206 research outputs found

    Ten years of lateral flow immunoassay technique applications: Trends, challenges and future perspectives

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    The Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LFIA) is by far one of the most successful analytical platforms to perform the on-site detection of target substances. LFIA can be considered as a sort of lab-in-a-hand and, together with other point-of-need tests, has represented a paradigm shift from sample-to-lab to lab-to-sample aiming to improve decision making and turnaround time. The features of LFIAs made them a very attractive tool in clinical diagnostic where they can improve patient care by enabling more prompt diagnosis and treatment decisions. The rapidity, simplicity, relative cost-effectiveness, and the possibility to be used by nonskilled personnel contributed to the wide acceptance of LFIAs. As a consequence, from the detection of molecules, organisms, and (bio)markers for clinical purposes, the LFIA application has been rapidly extended to other fields, including food and feed safety, veterinary medicine, environmental control, and many others. This review aims to provide readers with a 10-years overview of applications, outlining the trends for the main application fields and the relative compounded annual growth rates. Moreover, future perspectives and challenges are discussed

    NanoMIP-based solid phase extraction of fluoroquinolones from human urine: A proof-of-concept study

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    NanoMIPs that are prepared by solid phase synthesis have proven to be very versatile, but to date only limited attention has been paid to their use in solid phase extraction. Thus, since nanoMIPs show close similarities, in terms of binding behavior, to antibodies, it seems relevant to verify if it is possible to use them as mimics of the natural antibodies that are used in immunoextraction methods. As a proof-of-concept, we considered prepared nanoMIPs against fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin. Several nanoMIPs were prepared in water with polymerization mixtures of different compositions. The polymer with the highest affinity towards ciprofloxacin was then grafted onto a solid support and used to set up a solid phase extraction–HPLC method with fluorescence detection, for the determination of fluoroquinolones in human urine. The method resulted in successful selection for the fluoroquinolone antibiotics, such that the nanoMIPs were suitable for direct extraction of the antibiotics from the urine samples at the µg mL−1 level. They required no preliminary treatment, except for a 1 + 9 (v/v) dilution with a buffer of pH 4.5 and they had good analyte recovery rates; up to 85% with precision in the range of 3 to 4.5%, without interference from the matrix. These experimental results demonstrate, for the first time, the feasibility of the use of nanoMIPs to develop solid phase extraction methods

    Health literacy among non-familial caregivers of older adults: A study conducted in Tuscany (Italy)

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    Many older adults who live at home depend on a caregiver. When familial support cannot provide the necessary care, paid caregivers are frequently hired. Health literacy (HL) is the knowledge and competence required of people to meet the complex demands of health in modern society. The aim of this study is to assess the HL level of paid non-familial caregivers who were enrolled through two different sources: from the homes of assisted people in two Tuscan health districts (first sample) and during job interviews in a home care agency operating in Florence (second sample). The two different recruitment contexts allow us to provide a broader view of the phenomenon, presenting a picture of the HL level of those who are already working and those who are looking for a new job in this field. One-on-one face-to-face interviews, which include the administration of the Newest Vital Sign (NVS) to measure HL, were conducted. Recruitment resulted in 84 caregivers in the first sample and 68 in the second sample. In the first sample, the mean age was 51.2 ± 9 years; 94% of the participants were women. A high likelihood or likelihood of inadequate HL (i.e., a low level of HL) was found in 73.8% of cases. In the second sample, the mean age was 43.7 ± 11.5 years; 83.8% of the participants were women, and 80.9% had a low level of HL. In both samples, HL was statistically associated with the level of understanding of the Italian language. In conclusion, inadequate HL is an under-recognized problem among non-familial caregivers. Educational programs that aim to increase HL skills could be an effective approach to improving the qualification of informal healthcare professionals

    Adverse events during longterm low-dose glucocorticoid treatment of polymyalgia rheumatica: a retrospective study

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    To assess the occurrence of adverse events in a cohort of patients with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR), treated with low-dose glucocorticoids (GC). METHODS: This was a retrospective study by review of medical records. RESULTS: We identified 222 patients who had a mean duration of followup of 60 ± 22 months and a mean duration of GC therapy of 46 ± 22 months. We found that 95 patients (43%) had at least 1 adverse event after a mean duration of GC therapy of 31 ± 22 months and a mean cumulative dose of 3.4 ± 2.4 g. In particular, 55 developed osteoporosis, 31 had fragility fractures; 27 developed arterial hypertension; 11 diabetes mellitus; 9 acute myocardial infarction; 3 stroke; and 2 peripheral arterial disease. Univariate analysis showed that the duration of GC treatment was significantly associated with osteoporosis (p < 0.0001), fragility fractures (p < 0.0001), arterial hypertension (p < 0.005), and acute myocardial infarction (p < 0.05). Cumulative GC dose was significantly associated with osteoporosis (p < 0.0001), fragility fractures (p < 0.0001), and arterial hypertension (p < 0.01). The adverse events occurred more frequently after 2 years of treatment. Multivariate analysis showed that GC duration was significantly associated with osteoporosis (adjusted OR 1.02, 95% CI 1.02-1.05) and arterial hypertension (adjusted OR 1.03, 95% CI 1.01-1.06); GC cumulative dose was significantly associated with fragility fractures (adjusted OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.03-1.8). CONCLUSION: Longterm, low-dose GC treatment of PMR is associated with serious adverse events such as osteoporosis, fractures, and arterial hypertension; these adverse events occur mostly after 2 years of treatment

    Prevalence of Blood Types and Alloantibodies of the AB Blood Group System in Non-Pedigree Cats from Northern (Lombardy) and Southern (Sicily) Italy

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    The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of A, B and AB blood types and alloantibodies in non-pedigree cats from two regions, one in Northern and one in Southern Italy (Lombardy and Sicily, respectively). A total of 448 samples (52.0% from Northern and 48.0% from Southern Italy) were blood typed. The prevalence of A, B and AB blood types in northern and southern cats were 91.0%, 5.2%, 3.8%, and 77.2%, 12.1% and 10.7%, respectively. The prevalence of type-A blood in southern cats was significantly lower (p = 0.0001) than in northern cats, while type-B and AB blood were significantly higher (p = 0.0085 and p = 0.0051, respectively) in Southern compared to Northern Italian cats. Alloantibodies against type-A blood were found in 94.1% of type-B cats, 11.2% of type-A cats had alloantibodies against type-B blood, while no type-AB cats had alloantibodies with no significant difference between the two Italian populations. Type-AB prevalence in non-pedigree cats in Southern Italy was the highest reported in Europe. Italian type-A cats had the lowest worldwide prevalence of alloantibodies against type-B blood. These results highlight the usefulness of regional studies to report different prevalences in feline blood types and reinforce the importance of blood typing cats before transfusions and mating
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