277 research outputs found

    The algebra of the box spline

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    In this paper we want to revisit results of Dahmen and Micchelli on box-splines which we reinterpret and make more precise. We compare these ideas with the work of Brion, Szenes, Vergne and others on polytopes and partition functions.Comment: 69 page

    Nesting maps of Grassmannians

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    Let F be a field and i < j be integers between 1 and n. A map of Grassmannians f : Gr(i, F^n) --> Gr(j, F^n) is called nesting, if l is contained in f(l) for every l in Gr(i, F^n). We show that there are no continuous nesting maps over C and no algebraic nesting maps over any algebraically closed field F, except for a few obvious ones. The continuous case is due to Stong and Grover-Homer-Stong; the algebraic case in characteristic zero can also be deduced from their results. In this paper we give new proofs that work in arbitrary characteristic. As a corollary, we give a description of the algebraic subbundles of the tangent bundle to the projective space P^n over F. Another application can be found in a recent paper math.AC/0306126 of George Bergman

    Box splines and the equivariant index theorem

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    In this article, we start to recall the inversion formula for the convolution with the Box spline. The equivariant cohomology and the equivariant K-theory with respect to a compact torus G of various spaces associated to a linear action of G in a vector space M can be both described using some vector spaces of distributions, on the dual of the group G or on the dual of its Lie algebra. The morphism from K-theory to cohomology is analyzed and the multiplication by the Todd class is shown to correspond to the operator (deconvolution) inverting the semidiscrete convolution with a box spline. Finally, the multiplicities of the index of a G-transversally elliptic operator on M are determined using the infinitesimal index of the symbol.Comment: 44 page

    Braid Group Action and Quantum Affine Algebras

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    We lift the lattice of translations in the extended affine Weyl group to a braid group action on the quantum affine algebra. This action fixes the Heisenberg subalgebra pointwise. Loop like generators are found for the algebra which satisfy the relations of Drinfel′'d's new realization. Coproduct formulas are given and a PBW type basis is constructed.Comment: 15 page

    Polynomial Relations in the Centre of U_q(sl(N))

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    When the parameter of deformation q is a m-th root of unity, the centre of U_q(sl(N))$ contains, besides the usual q-deformed Casimirs, a set of new generators, which are basically the m-th powers of all the Cartan generators of U_q(sl(N)). All these central elements are however not independent. In this letter, generalising the well-known case of U_q(sl(2)), we explicitly write polynomial relations satisfied by the generators of the centre. Application to the parametrization of irreducible representations and to fusion rules are sketched.Comment: 8 pages, minor TeXnical revision to allow automatic TeXin
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