107 research outputs found

    Study of the heating effect contribution to the nonlinear dielectric response of a supercooled liquid

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    We present a detailed study of the heating effects in dielectric measurements carried out on a liquid. Such effects come from the dissipation of the electric power in the liquid and give a contribution to the nonlinear third harmonics susceptibility chi_3 which depends on the frequency and temperature. This study is used to evaluate a possible `spurious' contribution to the recently measured nonlinear susceptibility of an archetypical glassforming liquid (Glycerol). Those measurements have been shown to give a direct evaluation of the number of dynamically correlated molecules temperature dependence close to the glass transition temperature T_g~190K (Crauste-Thibierge et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 104,165703(2010)). We show that the heating contribution is totally negligible (i) below 204K at any frequency; (ii) for any temperature at the frequency where the third harmonics response chi_3 is maximum. Besides, this heating contribution does not scale as a function of f/f_{\alpha}, with f_{\alpha}(T) the relaxation frequency of the liquid. In the high frequency range, when f/f_{\alpha} >= 1, we find that the heating contribution is damped because the dipoles cannot follow instantaneously the temperature modulation due to the heating phenomenon. An estimate of the magnitude of this damping is given.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Physic

    Destruction of superconductivity in disordered materials : a dimensional crossover

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    The disorder-induced Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition in amorphous Nbx_{x}Si1−x_{1-x} two-dimensional thin films is studied for different niobium compositions xx through a variation of the sample thickness dd. We show that the critical thickness dcd_c, separating a superconducting regime from an insulating one, increases strongly with diminishing xx, thus attaining values of over 100 {\AA}. The corresponding phase diagram in the (d,x)(d, x) plane is inferred and related to the three-dimensional situation. The two-dimensional Superconductor-to-Insulator Transition well connects with the three-dimensional Superconductor-to-Metal Transition

    Evidence of growing spatial correlations at the glass transition from nonlinear response experiments

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    The ac nonlinear dielectric response χ3(ω,T)\chi_3(\omega,T) of glycerol was measured close to its glass transition temperature TgT_g to investigate the prediction that supercooled liquids respond in an increasingly non-linear way as the dynamics slows down (as spin-glasses do). We find that χ3(ω,T)\chi_3(\omega,T) indeed displays several non trivial features. It is peaked as a function of the frequency ω\omega and obeys scaling as a function of ωτ(T)\omega \tau(T), with τ(T)\tau(T) the relaxation time of the liquid. The height of the peak, proportional to the number of dynamically correlated molecules Ncorr(T)N_{corr}(T), increases as the system becomes glassy, and χ3\chi_3 decays as a power-law of ω\omega over several decades beyond the peak. These findings confirm the collective nature of the glassy dynamics and provide the first direct estimate of the TT dependence of NcorrN_{corr}.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. With respect to v1, a few new sentences were added in the introduction and conclusion, references were updated, some typos corrected

    Effect of annealing on the superconducting properties of a-Nb(x)Si(1-x) thin films

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    a-Nb(x)Si(1-x) thin films with thicknesses down to 25 {\AA} have been structurally characterized by TEM (Transmission Electron Microscopy) measurements. As-deposited or annealed films are shown to be continuous and homogeneous in composition and thickness, up to an annealing temperature of 500{\deg}C. We have carried out low temperature transport measurements on these films close to the superconductor-to-insulator transition (SIT), and shown a qualitative difference between the effect of annealing or composition, and a reduction of the film thickness on the superconducting properties of a-NbSi. These results question the pertinence of the sheet resistance R_square as the relevant parameter to describe the SIT.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Superspin glass aging behavior in textured and nontextured frozen ferrofluid

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    The effect of magnetic anisotropy-axis alignment of individual nanoparticles on the collective aging behavior in the superspin glass state of a frozen ferrofluid has been investigated. The ferrofluid studied here consists of maghemite nanoparticles (\gamma-Fe2O3, mean diameter = 8.6 nm) dispersed in glycerin at a volume fraction of ~15%. The low temperature aging behavior has been explored through 'zero-field cooled magnetization' (ZFCM) relaxation measurements using SQUID magnetometry. The ZFCM response functions were found to scale with effective age of the system in both textured and non-textured superspin glass states, but with markedly different scaling exponents, \mu. The value of {\mu} was found to shift from ~0.9 in non-textured case to ~ 0.6 in the textured case, despite the identical cooling protocol used in both experiments

    Anisotropy-axis orientation effect on the magnetization of {\gamma}-Fe2O3 frozen ferrofluid

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    The effect of magnetic anisotropy-axis alignment on the superparamagnetic (SPM) and superspin glass (SSG) states in a frozen ferrofluid has been investigated. The ferrofluid studied here consists of maghemite nanoparticles (\gamma-Fe2O3, mean diameter = 8.6 nm) dispersed in glycerine at a volume fraction of ~15%. In the high temperature SPM state, the magnetization of aligned ferrofluid increased by a factor varying between 2 and 4 with respect to that in the randomly oriented state. The negative interaction energy obtained from the Curie-Weiss fit to the high temperature susceptibility in the SPM states as well as the SSG phase onset temperature determined from the linear magnetization curves were found to be rather insensitive to the anisotropy axis alignment. The low temperature aging behaviour, explored via "zero-field cooled magnetization" (ZFCM) relaxation measurements, however, show distinct difference in the aging dynamics in the anisotropy-axis aligned and randomly oriented SSG states.Comment: to appear in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physic

    Muon-induced background in the EDELWEISS dark matter search

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    A dedicated analysis of the muon-induced background in the EDELWEISS dark matter search has been performed on a data set acquired in 2009 and 2010. The total muon flux underground in the Laboratoire Souterrain de Modane (LSM) was measured to be Φμ=(5.4±0.2−0.9+0.5)\Phi_{\mu}=(5.4\pm 0.2 ^{+0.5}_{-0.9})\,muons/m2^2/d. The modular design of the muon-veto system allows the reconstruction of the muon trajectory and hence the determination of the angular dependent muon flux in LSM. The results are in good agreement with both MC simulations and earlier measurements. Synchronization of the muon-veto system with the phonon and ionization signals of the Ge detector array allowed identification of muon-induced events. Rates for all muon-induced events Γμ=(0.172±0.012) evts/(kg⋅d)\Gamma^{\mu}=(0.172 \pm 0.012)\, \rm{evts}/(\rm{kg \cdot d}) and of WIMP-like events Γμ−n=0.008−0.004+0.005 evts/(kg⋅d)\Gamma^{\mu-n} = 0.008^{+0.005}_{-0.004}\, \rm{evts}/(\rm{kg \cdot d}) were extracted. After vetoing, the remaining rate of accepted muon-induced neutrons in the EDELWEISS-II dark matter search was determined to be Γirredμ−n<6⋅10−4 evts/(kg⋅d)\Gamma^{\mu-n}_{\rm irred} < 6\cdot 10^{-4} \, \rm{evts}/(\rm{kg \cdot d}) at 90%\,C.L. Based on these results, the muon-induced background expectation for an anticipated exposure of 3000\,\kgd\ for EDELWEISS-3 is N3000kg⋅dμ−n<0.6N^{\mu-n}_{3000 kg\cdot d} < 0.6 events.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in Astropart. Phy

    Quantitative Analysis of Mechanisms That Govern Red Blood Cell Age Structure and Dynamics during Anaemia

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    Mathematical modelling has proven an important tool in elucidating and quantifying mechanisms that govern the age structure and population dynamics of red blood cells (RBCs). Here we synthesise ideas from previous experimental data and the mathematical modelling literature with new data in order to test hypotheses and generate new predictions about these mechanisms. The result is a set of competing hypotheses about three intrinsic mechanisms: the feedback from circulating RBC concentration to production rate of immature RBCs (reticulocytes) in bone marrow, the release of reticulocytes from bone marrow into the circulation, and their subsequent ageing and clearance. In addition we examine two mechanisms specific to our experimental system: the effect of phenylhydrazine (PHZ) and blood sampling on RBC dynamics. We performed a set of experiments to quantify the dynamics of reticulocyte proportion, RBC concentration, and erythropoietin concentration in PHZ-induced anaemic mice. By quantifying experimental error we are able to fit and assess each hypothesis against our data and recover parameter estimates using Markov chain Monte Carlo based Bayesian inference. We find that, under normal conditions, about 3% of reticulocytes are released early from bone marrow and upon maturation all cells are released immediately. In the circulation, RBCs undergo random clearance but have a maximum lifespan of about 50 days. Under anaemic conditions reticulocyte production rate is linearly correlated with the difference between normal and anaemic RBC concentrations, and their release rate is exponentially correlated with the same. PHZ appears to age rather than kill RBCs, and younger RBCs are affected more than older RBCs. Blood sampling caused short aperiodic spikes in the proportion of reticulocytes which appear to have a different developmental pathway than normal reticulocytes. We also provide evidence of large diurnal oscillations in serum erythropoietin levels during anaemia
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