345 research outputs found


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    Landscape ecology is a discipline that uses many indices to describe environmental dynamics as a function of structural patch organization. Application of landscape ecology methods can be a way to evaluate heterogeneity and fragmentation of a habitat. Landscape indices were applied to evaluate if the algal heterogeneity of a vermetid reef can be related to the reef structure. Results show that heterogeneity is independent from reef width, but algal patches are wider and less abundant in a large cuvette and less wide but in higher number in small cuvette

    Avaliação preliminar de substrato padrão europeu de Biobed contra dois solos brasileiros na degradação de resíduos pontuais de agrotóxicos.

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    Com o objetivo de encontrar alternativas no descarte de resíduos da lavagem de tratores e pulverizadores para reduzir o dano ao ambiente, foram testados 19 reatores, sendo 8 com turfa + palha de trigo + solo agrícola (SPT), 4 com Latossolo puro e 4 com Nitossolo puro

    Lipoprotein metabolism in familial hypercholesterolemia

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    Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is one of the most common genetic disorders in humans. It is an extremely atherogenic metabolic disorder characterized by lifelong elevations of circulating LDL-C levels often leading to premature cardiovascular events. In this review, we discuss the clinical phenotypes of heterozygous and homozygous FH, the genetic variants in four genes (LDLR/APOB/PCSK9/LDLRAP1) underpinning the FH phenotype as well as the most recent in vitro experimental approaches used to investigate molecular defects affecting the LDL receptor pathway. In addition, we review perturbations in the metabolism of lipoproteins other than LDL in FH, with a major focus on lipoprotein (a). Finally, we discuss the mode of action and efficacy of many of the currently approved hypocholesterolemic agents used to treat patients with FH, with a special emphasis on the treatment of phenotypically more severe forms of FH. © 2021 THE AUTHORS

    Submarine Geomorphology and Sedimentary Features around the Egadi Islands (Western Mediterranean Sea)

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    The physiography, the geomorphological features and the sedimentary bedforms offshore Egadi Islands (Italy) have been illustrated and mapped through an integrated analysis of high-resolution bathymetric, seismo-acoustic and sedimentological data. The study area is characterized by a wide, up to 25 km, continental shelf which is separated by a NNW trending linear incision, the Marettimo Channel, along which several erosional and depositional features have been detected and mapped. Sedimentary prograding wedges were detected at water depths between 100-125 m along the shelf margin, which accumulated during sea level fall and lowstand stages of the last glacio-eustatic cycle (post- MIS 5.5). The study detected several slope breaks defining scarps across the continental shelf, which were interpreted as coastal cliffs that originated during the post-LGM eustatic sea level rise. Several fields of different types of sedimentary bedforms, including 2-D and 3-D hydraulic dunes and sorted bedforms, were found across the continental shelf, providing evidence of a high hydrodynamic regime affecting the seafloor. Further on, the study recognized erosive and depositional features related to bottom currents (contourites) in the Marettimo Channel. These findings provide a better understanding of the morpho-sedimentary evolution of the Egadi Islands offshore in the latest Quaternary. Moreover, they offer essential scientific support for effectively managing the most valuable priority habitats for conservation , such as Posidonia oceanica meadow and coralline algae bioconstructions (Coralligenous habitat)

    Hiding behaviour of Oxynoe olivacea (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia: Sacoglossa) in the invasive seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia

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    The occurrence of the invasive seaweed Caulerpa taxifolia in the Straits of Messina (Italy) provides an excellent opportunity to examine the spatial and temporal patterns of abundance of the endemic Mediterranean sacoglossan Oxynoe olivacea. Densities of this species were recorded in March, June and October 2000 on three different habitats: the underside of boulders (UNB), the upper side of boulders (UPB), and the surface of concrete blocks (CB). Results showed that in March, O. olivacea was consistently more abundant on UNB whereas in June it was present exclusively on CB. The density of O. olivacea was similar in the three habitats in October. The hiding behaviour of O. olivacea and its seeming disappearance in March did not coincide with a decline of abundance of phylloids of C. taxifolia. The results represent an important basis for further studies devoted to the investigation of abundance of these marine invertebrates, which has been traditionally thought of as unpredictable

    Ca2+ permeability of the plasma membrane induced by rotavirus infection in cultured cells is inhibited by tunicamycin and brefeldin A

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    AbstractRotavirus infection of cultured cells induces a progressive increase in plasma membrane permeability to Ca2+. The viral product responsible for this effect is not known. We have used tunicamycin and brefeldin A to prevent glycosylation and membrane traffic and study the involvement of viral glycoproteins, NSP4 and/or VP7, in rotavirus-infected HT29 and MA104 cells. In infected cells, we observed an increase of plasma membrane Ca2+ permeability and a progressive depletion of agonist-releasable ER pools measured with fura 2 and an enhancement of total Ca2+ content measured as 45Ca2+ uptake. Tunicamycin inhibited the increase in membrane Ca2+ permeability, induced a depletion of agonist-releasable and 45Ca2+-sequestered pools. Brefeldin A inhibited the increase of Ca2+ permeability and the increase in 45Ca2+ uptake induced by infection. We propose that the glycosylated viral product NSP4 (and/or VP7) travels to the plasma membrane to form a Ca2+ channel and hence elevate Ca2+ permeability

    Ocean acidification impairs vermetid reef recruitment.

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    Vermetids form reefs in sub-tropical and warm-temperate waters that protect coasts from erosion, regulate sediment transport and accumulation, serve as carbon sinks and provide habitat for other species. The gastropods that form these reefs brood encapsulated larvae; they are threatened by rapid environmental changes since their ability to disperse is very limited. We used transplant experiments along a natural CO2 gradient to assess ocean acidification effects on the reef-building gastropod Dendropoma petraeum. We found that although D. petraeum were able to reproduce and brood at elevated levels of CO2, recruitment success was adversely affected. Long-term exposure to acidified conditions predicted for the year 2100 and beyond caused shell dissolution and a significant increase in shell Mg content. Unless CO2 emissions are reduced and conservation measures taken, our results suggest these reefs are in danger of extinction within this century, with significant ecological and socioeconomic ramifications for coastal systems