15 research outputs found

    Cyclical budget balance measurement

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    Government balances are often adjusted for changes in economic activity in order to draw a clearer picture of the underlying fiscal situation and to use this as a guide to fiscal policy analysis. International organisations estimate the cyclical component of economic activity by the current level of the output gap. Using elasticities of tax and public expenditures to GDP, they compute the cyclical part of budget balance. The structural budget balance is defined as the remainder. Our approach is different, as it rests on the estimation of a bivariate VAR. Variables used are the budget balance in percents of GDP, and the annual rate of growth of GDP. The structural part of the budget balance is defined as the one which would have occurred had GDP never deviated from its trend. Hence, past business cycles affect the cyclical part of the budget balance, contrary to what more traditional methods assume. In our method, systematic cyclical policies de facto affect the cyclical balance. Our estimated changes in structural balances are consistent with previous methods, given the fairly large standard errors. However, these methods yield significantly different predictions at the peaks and troughs of business cycles : according to our method, structural balances consolidated by more in 1990-1991 and deteriorated by more in 1994-1995.fiscal policy, VAR, cycles, structural budget balance

    The impact of ICT capital accumulation - A complete macroeconomic framework

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    The paper aims at assessing the net impact of the accumulation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) capital on the economy. In a first part, focusing on the supply-side of the economy, we show that the growth accounting methodology cannot provide us with a measure of the net economic impact of ICT capital accumulation, since it does not take into account substitution between production factors. We develop a theoretical framework relying on the profit optimizing behaviour of firms that enables us to quantify the missing terms. Applying to French data over the period 1995-2000, with reasonable assumptions on elasticities of substitution, we find that the net impact of ICT capital accumulation on labour productivity growth is half the one computed by growth accounting studies. In a second part, we use this long-term framework in a macroeconometric model. We find that long-term effects have a small magnitude, and the demand effects are the larger ones over the period 1995-2000. However, total impact is rather weak, less than 0.1 percentage of PIB per year.growth accounting, aggregate productivity, elasticity of substitution, information and communication technologies, macroeconometric models

    Is the transmission of crude oil prices to gasoline prices asymmetric?

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    This paper provides evidence based on French macroeconomic data, that shocks on the cost of oil inputs are transmitted asymmetrically to the prices of fuel. We use an error correction model to estimate the dynamics of the transmission of the cost of crude oil expressed in French currency, to the production and before taxes retail prices of several kinds of fuel. We simulate the responses of the production and retail prices to positive as well as negative shocks affecting the cost of crude oil for three kinds of fuel: premium, diesel oil and domestic fuel oil. We also test for the presence of asymmetries in the transmission of crude oil to retail prices for two kinds of unleaded premium. The results for all five products robustly point to the existence of an asymmetry in the overall transmission of positive and negative cost shocks to prices, in the sense that crude oil cost increases are added to retail fuel prices faster than decreases are substracted. In the case of diesel oil, the asymmetry turns out to be significant at the production as well as the distribution stages. For domestic fuel oil, however, only firststage (production) asymmetries are significant, whereas for premium only secondstage (distribution) asymmetries may be robustly pointed out. Finally, measured asymmetry lengths range from one month to one quarter.prices, oil, asymmetry, error correction models, bootstrap

    Quantifying the tuneable interactions between colloid supported lipid bilayers

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    Colloid supported lipid bilayers (CSLBs) are formed via the rupture and fusion of lipid vesicles to coat spherical colloidal particles. CSLBs are an emerging vector for the controlled self-assembly of colloids due to the ability to include additives into the bilayer, which influence the (a)specific interactions between particles. To evaluate the specificity of CSLB assembly, first a fundamental study on the tunability of the colloidal interaction and resulting colloidal stability of CSLBs without specific interactions is reported here. It was found that both fluid and gel CSLBs showed significant clustering and attraction, while the addition of steric stabilizers induced a profound increase in stability. The interactions were rendered attractive again by the introduction of depletion forces via the addition of free non-adsorbing polymers. The compositions of fluid and gel CSLBs with 5% membrane stabiliser were concluded to be optimal for further studies where both colloidal stability, and contrasting membrane fluidity are required. These experimental findings were confirmed semi-quantitatively by predictions using numerical self-consistent mean-field theory lattice computations

    Chemical dependence on crack: experiences and perceptions of internship students of a medical school

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    Study design: Cross-sectional and qualitative study. Objectives: This study investigates experiences and identifies the perceptions of ninth-term intern medical students of a public university on the crack addiction issue. Methods: A qualitative-approach and cross-sectional study which had as the research tool a semi-structured, individual interview allowing broad speech of students. Recording reports were transcribed and content analysis carried out according to Bardin. Results: categories were identified concerning the feeling of experience, the students’ perception on crack addiction and their learning on the subject, physical impairments and additional damages, besides how society should deal with the addiction on crack. The feelings of compassion and preservation are present in their experiences. Students point out economic, professional and family issues as the sources of serious crack addiction consequences. They also take into account the social and existential damages, the self-destruction, violence and weight loss caused on crack users, as well as the codependency. There is a great concern on the part of students related to prevention, education, information, elimination of prejudice, as well as demands of government efforts to combat crack. Conclusion: The intern medical students consider crack addiction both a social problem and a disease; define learning about addiction by crack insufficient throughout the course. Their experiences and perceptions generate positive impacts since they prospect better prepared graduates who shall receive the one addicted and his family in a broader, more effective and humane wayModelo de estudo: Estudo transversal e qualitativo. Objetivos: Este trabalho investiga as vivências e identifica as percepções dos discentes do internato do nono período de medicina de uma universidade pública, sobre dependência química pelo crack. Metodologia: Estudo transversal de abordagem qualitativa, cujo instrumento da pesquisa foi uma entrevista individual, utilizando-se um roteiro semiestruturado, que permite amplo discurso dos discentes. As falas das gravações foram transcritas e depois realizada a análise do conteúdo segundo Bardin. Resultados: Foram identificadas categorias referentes ao sentimento da vivência, à percepção do discente sobre a dependência do crack e seu aprendizado sobre o tema, aos comprometimentos físicos, aos outros prejuízos causados e a como a sociedade deve lidar diante da dependência química pelo crack. Os sentimentos de compaixão e de preservação estão presentes em suas vivências. Os discentes relacionam as questões econômicas, profissionais e familiares como fontes das graves consequências do crack. Valorizam os prejuízos sociais e existenciais, a autodestruição, a violência e o emagrecimento que o crack causa aos usuários, além da codependência. É grande a preocupação dos discentes com a prevenção, educação, informação, eliminação do preconceito e cobranças de ações governamentais para combate ao crack. Conclusão: Os discentes do internato consideram a dependência química pelo crack como problema social e doença. Definem como insuficiente o aprendizado sobre a dependência química pelo crack durante o curso. Suas vivências e percepções geram impactos positivos, pois apontam para futuros egressos melhor preparados, que deverão acolher o dependente e sua família de forma mais ampla, humana e efica

    Quantifying the tuneable interactions between colloid supported lipid bilayers

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    Colloid supported lipid bilayers (CSLBs) are formed via the rupture and fusion of lipid vesicles to coat spherical colloidal particles. CSLBs are an emerging vector for the controlled self-assembly of colloids due to the ability to include additives into the bilayer, which influence the (a)specific interactions between particles. To evaluate the specificity of CSLB assembly, first a fundamental study on the tunability of the colloidal interaction and resulting colloidal stability of CSLBs without specific interactions is reported here. It was found that both fluid and gel CSLBs showed significant clustering and attraction, while the addition of steric stabilizers induced a profound increase in stability. The interactions were rendered attractive again by the introduction of depletion forces via the addition of free non-adsorbing polymers. The compositions of fluid and gel CSLBs with 5% membrane stabiliser were concluded to be optimal for further studies where both colloidal stability, and contrasting membrane fluidity are required. These experimental findings were confirmed semi-quantitatively by predictions using numerical self-consistent mean-field theory lattice computations

    Les groupes psychoéducatifs destinés aux proches et aux patients souffrant de schizophrénie: l'expérience lausannoise

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    En Suisse, la schizophrénie affecte directement ou indirectement environ 260 000 personnes si l'on considère les patients eux-mêmes [60 000] et leurs proches [plus de 200 000]. Ces patients vivent la plupart du temps hors de l'hôpital et les familles jouent un rôle majeur dans leur prise en charge. Pour les soignants, établir un partenariat avec les malades et les proches est devenu essentiel et dans ce but, des groupes psychoéducatifs destinés aux patients et/ou à leur famille sont proposés par la plupart des services spécialisés. Une revue de la littérature montre que ces groupes permettent de réduire d'environ 20% le taux de rechute et sont à même d'améliorer la qualité de vie des malades et de leurs proches, voire les coûts des traitements. Le présent article décrit les groupes psychoéducatifs proposés par la section "E. Minkowski" - spécialisées dans le traitement de patients souffrant de schizophrénie ou d'un trouble apparenté - du Département universitaire de psychiatrie adulte de Lausanne: le groupe "Profamille", destiné aux proches des personnes souffrant de schizophrénie, et le groupe "Prelapse" qui s'adresse aux patients

    Impact of poly(ethylene glycol) functionalized lipids on ordering and fluidity of colloid supported lipid bilayers

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    Colloid supported lipid bilayers (CSLBs) are highly appealing building blocks for functional colloids. In this contribution, we critically evaluate the impact on lipid ordering and CSLB fluidity of inserted additives. We focus on poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) bearing lipids, which are commonly introduced to promote colloidal stability. We investigate whether their effect on the CSLB is related to the incorporated amount and chemical nature of the lipid anchor. To this end, CSLBs were prepared from lipids with a low or high melting temperature (Tm), DOPC, and DPPC, respectively. Samples were supplemented with either 0, 5 or 10 mol% of either a low or high Tm PEGylated lipid, DOPE-PEG2000 or DSPE-PEG2000, respectively. Lipid ordering was probed via differential scanning calorimetry and fluidity by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. We find that up to 5 mol% of either PEGylated lipids could be incorporated into both membranes without any pronounced effects. However, the fluorescence recovery of the liquid-like DOPC membrane was markedly decelerated upon incorporating 10 mol% of either PEGylated lipids, whilst insertion of the anchoring lipids (DOPE and DSPE without PEG2000) had no detectable impact. Therefore, we conclude that the amount of incorporated PEG stabilizer, not the chemical nature of the lipid anchor, should be tuned carefully to achieve sufficient colloidal stability without compromising the membrane dynamics. These findings offer guidance for the experimental design of studies using CSLBs, such as those focusing on the consequences of intra- and inter-particle inhomogeneities for multivalent binding and the impact of additive mobility on superselectivity. Graphical abstract: Impact of poly(ethylene glycol) functionalized lipids on ordering and fluidity of colloid supported lipid bilayer

    Reversibly Programmable Photonics via Responsive Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Cladding

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    Reversibly programmable photonic integrated circuits (PICs) that can facilitate multifunctionality have been long sought after to deliver user-level design flexibility. Issues like complicated control, continuous power consumption, and high optical losses hinder their large-scale adaptation. In this work, a novel approach toward programmable photonics using a responsive polyelectrolyte multilayer (PEM) cladding is presented. Reversible (de)swelling of PEMs by consecutive exposure to acidic and neutral pH solutions yields highly contrasting refractive index changes in the dry film. Utilizing this effect, an easily applied technique for programming photonic integrated devices with two different approaches, complete and area-selective deposition, for several reversible cycles is demonstrated. These devices operate at two distinct states that are virtually lossless and nonvolatile. This proof-of-concept demonstration is suitable for various photonic integration platforms to facilitate reconfigurable photonic processors, static memories, and fine-tuning of fabrication related limitations. Therefore, these results are the first step toward PEM-assisted reversibly programmable multipurpose PICs for low-cost mass production