72 research outputs found

    Highly Sensitive Fluorescence Probe Based on Functional SBA-15 for Selective Detection of Hg2+

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    An inorganic–organic hybrid fluorescence chemosensor (DA/SBA-15) was prepared by covalent immobilization of a dansylamide derivative into the channels of mesoporous silica material SBA-15 via (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (APTES) groups. The primary hexagonally ordered mesoporous structure of SBA-15 was preserved after the grafting procedure. Fluorescence characterization shows that the obtained inorganic–organic hybrid composite is highly selective and sensitive to Hg2+ detection, suggesting the possibility for real-time qualitative or quantitative detection of Hg2+ and the convenience for potential application in toxicology and environmental science

    Petrological and geochemical evidence on the origin and significance of the permian magmatism in the Central-Eastern Southern Alps, Italy

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    Aspetti metabolici, fisiologici e metodologici dell\u2019ipertrofia muscolare nel recupero funzionale.

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    Nell\u2019ambito del recupero funzionale spesso grossa attenzione viene posta agli aspetti metodologici e fisiologici della componente propriocettiva e neurologica mentre gli aspetti collegati al trofismo muscolare, pur di fondamentale importanza in un iter corretto di \u201crestitutio ad integrum\u201d, sono trascurati o trattati rifacendosi a concetti spesso obsoleti. In realt\ue0 le conoscenze sugli aspetti dell\u2019ipertrofia muscolare, pur non avendo fatto ancora piena luce su tutte le cause coinvolte in questo fenomeno, si sono molto ampliate negli ultimi anni: la conoscenza degli aspetti fisiologici e metabolici dell\u2019ipertrofia muscolare pu\uf2 quindi diventare di fondamentale importanza nell\u2019impostare protocolli di intervento che agiscano con la massima efficacia, il minor rischio e nel minor tempo possibile sull\u2019aumento del trofismo muscolare nel soggetto reduce da infortuni o da interventi chirurgici. Tenteremo quindi una breve disamina dei meccanismi alla base del fenomeno dell\u2019ipertrofia muscolare

    Evolution of large silicic magma systems: new U/Pb zircon data on the NW Permian Athesian Volcanic Group (Southern Alps, Italy)

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    During the Permian, the Southern Alps were affected by prominent igneous activity that produced voluminous basic to acidic volcanic and plutonic rocks. The magmatism originated during a period in which postorogenic extension and transtensional faulting controlled magma ascent and emplacement. Within this scenario, the Athesian Volcanic Group (AG), with lithologies ranging from basaltic andesites to rhyolites, constitutes a major part of the Permian magmatism in the central and eastern Southern Alps. We present an up-to-date stratigraphic reconstruction of the northwestern sector of the AG volcanic sequence combining detailed field mapping and new geochronological data. Single-zircon U-Pb age data suggest that the volcanism in the AG lasted ca. 10 m.yr., between 285 and 274 Ma, with a deposition rate that increased throughout the eruptive cycle. The processes of magma deposition and basin formation were strongly influenced by tectonic activity over the entire history of the AG. At least two major caldera margins have been identified. The age of the Tregiovo Basin, formerly based on palynostratigraphic constraints, is now bracketed between radioisotope ages of the underlying and overlying volcanics at 276:5 ± 1:1 to 274:1 ± 1:6 Ma. All the determined singlezircon U-Pb ages fit well into the general age pattern found for the Permian magmatism in the Southern Alps, suggesting that the process of magma generation and emplacement in the lower crust, hybridization, and upper-crustal emplacement occurred contemporaneously, that is, within a short time span between ca. 285 and 274 Ma, along the entire transect of the Southern Alps

    Development and validation of a multi-residue extraction method for the determination of organic micropollutants in surface water

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    The water pollution assessment to evaluate environmental quality standard on compliance with European Directive 2013/39/EU needs complex analytical approaches to satisfy legislation requirements about quantification of a wide range of pollutants, with different physicochemical properties and concentration levels (trace or ultra-trace). To accomplish this task, a multi-residue method for screening, quantification and confirmation of multiclass pollutants in surface water has been developed. It is based on an integrated approach where solid phase extraction (SPE), gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (GC–MS/MS) and liquid chromatography– tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) are simultaneously employed. Target compounds, including several groups of emerging and persistent contaminants (as defined in the 2000/60/EC European Water Framework Directive) and, specifically, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), phthalate, alkylphenols, polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDE), chlorophenols and chloroalkanes were investigated. The multi-residual method was validated according to DLG n°19/2010 with regards to two different concentration levels. According to the Environmental Quality Standard (EQS) they are defined as (i) the maximum concentration of a substance in natural water that does not affect the quality of water and (ii) the limit of quantification (LOQ), which must be lower than 1/3 of EQS. Recovery rates of SPE were from 62 to 105%. Precision of method, calculated as relative standard deviation (RSD), was below 27% for most of tested compounds. In conclusion, this method allows for rapid and reliable determination of different classes of organic micropollutants present at trace and ultra-trace levels in complex water matrices, such as surface water
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