Analysis of Sandstone Deposits within ESUT Agbani Campus, Enugu State, Nigeria, using Pebble Morphometry and Textural Analysis

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    Pebble morphometric and textural analysis were carried out on the sandstone deposits within the Agbani Campus of Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) in an attempt to reconstruct the paleoenvironment of deposition. The area has four major lithological units which include: Coarse Sandstone, Medium Sandstone, Clayey Shale and Very Fine to Fine Sandstone. A total of ninety fresh Quartz pebbles (fifteen each from six locations) were collected for Pebble analysis and five sandstone samples were collected for sieve analysis. Morphometric parameters such as size, flatness ratio, elongation ratio, maximum projection sphericity, form geometry and oblate index were computed. Bivariate scattergrams of roundness versus oblate-prolate index were also plotted.Results show that the coefficient of flatness for the area range from 45.76 to 226.6    while mean values of sphericity and oblate prolate index ranges from 0.061 to 7.615 and 0.746 to 18.872 respectively. These values suggest fluvial origin for the pebbles. Scatter plots of coefficient of flatness versus sphericity and sphericity versus oblate-prolate index suggests that the pebbles were formed in a fluvial environment. Bivariate plots of sand-textural parameters such as simple skewness against simple standard deviation also suggest that the sediments are more of a fluvial and partly shallow marine environment. The widespread of Orphiomopha, Skolitus and Rhizocolarium in the area supports the idea of a near shore depositional environment. Keywords: Pebble Morphometry, Paleoenvironment, Coefficient of Flatness, Oblate-prolate Index, Roundnes
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