252 research outputs found

    Implementation and delivery of group consultations for young people with diabetes in socioeconomically deprived, ethnically diverse settings

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    BACKGROUND: Young people with diabetes experience poor clinical and psychosocial outcomes, and consider the health service ill-equipped in meeting their needs. Improvements, including alternative consulting approaches, are required to improve care quality and patient engagement. We examined how group-based, outpatient diabetes consultations might be delivered to support young people (16-25 years old) in socio-economically deprived, ethnically diverse settings. METHODS: This multi-method, comparative study recruited a total of 135 young people with diabetes across two implementation and two comparison sites (2017-2019). Informed by a 'researcher-in-residence' approach and complexity theory, we used a combination of methods: (a) 31 qualitative interviews with young people and staff and ethnographic observation in group and individual clinics, (b) quantitative analysis of sociodemographic, clinical, service use, and patient enablement data, and (c) micro-costing analysis. RESULTS: Implementation sites delivered 29 group consultations in total. Overall mean attendance per session was low, but a core group of young people attended repeatedly. They reported feeling better understood and supported, gaining new learning from peers and clinicians, and being better prepared to normalise diabetes self-care. Yet, there were also instances where peer comparison proved difficult to manage. Group consultations challenged deeply embedded ways of thinking about care provision and required staff to work flexibly to achieve local tailoring, sustain continuity, and safely manage complex interdependencies with other care processes. Set-up and delivery were time-consuming and required in-depth clinical and relational knowledge of patients. Facilitation by an experienced youth worker was instrumental. There was indication that economic value could derive from preventing at least one unscheduled consultation annually. CONCLUSIONS: Group consulting can provide added value when tailored to meet local needs rather than following standardised approaches. This study illustrates the importance of adaptive capability and self-organisation when integrating new models of care, with young people as active partners in shaping service provision. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN reference 27989430

    Does the process map influence the outcome of quality improvement work? A comparison of a sequential flow diagram and a hierarchical task analysis diagram

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    Background: Many quality and safety improvement methods in healthcare rely on a complete and accurate map of the process. Process mapping in healthcare is often achieved using a sequential flow diagram, but there is little guidance available in the literature about the most effective type of process map to use. Moreover there is evidence that the organisation of information in an external representation affects reasoning and decision making. This exploratory study examined whether the type of process map - sequential or hierarchical - affects healthcare practitioners' judgments.Methods: A sequential and a hierarchical process map of a community-based anti coagulation clinic were produced based on data obtained from interviews, talk-throughs, attendance at a training session and examination of protocols and policies. Clinic practitioners were asked to specify the parts of the process that they judged to contain quality and safety concerns. The process maps were then shown to them in counter-balanced order and they were asked to circle on the diagrams the parts of the process where they had the greatest quality and safety concerns. A structured interview was then conducted, in which they were asked about various aspects of the diagrams.Results: Quality and safety concerns cited by practitioners differed depending on whether they were or were not looking at a process map, and whether they were looking at a sequential diagram or a hierarchical diagram. More concerns were identified using the hierarchical diagram compared with the sequential diagram and more concerns were identified in relation to clinical work than administrative work. Participants' preference for the sequential or hierarchical diagram depended on the context in which they would be using it. The difficulties of determining the boundaries for the analysis and the granularity required were highlighted.Conclusions: The results indicated that the layout of a process map does influence perceptions of quality and safety problems in a process. In quality improvement work it is important to carefully consider the type of process map to be used and to consider using more than one map to ensure that different aspects of the process are captured

    Pancreas-derived mesenchymal stromal cells share immune response-modulating and angiogenic potential with bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells and can be grown to therapeutic scale under GMP conditions

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    Background aims: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) isolated from various tissues are under investigation as cellular therapeutics in a wide range of diseases. It is appreciated that the basic biological functions of MSCs vary depending on tissue source. However, in-depth comparative analyses between MSCs isolated from different tissue sources under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) conditions are lacking. Human clinical-grade low-purity islet (LPI) fractions are generated as a byproduct of islet isolation for transplantation. MSC isolates were derived from LPI fractions with the aim of performing a systematic, standardized comparative analysis of these cells with clinically relevant bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM MSCs). Methods: MSC isolates were derived from LPI fractions and expanded in platelet lysate-supplemented medium or in commercially available xenogeneic-free medium. Doubling rate, phenotype, differentiation potential, gene expression, protein production and immunomodulatory capacity of LPIs were compared with those of BM MSCs. Results: MSCs can be readily derived in vitro from non-transplanted fractions resulting from islet cell processing (i.e., LPI MSCs). LPI MSCs grow stably in serum-free or platelet lysate-supplemented media and demonstrate in vitro self-renewal, as measured by colony-forming unit assay. LPI MSCs express patterns of chemokines and pro-regenerative factors similar to those of BM MSCs and, importantly, are equally able to attract immune cells in vitro and in vivo and suppress T-cell proliferation in vitro. Additionally, LPI MSCs can be expanded to therapeutically relevant doses at low passage under GMP conditions. Conclusions: LPI MSCs represent an alternative source of GMP MSCs with functions comparable to BM MSCs

    Promises and perils of group clinics for young people living with diabetes: A realist review

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    Group clinics are becoming popular as a new care model in diabetes care. This evidence synthesis, using realist review methodology, examined the role of group clinics in meeting the complex needs of young people living with diabetes. Following Realist And Meta-narrative Evidence Synthesis–Evolving Standards (RAMESES) quality standards, we conducted a systematic search across 10 databases. A total of 131 articles met inclusion criteria and were analyzed to develop theoretically informed explanations of how and why group clinics could work (or not) for young people with diabetes. Models of group-based care in the literature varied significantly and incorporated different degrees of clinical and educational content. Our analysis identified four overarching principles that can be applied in different contexts to drive sustained engagement of young people in group clinics: 1) emphasizing self-management as practical knowledge; 2) developing a sense of affinity between patients; 3) providing safe, developmentally appropriate care; and 4) balancing group and individual needs. Implementation of group clinics was not always straightforward; numerous adjustments to operational and clinical processes were required to establish and deliver high-quality care. Group clinics for young people with diabetes offer the potential to complement individualized care but are not a panacea and may generate as well as solve problems

    A qualitative study of the experiences and expectations of women receiving in-patient postnatal care in one English maternity unit

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    Background Studies consistently highlight in-patient postnatal care as the area of maternity care women are least satisfied with. As part of a quality improvement study to promote a continuum of care from the birthing room to discharge home from hospital, we explored women’s expectations and experiences of current inpatient care. Methods For this part of the study, qualitative data from semi-structured interviews were transcribed and analysed using content analyses to identify issues and concepts. Women were recruited from two postnatal wards in one large maternity unit in the South of England, with around 6,000 births a year. Results Twenty women, who had a vaginal or caesarean birth, were interviewed on the postnatal ward. Identified themes included; the impact of the ward environment; the impact of the attitude of staff; quality and level of support for breastfeeding; unmet information needs; and women’s low expectations of hospital based postnatal care. Findings informed revision to the content and planning of in-patient postnatal care, results of which will be reported elsewhere. Conclusions Women’s responses highlighted several areas where changes could be implemented. Staff should be aware that how they inter-act with women could make a difference to care as a positive or negative experience. The lack of support and inconsistent advice on breastfeeding highlights that units need to consider how individual staff communicate information to women. Units need to address how and when information on practical aspects of infant care is provided if women and their partners are to feel confident on the woman’s transfer home from hospital

    Group clinics for young adults living with diabetes in an ethnically diverse, socioeconomically deprived population: mixed-methods evaluation

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    Background Our research was based on the expressed need to evaluate the potential for group clinics to enhance care within the NHS for people with long-term conditions. Objectives We aimed to explore the scope, feasibility, impact and potential scalability of group clinics for young adults with diabetes who have poor experiences of care and clinical outcomes. We applied a participatory approach to the entire research process, where appropriate. Setting Four NHS trusts delivering diabetes care to young adults in ethnically diverse and socioeconomically deprived communities. Participants We involved 135 young adults as participants in our research (73 at two intervention sites and 62 at two control sites). Methods A realist review synthesised existing evidence for group clinics to understand ‘what works, for whom, under what circumstances’. Using the realist review findings and a scoping exercise, we used co-design to develop a model of group clinic-based care, which we then implemented and evaluated using primarily qualitative methods, with quantitative and costs analyses to inform future evaluations. Results Young adults reported positive experiences from the group clinics. However, across the group clinics delivered, only one-third (on average) of those invited to specific clinics attended, despite substantial efforts to encourage attendance, and only 37 out of 73 (51%) participants attended any group clinics. Social learning helped the acquisition of new knowledge and normalisation of experiences. Group clinics met previously unreached emotional needs, and the relationships that formed between young adults, and between them and the staff facilitating the clinics, were key. Clinical staff delivered the clinics using a facilitatory approach, and a youth worker helped to ensure that the care model was developmentally appropriate. Existing organisational structures presented substantial challenges to the delivery of group clinics, and there was considerable hidden work required by the staff delivering them. Group clinics may augment one-to-one care but do not necessarily replace it. The average cost of each group clinic, per participant, was £127–58. Limitations Engagement in co-design and the research process and participation in the group clinics was challenging, and limited our quantitative data analysis. These limitations had implications for the fidelity of the intervention and generalisability of our findings. During the research, we established that group clinics would not replace existing care, and that further work is required to understand the theoretical base of ‘blended’ models of care, and the potential of digital offers, before a definitive evaluation (a cluster-randomised trial) can be designed. Conclusions Our findings show that young adults with diabetes, including those in deprived and ethnically diverse settings, have positive experiences of group-based care, and it may augment existing one-to-one care. However, engagement with group-based care is challenging despite the participatory design. Future work Future research is needed to develop the group clinic model prior to definitive evaluation. Study registration This study is registered as CRD42017058726 and ISRCTN83599025. Funding This project was funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health and Social Care Delivery Research programme and will be published in full in Health and Social Care Delivery Research; Vol. 10, No. 25. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information

    Human umbilical cord perivascular cells improve human pancreatic islet transplant function by increasing vascularization

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    Islet transplantation is an efficacious therapy for type 1 diabetes; however, islets from multiple donor pancreata are required, and a gradual attrition in transplant function is seen. Here, we manufactured human umbilical cord perivascular mesenchymal stromal cells (HUCPVCs) to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. HUCPVCs showed a stable phenotype while undergoing rapid ex vivo expansion at passage 2 (p2) to passage 4 (p4) and produced proregenerative factors, strongly suppressing T cell responses in the resting state and in response to inflammation. Transplanting an islet equivalent (IEQ):HUCPVC ratio of 1:30 under the kidney capsule in diabetic NSG mice demonstrated the fastest return to normoglycemia by 3 days after transplant: Superior glycemic control was seen at both early (2.7 weeks) and later stages (7, 12, and 16 weeks) versus ratios of 1:0, 1:10, and 1:50, respectively. Syngeneic islet transplantation in immunocompetent mice using the clinically relevant hepatic portal route with a marginal islet mass showed that mice transplanted with an IEQ:HUCPVC ratio of 1:150 had superior glycemic control versus ratios of 1:0, 1:90, and 1:210 up to 6 weeks after transplant. Immunodeficient mice transplanted with human islets (IEQ:HUCPVC ratio of 1:150) exhibited better glycemic control for 7 weeks after transplant versus islet transplant alone, and islets transplanted via the hepatic portal vein in an allogeneic mouse model using a curative islet mass demonstrated delayed rejection of islets when cotransplanted with HUCPVCs (IEQ:HUCPVC ratio of 1:150). The immunosuppressive and proregenerative properties of HUCPVCs demonstrated long-term positive effects on graft function in vivo, indicating that they may improve long-term human islet allotransplantation outcomes

    Assessing the need for follow-up: The relationship of prognosis to posthospitalization adjustment

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    Parents of children (N-64) hospitalized at a psychiatric hospital between the years 1971 and 1976 rated their child's adjustment in a number of behavioral areas. Problems in school, making friends, acting age-appropriately, and handling aggression were reported to be the major sources of difficulty for 40% of the former patients. No statistical relationship was found between clinicians' prognosis at discharge and children's post-hospitalization adjustment. The authors discuss some of the variables that mitigate against accurate outcome pre diction and argue for the integration of an organized follow-up program into their treatment program.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43949/1/10578_2005_Article_BF01433501.pd

    Watching People Making Decisions: A Gogglebox on Online Consumer Interaction

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    This paper presents a research study, using eye tracking technology, to measure participant cognitive load when encountering micro-decision. It elaborates and improves on a pilot study that was used to test the experiment design. Prior research that led to a taxonomy of decision constructs faced in online transactional processes is discussed. The main findings relate to participants’ subjective cognitive load and task error rates
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