134 research outputs found

    Time Variability of Quasars: the Structure Function Variance

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    Significant progress in the description of quasar variability has been recently made by employing SDSS and POSS data. Common to most studies is a fundamental assumption that photometric observations at two epochs for a large number of quasars will reveal the same statistical properties as well-sampled light curves for individual objects. We critically test this assumption using light curves for a sample of \sim2,600 spectroscopically confirmed quasars observed about 50 times on average over 8 years by the SDSS stripe 82 survey. We find that the dependence of the mean structure function computed for individual quasars on luminosity, rest-frame wavelength and time is qualitatively and quantitatively similar to the behavior of the structure function derived from two-epoch observations of a much larger sample. We also reproduce the result that the variability properties of radio and X-ray selected subsamples are different. However, the scatter of the variability structure function for fixed values of luminosity, rest-frame wavelength and time is similar to the scatter induced by the variance of these quantities in the analyzed sample. Hence, our results suggest that, although the statistical properties of quasar variability inferred using two-epoch data capture some underlying physics, there is significant additional information that can be extracted from well-sampled light curves for individual objects.Comment: Presented at the "Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys" meeting, Ringberg Castle, 14-17 October, 200

    A Call to Action: The First International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry

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    The First International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign from May 5-7, 2005, was assembled so that the international community of qualitative researchers could address the implications of attempts by federal funding agencies to “regulate scientific inquiry by defining what is good science” (Denzin, 2005b). The Congress was attended by more than 800 persons from more than 45 nations. More than 160 sessions consisting of more than 650 papers authored by more than 750 persons were presented. The complete Congress program, including session and paper abstracts, complete papers, and other information is available at http://www.qi2005.org/

    Client Impropriety

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    The article discusses ethical issues around using information from responses to proposal requests without obtaining consent or providing compensation to the original authors.

    New approaches to object classification in synoptic sky surveys

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    Digital synoptic sky surveys pose several new object classification challenges. In surveys where real-time detection and classification of transient events is a science driver, there is a need for an effective elimination of instrument-related artifacts which can masquerade as transient sources in the detection pipeline, e.g., unremoved large cosmic rays, saturation trails, reflections, crosstalk artifacts, etc. We have implemented such an Artifact Filter, using a supervised neural network, for the real-time processing pipeline in the Palomar-Quest (PQ) survey. After the training phase, for each object it takes as input a set of measured morphological parameters and returns the probability of it being a real object. Despite the relatively low number of training cases for many kinds of artifacts, the overall artifact classification rate is around 90%, with no genuine transients misclassified during our real-time scans. Another question is how to assign an optimal star-galaxy classification in a multi-pass survey, where seeing and other conditions change between different epochs, potentially producing inconsistent classifications for the same object. We have implemented a star/galaxy multipass classifier that makes use of external and a priori knowledge to find the optimal classification from the individually derived ones. Both these techniques can be applied to other, similar surveys and data sets

    Quasar and galaxy classification using Gaia EDR3 and CatWise2020

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    In this work, we assess the combined use of Gaia photometry and astrometry with infrared data from CatWISE in improving the identification of extragalactic sources compared to the classification obtained using Gaia data. We evaluate different input feature configurations and prior functions, with the aim of presenting a classification methodology integrating prior knowledge stemming from realistic class distributions in the universe. In our work, we compare different classifiers, namely Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs), XGBoost and CatBoost, and classify sources into three classes - star, quasar, and galaxy, with the target quasar and galaxy class labels obtained from SDSS16 and the star label from Gaia EDR3. In our approach, we adjust the posterior probabilities to reflect the intrinsic distribution of extragalactic sources in the universe via a prior function. We introduce two priors, a global prior reflecting the overall rarity of quasars and galaxies, and a mixed prior that incorporates in addition the distribution of the these sources as a function of Galactic latitude and magnitude. Our best classification performances, in terms of completeness and purity of the galaxy and quasar classes, are achieved using the mixed prior for sources at high latitudes and in the magnitude range G = 18.5 to 19.5. We apply our identified best-performing classifier to three application datasets from Gaia DR3, and find that the global prior is more conservative in what it considers to be a quasar or a galaxy compared to the mixed prior. In particular, when applied to the pure quasar and galaxy candidates samples, we attain a purity of 97% for quasars and 99.9% for galaxies using the global prior, and purities of 96% and 99% respectively using the mixed prior. We conclude our work by discussing the importance of applying adjusted priors portraying realistic class distributions in the universe.Comment: 21 pages, 23 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Quenching of Star Formation

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    In the last decade we have seen an enormous increase in the size and quality of spectroscopic galaxy surveys, both at low and high redshift. New statistical techniques to analyse large portions of galaxy spectra are now finding favour over traditional index based methods. Here we will review a new robust and iterative Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm, which solves several common issues with classic PCA. Application to the 4000AA break region of galaxies in the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey (VVDS) and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) gives new high signal-to-noise ratio spectral indices easily interpretable in terms of recent star formation history. In particular, we identify a sample of post-starburst galaxies at z~0.7 and z~0.07. We quantify for the first time the importance of post-starburst galaxies, consistent with being descendants of gas-rich major mergers, for building the red sequence. Finally, we present a comparison with new low and high redshift "mock spectroscopic surveys" derived from a Millennium Run semi-analytic model.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. Conference proceedings in "Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys", 2008, C.A.L. Bailer-Jones (ed.

    Towards real-time classification of astronomical transients

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    Exploration of time domain is now a vibrant area of research in astronomy, driven by the advent of digital synoptic sky surveys. While panoramic surveys can detect variable or transient events, typically some follow-up observations are needed; for short-lived phenomena, a rapid response is essential. Ability to automatically classify and prioritize transient events for follow-up studies becomes critical as the data rates increase. We have been developing such methods using the data streams from the Palomar-Quest survey, the Catalina Sky Survey and others, using the VOEventNet framework. The goal is to automatically classify transient events, using the new measurements, combined with archival data (previous and multi-wavelength measurements), and contextual information (e.g., Galactic or ecliptic latitude, presence of a possible host galaxy nearby, etc.); and to iterate them dynamically as the follow-up data come in (e.g., light curves or colors). We have been investigating Bayesian methodologies for classification, as well as discriminated follow-up to optimize the use of available resources, including Naive Bayesian approach, and the non-parametric Gaussian process regression. We will also be deploying variants of the traditional machine learning techniques such as Neural Nets and Support Vector Machines on datasets of reliably classified transients as they build up

    Finding SDSS BALQSOs Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorisation

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    Modern spectroscopic databases provide a wealth of information about the physical processes and environments associated with astrophysical populations. Techniques such as blind source separation (BSS), in which sets of spectra are decomposed into a number of components, offer the prospect of identifying the signatures of the underlying physical emission processes. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) has been applied with some success but is severely limited by the inherent orthogonality restriction that the components must satisfy. Non-negative matrix factorisation (NMF) is a relatively new BSS technique that incorporates a non-negativity constraint on its components. In this respect, the resulting components may more closely reflect the physical emission signatures than is the case using PCA. We discuss some of the considerations that must be made when applying NMF and, through its application to the quasar spectra in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR6, we show that NMF is a fast method for generating compact and accurate reconstructions of the spectra. The ability to reconstruct spectra accurately has numerous astrophysical applications. Combined with improved SDSS redshifts, we apply NMF to the problem of defining robust continua for quasars that exhibit strong broad absorption line (BAL) systems. The resulting catalogue of SDSS DR6 BAL quasars will be the largest available. Importantly, the NMF approach allows quantitative error estimates to be derived for the Balnicity Indices as a function of key astrophysical and observational parameters, such as the quasar redshifts and the signal-to-noise ratio of the spectra.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "Classification and Discovery in Large Astronomical Surveys", Ringberg Castle, 14-17 October 200

    Balmer filaments in Tycho's supernova remnant: an interplay between cosmic-ray and broad-neutral precursors

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    We present Hα\alpha spectroscopic observations and detailed modelling of the Balmer filaments in the supernova remnant Tycho. We used Galaxy Hα\alpha Fabry-P\'erot Spectrometer on the William Herschel Telescope with a 3.4'×\times3.4' field-of-view, 0.2" pixel scale and \sigma_\rm{instr}=8.1 km/s resolution at 1" seeing for 10\sim10 hours, resulting in 82 spatial-spectral bins that resolve the narrow Hα\alpha line in the entire Tycho's northeastern rim. For the first time, we can mitigate artificial line broadening from unresolved differential motion, and probe Hα\alpha emission parameters in varying shock and ambient medium conditions. Broad Hα\alpha line remains unresolved within spectral coverage of 392 km/s. We employed Bayesian inference to obtain reliable parameter confidence intervals, and quantify the evidence for models with multiple line components. The median Hα\alpha narrow-line full-width at half-maximum of all bins and models is W_\rm{NL}=(54.8\pm1.8) km/s at the 95%95\% confidence level, varying within [35, 72] km/s between bins and clearly broadened compared to the intrinsic (thermal) 20\approx20 km/s. Possible line splits are accounted for, significant in 18%\approx18\% of the filament, and presumably due to remaining projection effects. We also find wide-spread evidence for intermediate-line emission of a broad-neutral precursor, with median W_\rm{IL}=(180\pm14) km/s (95%95\% confidence). Finally, we present a measurement of the remnant's systemic velocity, V_\rm{LSR}=-34 km/s, and map differential line-of-sight motions. Our results confirm the existence and interplay of shock precursors in Tycho's remnant. In particular, we show that suprathermal narrow-line emission is near-universal in Tycho and that, in absence of an alternative explanation, collisionless supernova remnant shocks constitute a viable acceleration source for Galactic TeV Cosmic-Ray protons.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables, Paper accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; References correcte

    Balmer-dominated shocks in Tycho's SNR: omnipresence of CRs

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    We present wide-field, spatially and highly resolved spectroscopic observations of Balmer filaments in the northeastern rim of Tycho's supernova remnant in order to investigate the signal of cosmic-ray (CR) acceleration. The spectra of Balmer-dominated shocks (BDSs) have characteristic narrow (FWHM \sim 10 kms1^{-1}) and broad (FWHM \sim 1000 kms1^{-1}) Hα\alpha components. CRs affect the Hα\alpha-line parameters: heating the cold neutrals in the interstellar medium results in broadening of the narrow Hα\alpha-line width beyond 20 kms1^{-1}, but also in reduction of the broad Hα\alpha-line width due to energy being removed from the protons in the post-shock region. For the first time we show that the width of the narrow Hα\alpha line, much larger than 20 kms1^{-1}, is not a resolution or geometric effect nor a spurious result of a neglected intermediate (FWHM \sim 100 kms1^{-1}) component resulting from hydrogen atoms undergoing charge exchange with warm protons in the broad-neutral precursor. Moreover, we show that a narrow line width \gg 20 kms1^{-1} extends across the entire NE rim, implying CR acceleration is ubiquitous, and making it possible to relate its strength to locally varying shock conditions. Finally, we find several locations along the rim, where spectra are significantly better explained (based on Bayesian evidence) by inclusion of the intermediate component, with a width of 180 kms1^{-1} on average.Comment: Proceeding for contributed talk at the IAU Symposium No. 331: "SN 1987A, 30 years later - Cosmic Rays and Nuclei from Supernovae and their Aftermaths", 2017, La Reunion Island; References correcte