10,484 research outputs found

    Topology, connectivity and electronic structure of C and B cages and the corresponding nanotubes

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    After a brief discussion of the structural trends which appear with increasing number of atoms in B cages, a one-to one correspondence between the connectivity of B cages and C cage structures will be proposed. The electronic level spectra of both systems from Hartree-Fock calculations is given and discussed. The relation of curvature introduced into an originally planar graphitic fragment to pentagonal 'defects' such as are present in buckminsterfullerene is also briefly treated. A study of the structure and electronic properties of B nanotubes will then be introduced. We start by presenting a solution of the free-electron network approach for a 'model boron' planar lattice with local coordination number 6. In particular the dispersion relation E(k) for the pi-electron bands, together with the corresponding electronic Density Of States (DOS), will be exhibited. This is then used within the zone folding scheme to obtain information about the electronic DOS of different nanotubes obtained by folding this model boron sheet. To obtain the self-consistent potential in which the valence electrons move in a nanotube, 'the March model' in its original form was invoked and results are reported for a carbon nanotube. Finally, heterostructures, such as BN cages and fluorinated buckminsterfullerene, will be briefly treated, the new feature here being electronegativity difference.Comment: 22 pages (revtex4) 12 figure

    Integral equation for inhomogeneous condensed bosons generalizing the Gross-Pitaevskii differential equation

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    We give here the derivation of a Gross-Pitaevskii--type equation for inhomogeneous condensed bosons. Instead of the original Gross-Pitaevskii differential equation, we obtain an integral equation that implies less restrictive assumptions than are made in the very recent study of Pieri and Strinati [Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) 030401]. In particular, the Thomas-Fermi approximation and the restriction to small spatial variations of the order parameter invoked in their study are avoided.Comment: Phys. Rev. A (accepted


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    Minimising medicine use in organic dairy herds through animal health and welfare planning

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    Livestock is important in many organic farming systems, and it is an explicit goal to ensure high levels of animal health and welfare (AHW) through good management. This will lead to reduced medicine use and better quality of animal products. In two EU network projects NAHWOA & SAFO it was concluded that this is not guaranteed merely by following organic standards. Both networks recommended implementation of individual animal health plans to stimulate organic farmers to improve AHW. These plans should include a systematic evaluation of AHW and be implemented through dialogue with each farmer in order to identify goals and plan improvements. 15 research institutions in 8 European countries are involved in the proposed project with the main objective to minimise medicine use in organic dairy herds through active and well planned AHW promotion and disease prevention. The project consists of 5 work packages, 4 of which comprise research activities building on current research projects, new applications across borders, exchange of knowledge, results and conclusions between participating countries, and adopting them to widely different contexts. International and national workshops facilitate this exchange. Focus areas are animal health planning, AHW assessment using animal based parameters and development of advisory systems and farmer groups. Epidemiological analyses of the effect on AHW from reduced medicine use and herd improvements are planned in all participating countries

    Farmer groups for animal health and welfare planning in European organic dairy hers

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    A set of common principles for active animal health and welfare planning in organic dairy farming has been developed in the ANIPLAN project group of seven European countries. Health and welfare planning is a farmer‐owned process of continuous development and improvement and may be practised in many different ways. It should incorporate health promotion and disease handling, based on a strategy where assessment of current status and risks forms the basis for evaluation, action and review. Besides this, it should be 1) farmspecific, 2) involve external person(s) and 3) external knowledge, 4) be based on organic principles, 5) be written, and 6) acknowledge good aspects in addition to targeting the problem areas in order to stimulate the learning process

    A Brief Review on Dark Matter Annihilation Explanation for e±e^\pm Excesses in Cosmic Ray

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    Recently data from PAMELA, ATIC, FERMI-LAT and HESS show that there are e±e^{\pm} excesses in the cosmic ray energy spectrum. PAMELA observed excesses only in e+e^+, but not in anti-proton spectrum. ATIC, FERMI-LAT and HESS observed excesses in e++e−e^++e^- spectrum, but the detailed shapes are different which requires future experimental observations to pin down the correct data set. Nevertheless a lot of efforts have been made to explain the observed e±e^\pm excesses, and also why PAMELA only observed excesses in e+e^+ but not in anti-proton. In this brief review we discuss one of the most popular mechanisms to explain the data, the dark matter annihilation. It has long been known that about 23% of our universe is made of relic dark matter. If the relic dark matter was thermally produced, the annihilation rate is constrained resulting in the need of a large boost factor to explain the data. We will discuss in detail how a large boost factor can be obtained by the Sommerfeld and Briet-Wigner enhancement mechanisms. Some implications for particle physics model buildings will also be discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. Several typoes corrected and some references added. Published in Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 24, No. 27 (2009) pp. 2139-216

    Power, norms and institutional change in the European Union: the protection of the free movement of goods

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    How do institutions of the European Union change? Using an institutionalist approach, this article highlights the interplay between power, cognitive limits, and the normative order that underpins institutional settings and assesses their impact upon the process of institutional change. Empirical evidence from recent attempts to reinforce the protection of the free movement of goods in the EU suggests that, under conditions of uncertainty, actors with ambiguous preferences assess attempts at institutional change on the basis of the historically defined normative order which holds a given institutional structure together. Hence, path dependent and incremental change occurs even when more ambitious and functionally superior proposals are on offer

    Energy gaps in quantum first-order mean-field-like transitions: The problems that quantum annealing cannot solve

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    We study first-order quantum phase transitions in models where the mean-field traitment is exact, and the exponentially fast closure of the energy gap with the system size at the transition. We consider exactly solvable ferromagnetic models, and show that they reduce to the Grover problem in a particular limit. We compute the coefficient in the exponential closure of the gap using an instantonic approach, and discuss the (dire) consequences for quantum annealing.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
