3,038 research outputs found

    Corn Can Be Too Hard

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    After hybrid corn became popular many farmers decided that some varieties were too hard to feed successfully to beef cattle. At the Iowa Station we boiled the problem down to hard corn vs. soft corn- instead of hybrid vs. open-pollinated- and found in our first year\u27s test that soft corn is superior for cattle feeding

    Ear Corn Silage Pays

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    Farmers who are caught with immature corn can still feed cattle by making ear corn silage out of their high-moisture corn. That\u27s the principal conclusion we have reached from our 1945-46 cattle feeding tests

    Good Beef From Silage

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    When we planned our cattle feeding tests in the fall of 1944 at the Iowa Station we did not know that Iowa would have some soft corn this year. But these tests point the way for good gains and satisfactory finish with corn silage and a limited amount of shelled corn. This test was made with medium to good grade native steers

    Old Corn Into Beef

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    Will old corn-2, 3, 4 years old—produce as good results in fattening steers as the most recent crop of corn? That question has been pondered by a good many cattle feeders. Some of the feeders have reported that the old corn had not given them as good results as newer

    Chop Hay for Steers?

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    One of the newer methods of making hay, chopping it in the field or as it comes from the field and putting it in the barn or stacking it, has gained considerable popularity with some Iowa farmers who feed cattle

    1944 Cattle Feeding Tests

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    In our cattle feeding experiments this year, which ended the first of June, we followed up our tests of the past 2 years in which we were trying to find out whether it pays to chop hay for fattening steers and whether limited grain feeding with good quality steers would pay during this war period. There were other questions too that we wanted to answer if possible such as: In chopping hay for steers, should it be coarse or fine? How long a period should good quality yearling steers be fed

    More Pigs with Alfalfa Meal

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    Alfalfa meal or ground alfalfa hay can help keep down little pig costs in feeding sows this winter and spring

    When Feedings Hogs

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    Making corn go farther this year means food for a lot of people who need it