285 research outputs found

    Generation of microwave radiation by nonlinear interaction of a high-power, high-repetition rate, 1064-nm laser in KTP crystals

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    We report measurements of microwave (RF) generation in the centimeter band accomplished by irradiating a nonlinear KTiOPO4_4 (KTP) crystal with a home-made, infrared laser at 1064 1064\,nm as a result of optical rectification (OR). The laser delivers pulse trains of duration up to 1 μ1\,\mus. Each train consists of several high-intensity pulses at an adjustable repetition rate of approximately 4.6  4.6\,GHz. The duration of the generated RF pulses is determined by that of the pulse trains. We have investigated both microwave- and second harmonic (SHG) generation as a function of the laser intensity and of the orientation of the laser polarization with respect to the crystallographic axes of KTP.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Optics Letters, vol. 38 (2013

    Microwave emission by nonlinear crystals irradiated with a high-intensity, mode-locked laser

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    We report on the experimental investigation of the efficiency of some nonlinear crystals to generate microwave (RF) radiation as a result of optical rectification (OR) when irradiated with intense pulse trains delivered by a mode-locked laser at 1064 1064\,nm. We have investigated lithium triborate (LBO), lithium niobate (LiNbO3_3), zinc selenide (ZnSe), and also potassium titanyl orthophosphate (KTP) for comparison with previous measurements. The results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions based on the form of the second-order nonlinear susceptibility tensor. For some crystals we investigated also the second harmonic generation (SHG) to cross check the theoretical model. We confirm the theoretical prediction that OR leads to the production of higher order RF harmonics that are overtones of the laser repetition rate.Comment: accepted for publication in Journal of Optics, in pres

    Cathodo- and radioluminescence of Tm3+^{3+}:YAG and Nd3+^{3+}:YAG in an extended wavelength range

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    We have studied the cathodo- and radioluminescence of Nd:YAG and of Tm:YAG single crystals in an extended wavelength range up to ≈5 μ\approx 5\,\mum in view of developing a new kind of detector for low-energy, low-rate energy deposition events. Whereas the light yield in the visible range is as large as ≈104 \approx 10^{4}\,photons/MeV, in good agreement with literature results, in the infrared range we have found a light yield ≈5×104 \approx 5\times 10^{4}\,photons/MeV, thereby proving that ionizing radiation is particularly efficient in populating the low lying levels of rare earth doped crystals.Comment: submitted for publication in Journal of Luminescenc

    Analogue Casimir Radiation using an Optical Para- metric Oscillator

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    We establish an explicit analogy between the dynamical Casimir effect and the photon emission of a thin non-linear crystal pumped inside a cavity. This allows us to propose a system based on a type-I optical parametric oscillator (OPO) to simulate a cavity oscillating in vacuum at optical frequencies. The resulting photon flux is expected to be more easily detectable than with a mechanical excitation of the mirrors. We conclude by comparing different theoretical predictions and suggest that our experimental proposal could help discriminate between them.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, epl2 stylefile necessary to compil

    Generation of microwave fields in cavities with laser-excited nonlinear media: competition between the second- and third-order optical nonlinearities

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    We discuss a scheme for the parametric amplification of the quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic vacuum in a three-dimensional microwave resonator, and report the preliminary measurements to test its feasibility. In the present experimental scheme, the fundamental mode of a microwave cavity is nonadiabatically perturbed by modulating the index of refraction of the nonlinear optical crystal enclosed therein. Intense, multi-GHz laser pulses, such as those delivered by a mode-locked laser source, impinge on the crystal to accomplish the n-index modulation. We theoretically analyze the process of parametric generation, which is related to the third-order nonlinear coefficient \u3c7(3) of the nonlinear crystal, and assess the suitable experimental conditions for generating real photons from the vacuum. Second-order nonlinear processes are first analyzed as a possible source of spurious photons in quantum vacuum experiments when an ideal, mode-locked laser source is considered. The combination of a crystal non-null \u3c7(2) coefficient and a real mode-locked laser system\u2014i.e. one featuring offset-fromcarrier noise and unwanted secondary oscillations\u2014is also experimentally investigated, paving the way for future experiments in three-dimensional cavities

    A new technique for infrared scintillation measurements

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    We propose a new technique to measure the infrared scintillation light yield of rare earth (RE) doped crystals by comparing it to near UV-visible scintillation of a calibrated Pr:(Lu0.75_{0.75}Y0.25_{0.25})3_{3}Al5_5O12_{12} sample. As an example, we apply this technique to provide the light yield in visible and infrared range up to \SI{1700}{nm} of this crystal.Comment: submitted to NIM

    Dynamical Casimir Effect in Optically Modulated Cavities

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    Cavities with periodically oscillating mirrors have been predicted to excite photon pairs out of the quantum vacuum in a process known as the Dynamical Casimir effect. Here we propose and analyse an experimental layout that can provide an efficient modulation of the effective optical length of a cavity mode in the near-infrared spectral region. An analytical model of the dynamical Casimir emission is developed and compared to the predictions of a direct numerical solution of Maxwell's equations in real time. A sizeable intensity of dynamical Casimir emission is anticipated for realistic operating parameters. In the presence of an external coherent seed beam, we predict amplification of the seed beam and the appearance of an additional phase-conjugate beam as a consequence of stimulated dynamical Casimir processes.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Phase-coherent solitonic Josephson heat oscillator

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    Since its recent foundation, phase-coherent caloritronics has sparkled continuous interest giving rise to numerous concrete applications. This research field deals with the coherent manipulation of heat currents in mesoscopic superconducting devices by mastering the Josephson phase difference. Here, we introduce a new generation of devices for fast caloritronics able to control local heat power and temperature through manipulation of Josephson vortices, i.e., solitons. Although most salient features concerning Josephson vortices in long Josephson junctions were comprehensively hitherto explored, little is known about soliton-sustained coherent thermal transport. We demonstrate that the soliton configuration determines the temperature profile in the junction, so that, in correspondence of each magnetically induced soliton, both the flowing thermal power and the temperature significantly enhance. Finally, we thoroughly discuss a fast solitonic Josephson heat oscillator, whose frequency is in tune with the oscillation frequency of the magnetic drive. Notably, the proposed heat oscillator can effectively find application as a tunable thermal source for nanoscale heat engines and coherent thermal machines
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