43 research outputs found

    PTA del distretto iliaco: studio clinico controllato

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    Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty CPTA) is a frequently applied technique in the treatment of peripheral occlusive arterial disease (PAOD) espe- cially when it affects large and medium caliber ves- sels. Iliac vessels PTA is preferably associated with arterial stenting in particular in the presence of vascular occlusion. This study evaluates the efficacy of PTA and stenting treatment in 75 patients with occlusion of iliac axes. The immediate results show over 98 of success rate, and the follow-up shows patency of treated segments and a significant impro- vement hi periferal symptoms. There were no major complications in the treatment of iliac PTA and sten- ting

    PTA dei tronchi tibiali nei pazienti diabetici

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    Diabetes increases the incidence and severity of limb ischemia approximately from 50 to 100. Diabetic peripheral arterial disease often affects distal limb vessels, such as the tibial and peroneal arteries, limiting the potential for collateral vessel development and reducing options for revasculari- zation. As such, patients with diabetes are more likely to develop symptomatic forms of the disease, such as intermittent claudication and critical limb ischemia, and undergo amputation. For patients aged 65 to 74 years, diabetes heightens the risk of amputation more than 20-fold, putting these patients at great risk for limb loss. We report the results of our center on a case relating to diabe- tic patients in critical ischemia of lower vessels trea- ted by PTA of distal arteries in the prospective of saving the limb from amputation

    Protists within corals : the hidden diversity

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    Previous observations suggested that microbial communities contribute to coral health and the ecological resilience of coral reefs. However, most studies of coral microbiology focused on prokaryotes and the endosymbiotic algae Symbiodinium. In contrast, knowledge concerning diversity of other protists is still lacking, possibly due to methodological constraints. As most eukaryotic DNA in coral samples was derived from hosts, protist diversity was missed in metagenome analyses. To tackle this issue, we designed blocking primers for Scleractinia sequences amplified with two primer sets that targeted variable loops of the 18S rRNA gene (18SV1V2 and 18SV4). These blocking primers were used on environmental colonies of Pocillopora damicornis sensu lato from two regions with contrasting thermal regimes (Djibouti and New Caledonia). In addition to Symbiodinium clades A/C/D, Licnophora and unidentified coccidia genera were found in many samples. In particular, coccidian sequences formed a robust monophyletic clade with other protists identified in Agaricia, Favia, Montastraea, Mycetophyllia, Porites, and Siderastrea coral colonies. Moreover, Licnophora and coccidians had different distributions between the two geographic regions. A similar pattern was observed between Symbiodinium clades C and A/D. Although we were unable to identify factors responsible for this pattern, nor were we able to confirm that these taxa were closely associated with corals, we believe that these primer sets and the associated blocking primers offer new possibilities to describe the hidden diversity of protists within different coral species

    ANGIO-SEAL: analisi su 1889 procedure per via femorale anterograda

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    Traditionally manual compression is the most fre- quent method to achieve hemostasis in percutaneus arterial access site after angiographic and interven- tional procedures. Using this technique complica- tions detected at the access site are <5 including: bleeding, pseudoaneurysm formation, occlusion of the vessel. Alternative method to traditional manual compression for hemostasis is a new system called Angio-Seal vascular device. The literature of the past 10 years is rich in contributions on the use of Angio- Seal system in the femoral artery, the majority rela- ting to its employment with retrograde arterial access. On the contrary just a few studies exist about this device usage after an antegrade access in the common femoral artery. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the use of Angio-Seal device after endovascular antegrade puncture of common femoral artery, performed in diabetic patients in critical ischemia

    Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty for critical limb ischemia in very elderly diabetic patients.

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    In diabetic subjects, new less invasive therapies for critical limb ischemia (CLI) are available to obtain limb salvage. One of these is the percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA), a minor surgical intervention which allows obtaining an effective revascularization, avoiding the traditional major surgery and its post-operative complications. Our case report regards a 94-year-old woman with CLI due to critical obstruction (stage IV according to Leriche's classification) of superficial femoral and popliteal arteries and infrapopliteal arteries that should have been treated by the left limb amputation considering her age, severe co-morbidities, and poor compliance. Instead of this quite common approach, our team treated the patient with PTA. This led to very good outcomes, above all in terms of pain control. PTA is able to avoid major surgery, lower intra and post-operative risks, reduce length of hospital stay, and preserve functional autonomy. Therefore, this procedure should be taken into account also for frail very elderly diabetic patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD). © 2013 Springer International Publishing Switzerland