27 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Inferensi Dan Penguasaan Konsep Pada Materi Termokimia Melalui Model Pembelajaran Poe

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    The aim of this research was to describe the effectiveness of predict-observe-explain (POE) learning model in thermochemical of inferencetion skill and mastery concept.Ă‚ Students who became the subject of this research was grade XI IPA1 SMA Gajah Mada in Bandar Lampung Academic Year 2012/2013.Ă‚ This research used the preexperimental method and one group pretest-posttest design.Ă‚ The effectiveness of POE learning model was determined based on the average of normalization gain (n-gain).Ă‚ The results of this research showed that the average of n-gain of inferencetion skill and mastery concept was 0.59 and 0.67.Ă‚ Thus, it can be concluded that the POE learning model in thermochemical effective to enhance skill inference and concept mastery in medium category.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas model pembelajaran Predict-Observe-Explain (POE) pada materi termokimia dalam meningkatan keterampilan inferensi dan penguasaan konsep.Ă‚ Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA1 SMA Gajah Mada Bandar Lampung Tahun Pelajaran 2012-2013.Ă‚ Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Pre-Eksperimen dan desain One-Group pretest posttest.Ă‚ Efektivitas model pembelajaran POE diukur berdasarkan nilai normalisasi gain (n-gain).Ă‚ Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai rata-rata n-gain keterampilan inferensi dan penguasaan konsep masing-masing 0,59 dan 0,67.Ă‚ Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pembelajaran POE pada materi termokimia efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan inferensi dengan kriteria sedang dan penguasaan konsep dengan kriteria sedang

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Mengidentifikasi Variabel Dan Mendeskripsikan Hubungan Antar Variabel Melalui Model Learning Cycle 3e

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    The aimed of research was to describe the increase of students’ skill in identify variables and describe the correlational between  variables on Learning Cycle 3E (LC 3E) model. Quasi-Experimental method was used in this research, with Non Equivalent (Pretest-Postest) Control Group Design. The population of this research was students of XI IPA SMA N 1 Way Jepara, Lampung Timur, with XI scince 2 and XI scince 3 class as sample. The increase of students’ skill in identify variables and describe the correlational between  variables measured with the difference of a significant normalized gain (n-Gain). The results show that mean value of n-Gain identify variables skill in control and experimental classes were 0.19 and 0.34, and the mean value of n-Gain describe the correlational between variables skill in control and experimental classes were 0.07 and 0,32. Based on data analysis which used t-test and n-Gain, it was concluded that the LC 3E learning model can increasing students’ skill in identify variables and describe the correlational between  variables. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan peningkatan keterampilan mengidentifikasi variabel dan mendes­kripsikan hubungan antar variabel melalui learning cycle 3 phase (LC 3E). Penelitian ini merupakan kuasi eksperimen dengan Non Equivalent (Pretest-Postest) Control Group Design. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Way Jepara, Lampung Timur, dengan kelas XI IPA 2 dan XI IPA 3 sebagai sampel. Peningkatan keterampilan mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan hubungan antar variabel diukur dengan perbedaan gain yang ternormalisai (n-Gain) yang signifikan. Hasil penelitian menunjuk­kan rerata n-Gain keterampilan mengidentifikasi variabel kelas kontrol dan eksperi­men masing-masing 0,19 dan 0,34; dan rerata n-Gain keterampilan mendes­kripsi­kan hubungan antar variabel untuk kelas kontrol dan eksperimen masing-masing 0,07 dan 0,32. Berdasarkan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji-t dan n-Gain, disimpulkan bahwa model learning cycle 3E dapat mening­katkan keteram­pilan mengidentifikasi variabel dan mendeskripsikan hubungan antar variabel siswa

    Development Module of Acid Base Based on Multiple Representations

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    Chemistry is one of knowledges that learn abstract phenomena and difficult to understand by students generally and chemical learning at this momen only in makroscopic and symbolic dimension, whereas submicroscopic often deserted. The research aim to develop module of multiple representation based on the acid base material.Method used on this research is research and development (R & D) according to Sukmadinata (2009). But on this research, step only arrive to step of main product revision. Research and development on this research have three steps. There are step 1st) needs analysis that consist of literature study and field study, step 2nd ) planning and development that consist of planning preliminary product, develop preliminary product,validation, and preliminary product revision, step 3th) preliminary field test, and main product revision.Results of this research is development module of acid-base based on multiple representations Ă‚ which have characteristic: 1) module refers to the SK and KD, 2) material packaged in units of learning activities, modules arranged in a systematic and attractive, giving rise to interest in reading to students, 3) the material presented in the modules developed chemical, described by multiple representations, 4) accompanied by examples and illustrations that support the material, 5) the language used is simple and communicative, 6) have level of contents suitability is very high that is 82 % and have level of aspects graph 86,35 % according to teacher, also have high level of legibilityt is high that is 79,26% according students

    Development Assessment of Acid Base Based on Science Process Skill

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    Research And Development has the objective to develop science process skills based assessment (KPS). The method used in the research and development is a Research And Development (R & D). Characteristic assessment generated by finite trials are as follows : 1) Test the opinion of interesting 76,45% of student at the high category, 2) Test the suitability of the content of the material ini the opinion of the teacher 82,78% is very high category, and 3)Test readability 83,8% according to the teacher’s category is very high category and amounted to 76,4% according to the student’s category is high category. In the process of the development of this assessment, there are obstacles that faced some problems are difficult to describe both macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic that the translation of assessment is a simple matter becomes difficult

    The Improvement of Communication and Inference Skills in Colloid System Material by Problem Solving Learning Model

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    The aim of this research is to describe the effectiveness of problem solving learning in improving communication and inference skills in colloid system material. Subjects in this research were students of XIIPA1 and XI IPA2 classrooms in Persada Junior High School in Bandar Lampung in academic year 2011-2012 where students of both classrooms had the same characteristics. This research used quasi experiment method and pretest-posttest control group design. Effectiveness of problem solving learning method was measured based in n-gain value. The results showed that average n-gain values of communication and inference skills were 0.28 and 0.31 respectively. It could be concluded that the problem solvinglearning in colloid system material was effective in improving inferring skill with high category and communication skill with medium criterion.Keywords      : problem solving learning, communication and inference skill

    Peningkatan Keterampilan Prediksi Dan Merumuskan Hipotesis Melalui Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing

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    The aim of this research is to describe the effectiveness of the learning model of guided inquiry to improve prediction and to formulate hypotheses skills in acid-base concept. This research uses a pre-experimental method with One Group Pretest Posttest Design.Ă‚ Subjects in this study were students of class XI IPA1 SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar which amounts to 29 students. The data of this study is the prediction and to formulate hypotheses skills. The results showed the average value of n-Gain of prediction skills and formulate hypotheses 0,49 and 0.56 (medium category).Ă‚ Based on the results of the data analysis, showed that the guided inquiry learning model is effective in improving the prediction skills and to formulate hypotheses of class XI IPA1 SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar LampungPenelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan efektivitas model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dalam meningkatkan keterampilan prediksi dan merumuskan hipotesis pada materi asam-basa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-eksperimen dengan One Group Pretest Postest Design. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI IPA1 SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bandarlampung yang berjumlah 29 siswa. Data penelitian ini adalah keterampilan prediksi dan merumuskan hipotesis.Ă‚ Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata nilai n-Gain keterampilan prediksi dan keterampilan merumuskan hipotesis yaitu 0,49 dan 0,56 (kategori sedang).Ă‚ Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tersebut, menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan model inkuiri terbimbing efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan prediksi dan merumuskan hipotesis siswa kelas XI IPA1 SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampun

    The Effectiveness of Problem Solving Learning Model on Buffer Solution and Hydrolysis Material in Increasing Obesrvation and Interpretation Competences

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    The objectives of this research were to find out the effective learning model in increasing observation and interpretation competencies on buffer solution and hydrolysis subjects. Observation and interpretation competencies were part of science process competency (SPC). In line with the objectives of the research, problem colving learning model was applied in learning that is part of constructivism approach. The research method was experiment quasi with the non equivalence control group design. By using purposive sampling technique the sample of this research was XI IPA 1 and XI IPA 3 class. Based on the calculation of hypotesis testing, the result of this research were; (1) problem solving learning model was effective in increasing observation competency (2) problem solving learning model was effective in increasing interpretation competency. Keywords : observation competency, interpretation competency, problem solving                   mode

    Development of Student Worksheets Science Process Skills Based on the Acid-base Material

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    Most of the concepts in chemistry are abstract. So the potential misconception that is common to the students, so it is necessary to develop the learning medium, especially in the student worksheet. This study aims to develop student works-heet based on science process skills. In this study, using the method of research and development (Research and Development) by Borg Gall and Gall, 1989 (Sukmadinata, 2009). Results of student worksheets developed are student worksheets that can measure students' science process skills. Furthermore performed limited testing to see what students and teachers based on student worksheets science process skills are developed. Limited testing done at one school in the town of Bandar Lampung. Based on limited testing for teachers on aspects of compliance content, readability, and the construction of the student worksheet based on science process skills obtained results respectively 90%, 85%, and 88.88%. While the limited testing conducted for the students to aspects kemenarikan, legibility and keterlaksanaan the student worksheet based on science process skills acquired respectively 88.93%, 87.85%, and 100%. Based on these results can be simpulankan the student worksheet based on science process skills can increase student interest and may assist students in the mastery of concept sespecially inacid-base material