28 research outputs found

    Ultrafast Carrier Relaxation in InN Nanowires Grown by Reactive Vapor Transport

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    We have studied femtosecond carrier dynamics in InN nanowires grown by reactive vapor transport. Transient differential absorption measurements have been employed to investigate the relaxation dynamics of photogenerated carriers near and above the optical absorption edge of InN NWs where an interplay of state filling, photoinduced absorption, and band-gap renormalization have been observed. The interface between states filled by free carriers intrinsic to the InN NWs and empty states has been determined to be at 1.35 eV using CW optical transmission measurements. Transient absorption measurements determined the absorption edge at higher energy due to the additional injected photogenerated carriers following femtosecond pulse excitation. The non-degenerate white light pump-probe measurements revealed that relaxation of the photogenerated carriers occurs on a single picosecond timescale which appears to be carrier density dependent. This fast relaxation is attributed to the capture of the photogenerated carriers by defect/surface related states. Furthermore, intensity dependent measurements revealed fast energy transfer from the hot photogenerated carriers to the lattice with the onset of increased temperature occurring at approximately 2 ps after pulse excitation

    Flux periodic magnetoconductance oscillations in GaAs/InAs core/shell nanowires

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    Magnetotransport experiments on epitaxial GaAs/InAs core/shell nanowires are performed in which the InAs shell forms a tube-like conductive channel around the highly resistive GaAs core. The core/shell nanowires are grown by molecular beam epitaxy. It is found that the nanowire conductance oscillates with the magnetic field oriented parallel to its axis, with a period of the magnetic flux quantum ϕ0=h/e. Related to that, it is shown that the electronic transport is mediated by closed loop quantum states encircling the wire axis rather than by electron interference of partial waves. By means of a gate voltage the conductance at zero magnetic field can be changed between an oscillation minimum and maximum. The experimental findings are supported by numerical calculations

    Universal conductance fluctuations and localization effects in InN nanowires connected in parallel

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    The low-temperature quantum transport of InN nanowires grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy is investigated. Two sets of nanowires with diameters of 100 and 45 nm originating from two different growth runs are studied. Magnetic-field-dependent as well as gate-dependent measurements of universal conductance fluctuations are performed to gain information on the phase-coherence in the electron transport. By analyzing the correlation field and the average fluctuation amplitude a phase-coherence length of several hundred nanometers is extracted for both sets of nanowires at temperatures below 1 K. Conductance fluctuations are also observed when the Fermi wavelength is varied by applying a bias voltage to a back-gate. The results on the electron phase-coherence obtained from the gate-dependent measurements are consistent with the findings from the magnetic field dependent measurements. A considerable damping of the fluctuation amplitude by ensemble averaging is achieved by connecting nanowires in parallel. The suppression of the fluctuation amplitude is studied systematically by measuring samples with different numbers of nanowires. By utilizing the damping of the conductance fluctuations by connecting nanowires in parallel in combination with an averaging over the gate voltage, weak localization effects are resolved. For both sets of nanowires a clear evidence of the weak antilocalization is found, which indicates the presence of spin-orbit coupling. For the spin-orbit scattering length l(so) values in the order of 100 nm are extracted. (c) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3516216

    Flux Quantisation Effects in InN Nanowires

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    InN nanowires, grown by plasma-enhanced molecular beam epitaxy, were investigated by means of magnetotransport. By performing temperature-dependent transport measurements and current measurements on a large number of nanowires of different dimensions, it is proven that the carrier transport mainly takes place in a tube-like surface electron gas. Measurements on three representative nanowires under an axially oriented magnetic field revealed pronounced magnetoconductance oscillations with a periodicity corresponding to a single magnetic flux quantum. The periodicity is explained by the effect of the magnetic flux penetrating the coherent circular quantum states in the InN nanowires, rather than by Aharonov-Bohm type interferences. The occurrence of the single magnetic flux quantum periodicity is attributed to the magnetic flux dependence of phase-coherent circular states with different angular momentum quantum numbers forming the one-dimensional transport channels. These phase coherent states can exist because of the almost ideal crystalline properties of the InN nanowires prepared by self-assembled growth

    Electronic Transport with Dielectric Confinement in Degenerate InN Nanowires

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    In this Letter, we present the size effects on charge conduction in InN nanowires by comprehensive transport studies supported by theoretical analysis. A consistent model for highly degenerate narrow gap semiconductor nanowires is developed. In contrast to common knowledge of InN, there is no evidence of an enhanced surface conduction, however, high intrinsic doping exists. Furthermore, the room-temperature resistivity exhibits a strong increase when the lateral size becomes smaller than 80 nm and the temperature dependence changes from metallic to semiconductor-like. This effect is modeled by donor deactivation due to dielectric confinement, yielding a shift of the donor band to higher ionization energies as the size shrinks