390 research outputs found

    Cassava pest management

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    Manejo de plagas en yuca

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    Aspects related to pest management in cassava are discussed: (1) favorable factors involved insect/plant/environment interactions; (2) characteristics of insect survival; (3) integrated, biological control and pest management. On the basis of research conducted by CIAT on Erinnyis ello, a management program is proposed which incorporates different techniques such as biological control [natural enemies of eggs (Trichogramma spp., Telenomus spp.), larvae (Polistes spp., Podisus sp., Apanteles sp., Drino sp., Belsovia sp. and Chetogena sp.) and pathogens (Bacillus spp. and the nuclear granulosis virus)], light traps and manual collection of larvae. The habits, order and family of parasites, predators and pathogens of E. ello are given in table form. (CIAT)Se discuten aspectos relacionados con el manejo de plagas en la yuca: 1) factores favorables involucrados en la interaccion insecto/planta/medio ambiente; 2) caracteristicas de supervivencia de los insectos; 3) control integrado, biologico y manejo de plagas. Con base en las investigaciones realizadas por el CIAT sobre Erinnyis ello, se propone un programa de manejo que incorpora diferentes tecnicas como: control biologico (enemigos naturales de huevos (Trichogramma spp., Telenomus sp.), de larvas (Polistes spp., Podisus sp., Apanteles sp., Drino sp., Belsovia sp., y Chetogena sp.) y patogenos (Bacillus spp. y el virus de la granulosis nuclear), trampas de luz y recoleccion manual de larvas. Se presentan en forma de cuadro los habitos, ordenes y familias de los parasitos, predatores y patogenos de E. ello. (CIAT

    Insectos y ácaros de la yuca y su control

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    Insects and mites that attack cassava are described and grouped according to the part of the plant affected, and some control measures are given: (1) Insects that attack planting material: scale insects (Aonidomytilus albus), fruit flies (Anastrepha spp.) and stemborers (Coleoptera). (2) Cuttings and seedling damage: white grubs (Leucopholis rorida and Phyllophaga sp.), cutworms (Agrotis ipsilon and Prodenia eridania), termites (Coptotermes spp.) and crickets (Gryllus assimilis and Gryllotalpa sp.). (3) Insects and mites that attack the aerial part: (a) leaf-eating insects: cassava hornworm (Erinnyis ello), leaf-cutting ants (Atta sp. and Acromyrmex sp.); (b) mites and piercing insects: mites (Tetranychus urticae, Oligonychus peruvianus and Mononychellus tanajoa), cassava lace bug (Vatiga manihotae) and whiteflies (Aleyrodidae); (c) rasping insects: thrips (Frankliniella williamsi); (d) insects that attack stems: shoot flies (Silba pendula, Carpolonchaea chalybea), fruit flies and stemborers; (e) leaf deformers: gall midges (Iatrophobia brasiliensis); (f) insects that attack the external stem: scale insects and mealybugs (Phenacoccus spp.). (4) Storage pests of dried cassava (Stegobium paniceum, Araecerus fasciculatus, Rhizopertha dominica, Dinoderus minutus, Tribolium casteneum and Latheticus oryzae). Finally, it is concluded that integrated pest control in cassava should be based on the interaction of biological control, var. resistance and cultural practices. (CIAT)Se describen los insectos y acaros que atacan la yuca, agrupados segun la parte de la planta que afectan, y se presentan algunas medidas de control: 1) Insectos que atacan el material de siembra: insectos escamas (Aonidomytilus albus), mosca de la fruta (Anastrepha spp.) y barrenadores del tallo (Coleoptera). 2) Dano de las estacas y plantulas: chizas blancas (Leucopholis rorida y Phyllophaga sp.), gusanos trozadores (Agrotis ipsilon y Prodenia eridania), comejenes o termitas (Coptotermes spp.) y grillos (Gryllus assimilis y Gryllotalpa sp.). 3) Insectos y acaros que atacan las partes aereas: a) consumidores del follaje: gusano cachon (Erinnyis ello), hormiga cortadora de hojas (Atta sp. y Acromymex sp.); b) acaros e insectos chupadores: acaros (Tetranychus urticae, Oligonychus peruvianus y Mononychellus tanajoa), chinche de encaje (Vatiga manihotae) y mosca blanca (Aleyrodidae); c) Insectos raspadores: trips (Frankliniella williamsi); d) insectos perforadores del tallo: mosca del cogollo (Silba pendula, Carpolonchaea chalybea), mosca de la fruta y barrenadores del tallo; e) deformadores foliares: mosca de las agallas (Latrophobia brasiliensis), f) insectos que atacan el tallo externamente: insectos escamas y piojo harinoso (Phenacoccus spp.). 4) Plagas dela yuca seca almacenada: Stegobium paniceum, Araecerus fasciculatus, Rhizopertha dominica, Dinoderus minutus, Tribolium casteneum y Latheticus oryzae. Finalmente se concluye que un programa de control integrado de las plagas de la yuca se debe basar en la interaccion del control biologico, la resistencia varietal y las practicas culturales. (CIAT

    Insects and mites that attack cassava, and their control

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    Nuestra experiencia en esplenectomĂ­a laparoscĂłpica versus convencional. Our experience in laparoscopic splenectomy versus conventional splenectomy

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    Se realizó un estudio comparativo transversal de 28 pacientes con enfermedades hematológicas a los cuales se les realizó esplenectomía, 14 por la vía convencional y 14 por cirugía de mínimo acceso, con el objetivo de realizar una comparación entre ambas técnicas quirúrgicas, en el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital Universitario Abel Santamaría, en el período comprendido desde Mayo de1996 hasta Mayo del 2002. Se aplicó una encuesta tomando como fuente las historias clínicas que se encuentran en el archivo del hospital, donde se analizó la edad, diagnóstico preoperatorio, tiempo quirúrgico, complicaciones, estadía hospitalaria, y a los resultados les fue aplicado el método estadístico de Chi cuadrado. Los principales resultados encontrados en nuestro trabajo fueron: en el grupo de esplenectomía laparoscópica 12 pacientes se fueron de alta en las primeras 96 horas, se operaron 8 pacientes entre 180 y 240 minutos y este grupo presentó costos hospitalarios menores. En el grupo de Esplenectomía convencional 11 pacientes se fueron de alta entre los 7 y 20 días, 12 pacientes se operaron entre 60 y 180 minutos y presentaron sepsis de la herida quirúrgica 6 casos. Palabras clave: BAZO/cirugía, ESPLENECTOMIA PERITONEOSCOPIA ABSTRACT A comparative cross ? sectional study is performed in 28 patients suffering from blood disorders who underwent a splecnectomy (14 using the conventional approach and 14, the minimal access procedures) aimed at performing a comparison between both surgical procedures by Surgical Department at Abel Santamaría University Hospital during May 1996 ? May 2002. A survey was being carried out taking the clinical records from the hospital archive and age, preoperative diagnosis, surgery time, complications, hospital stay were analyzed and it was used the chi ? square statistical method. The main results found in out study were: 12 patients were discharged from the hospital after 96 hours (laparoscopic splenectomy group), the surgery time in patients ranged between 180 and 240 minutes and this group presented the lower hospital cost. In the conventional splenectomy group, 11 patients were discharged ranged between 60 and 180 minutes and presented wound sepsis (6 cases).Key words: SPLEEN/surgery, SPLENECTOMY, PERITONEOSCOPY

    Nuestra experiencia en esplenectomĂ­a laparoscĂłpica versus convencional. Our experience in laparoscopic splenectomy versus conventional splenectomy

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    Se realizó un estudio comparativo transversal de 28 pacientes con enfermedades hematológicas a los cuales se les realizó esplenectomía, 14 por la vía convencional y 14 por cirugía de mínimo acceso, con el objetivo de realizar una comparación entre ambas técnicas quirúrgicas, en el Servicio de Cirugía del Hospital Universitario Abel Santamaría, en el período comprendido desde Mayo de1996 hasta Mayo del 2002. Se aplicó una encuesta tomando como fuente las historias clínicas que se encuentran en el archivo del hospital, donde se analizó la edad, diagnóstico preoperatorio, tiempo quirúrgico, complicaciones, estadía hospitalaria, y a los resultados les fue aplicado el método estadístico de Chi cuadrado. Los principales resultados encontrados en nuestro trabajo fueron: en el grupo de esplenectomía laparoscópica 12 pacientes se fueron de alta en las primeras 96 horas, se operaron 8 pacientes entre 180 y 240 minutos y este grupo presentó costos hospitalarios menores. En el grupo de Esplenectomía convencional 11 pacientes se fueron de alta entre los 7 y 20 días, 12 pacientes se operaron entre 60 y 180 minutos y presentaron sepsis de la herida quirúrgica 6 casos. Palabras clave: BAZO/cirugía, ESPLENECTOMIA PERITONEOSCOPIA ABSTRACT A comparative cross ? sectional study is performed in 28 patients suffering from blood disorders who underwent a splecnectomy (14 using the conventional approach and 14, the minimal access procedures) aimed at performing a comparison between both surgical procedures by Surgical Department at Abel Santamaría University Hospital during May 1996 ? May 2002. A survey was being carried out taking the clinical records from the hospital archive and age, preoperative diagnosis, surgery time, complications, hospital stay were analyzed and it was used the chi ? square statistical method. The main results found in out study were: 12 patients were discharged from the hospital after 96 hours (laparoscopic splenectomy group), the surgery time in patients ranged between 180 and 240 minutes and this group presented the lower hospital cost. In the conventional splenectomy group, 11 patients were discharged ranged between 60 and 180 minutes and presented wound sepsis (6 cases).Key words: SPLEEN/surgery, SPLENECTOMY, PERITONEOSCOPY

    Orientation of the Calcium Channel β Relative to the α12.2 Subunit Is Critical for Its Regulation of Channel Activity

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    BACKGROUND: The Ca(v)beta subunits of high voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels control the trafficking and biophysical properties of the alpha(1) subunit. The Ca(v)beta-alpha(1) interaction site has been mapped by crystallographic studies. Nevertheless, how this interaction leads to channel regulation has not been determined. One hypothesis is that betas regulate channel gating by modulating movements of IS6. A key requirement for this direct-coupling model is that the linker connecting IS6 to the alpha-interaction domain (AID) be a rigid structure. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The present study tests this hypothesis by altering the flexibility and orientation of this region in alpha(1)2.2, then testing for Ca(v)beta regulation using whole cell patch clamp electrophysiology. Flexibility was induced by replacement of the middle six amino acids of the IS6-AID linker with glycine (PG6). This mutation abolished beta2a and beta3 subunits ability to shift the voltage dependence of activation and inactivation, and the ability of beta2a to produce non-inactivating currents. Orientation of Ca(v)beta with respect to alpha(1)2.2 was altered by deletion of 1, 2, or 3 amino acids from the IS6-AID linker (Bdel1, Bdel2, Bdel3, respectively). Again, the ability of Ca(v)beta subunits to regulate these biophysical properties were totally abolished in the Bdel1 and Bdel3 mutants. Functional regulation by Ca(v)beta subunits was rescued in the Bdel2 mutant, indicating that this part of the linker forms beta-sheet. The orientation of beta with respect to alpha was confirmed by the bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These results show that the orientation of the Ca(v)beta subunit relative to the alpha(1)2.2 subunit is critical, and suggests additional points of contact between these subunits are required for Ca(v)beta to regulate channel activity
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